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Chandrayaan 3 - a curtain raiser by ISRO

But in all these ventures india does not even pretend to try anything new
What do you mean by anything new, all countries with an active space organization are following the footsteps of NASA, and doing things NASA did decades ago does that mean they are not trying anything new, will you say the same about CNSA because they too are not trying anything new if we are to go by your logic.

Indian space sector is super inefficient - they have huge lift off weights and small payload.
India's most powerful rocket GSLV mk3 can transfer 4000kg to GTO and Chandrayaan 2 weighs 3800kg, how the duck is this inefficient.
There is not a single niche that they seek to fulfill And i beleive the 2 billion budget is understimate - they do get a lot more in transfer payments
ISRO is not a space company it's a research organization you duck head, obviously they do not seek to fulfill a single niche because that's not how scientific organization's work, what nieche does CNSA or NASA fulfill.

Unlike you guys our space program is civilian in nature and is constantly audited, reports of which are out open in public so yeah 2 billion it is, money earned from launching foreign satellites do not amount to that much as ISRO earned a measly $223 million from doing that in all of its history.

And indian IRS images is utterly uncompetitive. You can get better quality remote sensing pics out in market. it is just vanity.
Indian IRS is one of the longest running and biggest civilian Remote sensing satellite constellation in the whole world but sure go on and tell us how it is the worst.
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numbers may be more , I have not counted your bangladeshi ladies working in sonagachhi they all come illegally every year .

You human traffic from neighboring countries whereas we don't even have to traffic, the red light districts of Dhaka and Ctg are full of hindu women who willingly came from from Bihar, Rajasthan, etc. making tons of money and sending to family like you back home. I'm happy to support your families even if it's illegal. :lol:

The comparison between Bangladesh and India can be likened to that of Mexico and the United States.

Makes sense, as USA has a GDP/capita less than Mexico and comparable to subsaharan african countries. Your mother has given humanity a truly intellectually 'gifted' subhuman. :lol:

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You human traffic from neighboring countries whereas we don't even have to traffic, the red light districts of Dhaka and Ctg are full of hindu women who willingly came from from Bihar, Rajasthan, etc. making tons of money and sending to family

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It looks i touched some raw nerve, mention of sonagachhi gave you panic attack 🤣🤣🤣🤣
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The point is not that india must not develop. But in all these ventures india does not even pretend to try anything new. Like say china tried the dark side of the moon.

Indian space sector is super inefficient - they have huge lift off weights and small payload. The whole thing is a show off to world and nothing else. There is not a single niche that they seek to fulfill. And i beleive the 2 billion budget is understimate - they do get a lot more in transfer payments.

The improvements to vikas are minor. And indian IRS images is utterly uncompetitive. You can get better quality remote sensing pics out in market. it is just vanity.
That is neither here nor there, minor or major.. for a country to imbibe space engine tech and improve on it, it is commendable.

You say uncompetitive, compared to what? ISRO's IRS constellation is one of the largest in world, and its aim isn't to provide images for anyone. They are there to help in disaster management, help India with agri development along with other uses. A one meter resolution imaging isn't low quality

It is clear that, you are stuck on the word Vanity. There is no point in continuing this discussion any further, you are entitled to your views and we Indians to ours.
Space exploration is very technically challenging endeavor. India is not a leader in this domain but it is doing something and learning from its own programs.

Going to the moon is not a one-time mission. There is a need to study this celestial body and unlock its mysteries. This is not easy but will take time. If India is able to setup its own workshop on moon, truly incredible for an Asian country.

Doing and learning must be cognizant of the fact that this is happenning on tax payments of some of the poorest in world.

India needs space applications ofcourse - but they are available in market - even for defense india uses foreign satellite providers. if india wants to do something on its own it must do something better like cheaper or some need that international market is not willing to fill.

Indian rockets are heavy, inefficient and expensive. True cost is hidden due to direct budgetary support. There is a reason why india does so few launches - they are economically wasteful and meant to show off.
India needs space applications ofcourse - but they are available in market - even for defense india uses foreign satellite providers.
Even the Europeans, who are mostly part of NATO, decided to launch their own Galileo because US wasn’t ready to part with some niche aspects of GPS.
India had a promising jet engine development program many decades back. It was closed by the same logic of yours and restarted years later. Today we are struggling with the same.

So much for high end niche tech readily available in the market. That too restricted and sold at sky high prices.

The examples given above are just few of many more. No developed country gives anything for even reduced price to the poor nations. If a nation doesn’t have it’s own self sufficiency plan then it would always be at the mercy of those who have it.

When does a developing nation, with many poor people start investing in technologies that are “supposedly” meant for the rich?

if india wants to do something on its own it must do something better like cheaper or some need that international market is not willing to fill.
How does one do that? By straight away designing the cheapest and most affordable tech without going through development cycle and so called “wasteful” and “inefficient” efforts?

A little reading about the satellite program of ISRO would help before passing the final verdict.
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Doing and learning must be cognizant of the fact that this is happenning on tax payments of some of the poorest in world.

India needs space applications ofcourse - but they are available in market - even for defense india uses foreign satellite providers. if india wants to do something on its own it must do something better like cheaper or some need that international market is not willing to fill.

Indian rockets are heavy, inefficient and expensive. True cost is hidden due to direct budgetary support. There is a reason why india does so few launches - they are economically wasteful and meant to show off.
The expert on all things science, technology, space, budget, national doctrine, pyschology and trolling has spoken. The cat is out of the bag and our grand strategy has been laid bare. Lets just give up guys. Our space exploration gig is up.
Even the Europeans, who are mostly part of NATO, decided to launch their own Galileo because US wasn’t ready to part with some niche aspects of GPS.
India had a promising jet engine development program many decades back. It was closed by the same logic of yours and restarted years later. Today we are struggling with the same.

So much for high end niche tech readily available in the market. That too restricted and sold at sky high prices.

The examples given above are just few of many more. No developed country gives anything for even reduced price to the poor nations. If a nation doesn’t have it’s own self sufficiency plan then it would always be at the mercy of those who have it.

When does a developing nation, with many poor people start investing in technologies that are “supposedly” meant for the rich?

How does one do that? By straight away designing the cheapest and most affordable tech without going through development cycle and so called “wasteful” and “inefficient” efforts?

A little reading about the satellite program of ISRO would help before passing the final verdict.
It is clear that this user, is here to tell Indians that they are doing projects because of vanity. At first I felt he is like the usual trolls like Bilal, but then he keeps coming up with different arguments. He refuses to identify what the West or anyone else, is begrudgingly accepting about Indian space efforts.

Its either a psychological game of playing high and mighty, and enjoy watching post after post of reply to his, to feel vindicated. People with such minds usually feel, "see they keep trying to justify.. so am right" or "wow look at these people, if they are replying to me so many times they themselves aren't confident and am enjoying this two minutes of online talking down to masturbation". We don't know if he is a American White, who inherently has a superiority complex or a Asian or Chinese or whichever, who is trying to put down Indian efforts for that online ejaculation to make his otherwise meaningless life a bit more meaningful.
I do believe that India is going in a direction that will lead to a better standard of living for it's people and a greater standing on the world stage for India as a state and nation.

The comments by some Pakistani posters are beyond laughable. At a time when our economy, justice system and politics are caught in a downward spiral with no end in sight and have become a laughing stock the world over, they have the gall to bring up toilets and poverty as a put down for a nation that is progressing year on year and has respect for it all over the world.
I have plenty of differences with India and the Indian political system is far from perfect, but I think it churlish and small to constantly carp on and criticise the Indians in non Pakistan related matters when that criticism would be more worthwhile if directed towards our own, and I use the term very loosely, politicians and "system", who have caused more damage to Pakistan and Pakistanis than the Indians could ever dream of.

Sometimes it is just better to show magnanimity and give credit where credit is due.
So can I just say, as a Pakistani, congratulations to our Indian neighbours on this great achievement.

Developing nations need to understand advantages of investing in different areas of exploration and research.

R&D’s can not only provide jobs but also create opportunities to skilled labours for further enhance and reduce dependence on developed nations.

I kinda agree with this, what practical benefit does this provide?

I'm not against space exploration and what not, but for a country with such a low GDP per capita, surely funding is better spent elsewhere?

Other than that, congratulations

Bhai, If budget of Rs 1,57,545 crore allocated Department of Rural Development can't change situation and you think that Rs 12,543.91 crore paid to Department of Space expenditure will make ?

China is in the game to win


India is in the game to participate.
Such wisdom ..!

Since you've mentioned countries other than India, what are your views on Pakistan ? a tamashbeen at best ?.... If you cannot get a loan from it, its not worth it ?
Such wisdom ..!

Since you've mentioned countries other than India, what are your views on Pakistan ? a tamashbeen at best ?.... If you cannot get a loan from it, its not worth it ?

Pakistan always punches above its weight.

Remember on 26th Feb, 2019 you sneaked in the night like a rat while Pakistan's response was swift in broad daylight to take down 1 MIG-21 and 2 SU-30s Indian fighters.
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