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Chandrayaan 3 - a curtain raiser by ISRO

You can see how desolate and crushed these idiots have become. They were green with envy; jealousy and are turning puce and blustering with whatever pops into their tiny little minds
ISRO uses Vikas engines on its entire line up. They are based on licensed copy of Viking engines from 70s from france. Almost entire technology is copied - nothing in new. huge vanity project.

Isro annual budget is $2 billion. In comparison NASA budget is $60 billion. Indian annual budget is $550 billion. Less than 1% is spent on space.
So NASA budget is 30 times more than ISRO budget. And china has $12 billion. But if you look satellies and launches of china it is far more than what ISRO delivers.
ISRO uses Vikas engines on its entire line up. They are based on licensed copy of Viking engines from 70s from france. Almost entire technology is copied - nothing in new. huge vanity project.

So NASA budget is 30 times more than ISRO budget. And china has $12 billion. But if you look satellies and launches of china it is far more than what ISRO delivers.
Okay. Pakistani cheerleader of China, let's worry about our budget. You can worry about people running 🏃‍♀️ behind atta trucks.
Pik-a-choo stay in you own auqaat.

Poradhin coward little f*ck licking UP-wallah RSS a$$

Buy a backbone and have some shame fascist f*cktard.
Reported. You show your Bangladeshi culture well here.

Foxconn deal fell through ....

Foxconn pulls out from Vedanta's joint venture to make chips​

JV had dramatically shifted location from Maharashtra to Gujarat last year​

Foxconn pulls out from Vedanta's joint venture to make chips's joint venture to make chips

Photo for representation. Reuters

Tribune News Service

Sandeep Dikshit
New Delhi, July 10

Foxconn has pulled out of the semiconductor joint venture with Vedanta in a divorce that was in the works after the government turned down its request for subsidy as well as asked it to get a technology partner and a manufacturing-grade technology licence to make 28nm chips.

“Foxconn has no connection to the entity and efforts to keep its original name will cause confusion for future stakeholders,” said the company, which is also known as Hon Hai Technology group.

Foxconn said it is “working to remove the Foxconn name from what now is a fully-owned entity of Vedanta”.

Foxconn, a Taiwan-based contract electronics maker, and Vedanta had decided last year to jointly build semiconductor and display production plants in Gujarat for an investment of about Rs 1.5 lakh crore.

“In order to explore more diverse development opportunities, according to mutual agreement, Foxconn has determined it will not move forward on the joint venture with Vedanta,’’ said the company statement.

It said for over a year Hon Hai Technology Group (Foxconn) and Vedanta worked hard to bring the semiconductor idea to reality.

“Foxconn is confident about the direction of India’s semiconductor development. We will continue to strongly support the government’s ‘Make In India’ ambitions and establish a diversity of local partnerships that meet the needs of stakeholders,’’ it said.

This project was touted to create over one lakh job opportunities which meant that “India’s own Silicon Valley is a step closer now,’’ Agarwal had said at the time of the joint venture announcement.

Just before the Gujarat assembly elections last year, the joint venture announced that it had decided to set up the plant in the poll-bound state instead of Maharashtra where it had zeroed in on the manufacturing site at Talegaon.

The pull out comes at a time when a US-based chip maker has announced plans to set up a chip assembly unit in India.
Dude..i'm sad why you superior Bangladeshis keep getting ignored... maybe walton is too much competition for Foxconn. Heard you guys have a pluto mission planned?
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Bilal the main man of Bangladesh has spoken. In the meantime he has launched a new rickshaw (rickshaaa!) from Comilla :p:

Your jokes are getting lamer and lamer by the day.

Slow claps......

I do believe that India is going in a direction that will lead to a better standard of living for it's people and a greater standing on the world stage for India as a state and nation.

The comments by some Pakistani posters are beyond laughable. At a time when our economy, justice system and politics are caught in a downward spiral with no end in sight and have become a laughing stock the world over, they have the gall to bring up toilets and poverty as a put down for a nation that is progressing year on year and has respect for it all over the world.
I have plenty of differences with India and the Indian political system is far from perfect, but I think it churlish and small to constantly carp on and criticise the Indians in non Pakistan related matters when that criticism would be more worthwhile if directed towards our own, and I use the term very loosely, politicians and "system", who have caused more damage to Pakistan and Pakistanis than the Indians could ever dream of.

Sometimes it is just better to show magnanimity and give credit where credit is due.
So can I just say, as a Pakistani, congratulations to our Indian neighbours on this great achievement.

I am guessing you haven't been to India, ever.

I have, and so have millions of other Bangladeshis.

Their experience says that we cannot share your sunny prediction about India.

It is a nation spiraling downward and devolving into an internecine civil war at some point which will have religious undertones.

It is currently a partially f*cked up electorate and even more f*cked up leaders. A nation that wants to be fascist, but is too poor to do so.
Start planning for new nicks bhakts, your antics have been well noted.

The days of payback cometh (and it's gonna be a biatch) - back to Bharat Rat$hit forum you all go.
I was about to say the same thing, why come to India then? But i am guessing he is going to have some effedup answer to that too.

We come to India for a few reasons. Mainly because older ladies liked the cheap ethnic clothes and jewelry for weddings/Eid. And also - medical care is cheap for the masses, because of you all's kanjoosi lifestyle. Thank your stars for those reasons. There are hardly any local customers in your local hospitals and upmarket malls - especially in Kolkata. It's all made for Bangladeshi customers.

I already mentioned that getting Indian visa is like looking at throwaway Jhaalmuri snack wrappers. Indian HC is begging Bangladeshis to get Indian visas, booths are all over Bangladesh in every mall, and there are a hundred kiosks in Dhaka where you can fill out your info and get Indian visas like in a day.

Most any middle or upper middle class Bangladeshi has had enough of India, they go to Dubai, Bangkok, Malaysia or S'pore for either shopping or medical care.

You Pujaris are cheap, cheap and terminal cheap. "Don't go to the bathroom because they will get hungry" cheap.

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Yet the banglus never cease to come to India, speaks a lot about banglu land, isn't it?

It speaks that we have money and we are capable of spending it in India, supporting your down-in-the-dumps economy.

Some shokar and "atithi debabhaba" attitude would be nice.
Their is a reason why the U.S themselves haven't really done much to repeat the journeys they did in the 1960s

Everyone knows their is no point to this,, it's a Indian ego thing, so your spending money to self masterterbate that's it

Now that in or itself is fine

But India does it when the Indian capital is flooded, you have civil war in places like Manipur, millions of Indians are hungry and India is a toxic communal mess

But yeahhh mooon,, because repeating crap the yanks did in the 60s is important for some reason, India stronk
I kinda agree with this, what practical benefit does this provide?

I'm not against space exploration and what not, but for a country with such a low GDP per capita, surely funding is better spent elsewhere?

Other than that, congratulations
Reported. You show your Bangladeshi culture well here.

Dude..i'm sad why you superior Bangladeshis keep getting ignored... maybe walton is too much competition for Foxconn. Heard you guys have a pluto mission planned?

We don't need to go to Pluto.

Our people don't $hit in the streets and they at least have jobs, unlike your rag-tag bunch.

We have our priorities straight. Don't need to show the world some fake narrative that we are first world, when everyone knows we're not. Unlike your ilk.

Instead of getting your $hit together, spending money on moon/mars missions, 250 foot statues and ugly parliament houses - try to get the basics right. Meanwhile your capital looks like some watery apocalypse....
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We don't need to go to Pluto.

Our people don't $hit in the streets and they at least have jobs, unlike your rag-tag bunch.

We have our priorities straight. Don't need to show the world some fake narrative that we are first world, when everyone knows we're not. Unlike your ilk.

Instead of getting your $hit together, spending money on moon/mars missions, 250 foot statues and ugly parliament houses. Meanwhile your capital looks like some watery apocalypse....
I just read...We Bangladeshis don't have the skills to do what Indians do... sorry man..not all of us are born equal
We come to India for a few reasons. Mainly because used to be the older ladies liked the cheap ethnic clothes and jewelry for weddings/Eid. And also - medical care is cheap for the masses, because of you all's kanjoosi lifestyle. Thank your stars for those reasons. There are hardly any local customers in your local hospitals and upmarket malls - especially in Kolkata. It's all made for Bangladeshi customers.

I already mentioned that getting Indian visa is like looking at throwaway Jhaalmuri snack wrappers. Indian HC is begging Bangladeshis to get Indian visas, booths are all over Bangladesh in every mall, and there are a hundred kiosks in Dhaka where you can fill out your info and get visas in like a day.

Most any middle or upper middle class Bangladeshi has had enough of India, they go to Dubai, Bangkok, Malaysia or S'pore for either shopping or medical care.

You Pujaris are cheap, cheap and terminal cheap. "Don't go to the bathroom because they will get hungry" cheap.

@Skull and Bones , there you go, an effed up logic just as i predicted, they come here for healthcare because its cheap and thats also an issue according to the genius here. Hard to beat that kind of logic.
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