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Chandrayaan 3 - a curtain raiser by ISRO

ISRO uses Vikas engines on its entire line up. They are based on licensed copy of Viking engines from 70s from france. Almost entire technology is copied - nothing in new. huge vanity project.

So NASA budget is 30 times more than ISRO budget. And china has $12 billion. But if you look satellies and launches of china it is far more than what ISRO delivers.
Am glad to see that, you are at least half way honest even when trolling

France transferred this tech to India, in return for certain man hour work from ISRO. Its a fair trade, and India or ISRO never said that its a engine developed from scratch either. The data is out in the public

What you forget to mention though, is that India improved on this engine. The Viking engine's max thrust is 805 KN, but Vikas engine produces 850 KN. In addition the French components that were used initially, were then localized as well. You also seem to think that, any tech can just be purchased and then you start producing it in house from day one. Nah you need to test and imbibe the tech, then make it rugged without failures.

As for the vanity project comment

If you are really interested in the benefits of space exploration, you can just search google for it. A simple search on indirect benefits to any country, who gets into space exploration can educate you. So many technological developments, that we use in daily life came out of space race between US and Russia. Further India spends very very less on ISRO, but then is also trying to make its way into commercial side of it. These days a private eco system is being built as well, which will throw up in future Private space companies.

Not everything happens over night, and endeavors like this cost. The benefits come later, but then we also have immediate benefits too like remote data sensing. India doesn't have to rely on other countries, which helps in agriculture and weather forecast that helps save lives. I am explaining all this, in good faith that you aren't here to troll.
It looks like some members have nothing better to do then to ruin interesting topics. Stop posting nonsense in this thread or posts will be removed and strikes will be issued.

Yes, India has poverty so this implies that India should stay backward on the whole? Those who can grow and prosper should stop doing so?

Poverty is a global problem, not India-exclusive problem. Many who are in poverty are due to lack of education, vision, and bad decision-making. Understand this much.

Back to topic.

This is impressive work. Let's see what happens on moon.

The French Viking engine

India's Vikas engine which owes some aspects to the French Viking . Notice all the changes and the higher thrust.
It looks like some members have nothing better to do then to ruin interesting topics. Stop posting nonsense in this thread or posts will be removed and strikes will be issued.

Yes, India has poverty so this implies that India should stay backward on the whole? Those who can grow and prosper should stop doing so?

Poverty is a global problem, not India-exclusive problem. Many who are in poverty are due to lack of education, vision, and bad decision-making. Understand this much.

Back to topic.

This is impressive work. Let's see what happens on moon.
The point is not that india must not develop. But in all these ventures india does not even pretend to try anything new. Like say china tried the dark side of the moon.

Indian space sector is super inefficient - they have huge lift off weights and small payload. The whole thing is a show off to world and nothing else. There is not a single niche that they seek to fulfill. And i beleive the 2 billion budget is understimate - they do get a lot more in transfer payments.

Am glad to see that, you are at least half way honest even when trolling

France transferred this tech to India, in return for certain man hour work from ISRO. Its a fair trade, and India or ISRO never said that its a engine developed from scratch either. The data is out in the public

What you forget to mention though, is that India improved on this engine. The Viking engine's max thrust is 805 KN, but Vikas engine produces 850 KN. In addition the French components that were used initially, were then localized as well. You also seem to think that, any tech can just be purchased and then you start producing it in house from day one. Nah you need to test and imbibe the tech, then make it rugged without failures.

As for the vanity project comment

If you are really interested in the benefits of space exploration, you can just search google for it. A simple search on indirect benefits to any country, who gets into space exploration can educate you. So many technological developments, that we use in daily life came out of space race between US and Russia. Further India spends very very less on ISRO, but then is also trying to make its way into commercial side of it. These days a private eco system is being built as well, which will throw up in future Private space companies.

Not everything happens over night, and endeavors like this cost. The benefits come later, but then we also have immediate benefits too like remote data sensing. India doesn't have to rely on other countries, which helps in agriculture and weather forecast that helps save lives. I am explaining all this, in good faith that you aren't here to troll.

The improvements to vikas are minor. And indian IRS images is utterly uncompetitive. You can get better quality remote sensing pics out in market. it is just vanity.
The point is not that india must not develop. But in all these ventures india does not even pretend to try anything new. Like say china tried the dark side of the moon.

Indian space sector is super inefficient - they have huge lift off weights and small payload. The whole thing is a show off to world and nothing else. There is not a single niche that they seek to fulfill. And i beleive the 2 billion budget is understimate - they do get a lot more in transfer payments.

The improvements to vikas are minor. And indian IRS images is utterly uncompetitive. You can get better quality remote sensing pics out in market. it is just vanity.
And to add to what @CallSignMaverick said above, one of these "non new ventures" is what conclusively proved water is present on moon - check out chandrayaan 1
The point is not that india must not develop. But in all these ventures india does not even pretend to try anything new. Like say china tried the dark side of the moon.

India discovered, for the first time, the presence of water at the South pole on its earlier Chandrayaan mission and will be the first to soft land at the South pole of the moon.

As for you not being able to see much difference then you clearly are some Yokel . Anyone with even some degree of exposure to science and engineering can see the differences and improvements.
The point is not that india must not develop. But in all these ventures india does not even pretend to try anything new. Like say china tried the dark side of the moon.

Indian space sector is super inefficient - they have huge lift off weights and small payload. The whole thing is a show off to world and nothing else. There is not a single niche that they seek to fulfill. And i beleive the 2 billion budget is understimate - they do get a lot more in transfer payments.

The improvements to vikas are minor. And indian IRS images is utterly uncompetitive. You can get better quality remote sensing pics out in market. it is just vanity.

Space exploration is very technically challenging endeavor. India is not a leader in this domain but it is doing something and learning from its own programs.

Going to the moon is not a one-time mission. There is a need to study this celestial body and unlock its mysteries. This is not easy but will take time. If India is able to setup its own workshop on moon, truly incredible for an Asian country.
Space exploration is very technically challenging endeavor. India is not a leader in this domain but it is doing something and learning from its own programs.

Going to the moon is not a one-time mission. There is a need to study this celestial body and unlock its mysteries. This is not easy but will take time. If India is able to setup its own workshop on moon, truly incredible for an Asian country.

We have few exciting missions lined up, the biggest challenge will obviously be manned mission to space, Venus orbiter, second Mars mission which may include a lander/rover, and a Moon sample return mission by 2030.
It's more than 20 crore you lying kangressi sickular libtard ma*arch*d. :)
Could you please elaborate on the reasons behind India's higher average life expectancy and lower infant and maternal mortality rates despite its comparatively lower economic status compared to Pakistan, as indicated by the so-called hunger index? Additionally, I am interested in understanding the specific definition of hunger employed by this index and the methodology employed to reach their conclusion.

numbers may be more , I have not counted your bangladeshi sisters working in sonagachhi they all come illegally every year .
The comparison between Bangladesh and India can be likened to that of Mexico and the United States. Once again, I have come across news reports stating that two Hindu girls in Telikoma Sahpara Bangladesh were allegedly abducted by Bangladeshi mullahs and coerced into converting to Islam in order to marry elderly mullahs.
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