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CFO of Chinese tech giant Huawei arrested in Vancouver, sought by U.S. for extradition

Why compare to India when China is on a totally different tier? In that case the whole world can count our blessing if we compare to Zimbabwe.

It's not about the economic growth but the whole financial system. Inefficient SOEs which led to climbing debt, and the government is keeping them alive by printing more money and issuing more debt.
Who pays? It's the common man on the street through higher property prices because of asset inflation resulting from overprinting of money.
Who benefits? It's the rich who own multiple properties.


In the first-tier cities you work a year to afford 1-2 square meters? The average man don't feel the economic pressure for 30 years? Not a bubble and risk to the financial system? Why is the government tuning up nationalism and throwing money at other countries instead of tackling the real issue at hand which the average man is more concerned about?

Did I say the US is innocent? Ramping up nationalism and going around 厉害了我的国 is a domestic agenda aimed at domestic audience. External factors play a limited role. In fact they actually toned down the nationalism after ZTE and the trade war happened.
You have the causation completely backward. You think Chinese people should love our country and express our pride only when certain economic preconditions are met -- such as being as wealthy as the USA or something like that.

Rather, the causation should be: Chinese people love our country and express our pride for our country 厉害了我的国 no matter what a shithole it -- as in even if it is as shitty as India -- and then through this love and pride we improve our country.

What you are expressing is nothing more than selfish personal greed. You are advocating nationalism being preconditioned on selfish economic gains. I remind you:

Ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country!!!
What does the “other day” have to do with the Hauwei CFO arrest news on Wednesday and the topic of this thread? Market was closed in the US on Wednesday so yesterday was the day to see the results...which I posted.
It happened before the this kidnap, Trump was going all jolly declaring victory and China remained ambitiously silent on the deal. The market went jitters about the so called 'deals' and the stock market wiped out 800bil$ in a single day. :rofl:

Do you think the kidnap was a reaction to that? Trump was angry about how the media grilled him and China who didn't verbally support him. Is this a childish punishment?:D
Ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country!!!

Basically said by U.S. President John F Kennedy 1961 at his inaugural address.

Such as supporting a nuclear strike on US/UK like you did?

Of course in the real world, where most of us live in reality, any nuclear strike on the United States (and UK) would be met with nuclear retaliation

Most of us on PDF know of this reality, but a basic few either live in an alternate reality Fantasyland, where they think a nuclear strike against a nuclear nation would only be one way, or are just saying such things for effect.
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Such as supporting a nuclear strike on US/UK like you did?
Yes. This is the purest expression of love and pride for our country. We are a people who would rather die on our feet than live on our knees. We are proud of our Chairman Mao, our history, our flag and our people. Unconditionally. You can take your "I am only proud of my country when I make XYZ amount of money" garbage and shove it!
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Chinese sources have assembled the following facts:

• April 2017: A director of Chinese tech giant Huawei personally escorts famed Shanghai-born physicist Zhang Shoucheng from the latter’s hotel in Shenzhen. Jackson & Wood Professor of Physics at Stanford University, Zhang was in town to attend an IT summit.

• Sept. 2018: Prof. Zhang receives a European physics award, one of his many honors. His work in quantum physics is expected to revolutionize the global semiconductor industry. Yang Zhenning, the first Chinese scientist to receive the Nobel Physics Prize (1957), had predicted that Zhang would be the next one.

• Dec. 1, 2018: Prof. Zhang and Meng Wanzhou are expected to attend a dinner in Argentina, where the G20 summit is being held.

• Dec. 1, 2018: On her way there, Meng is arrested in transit by the Canadian government.

• Dec. 1, 2018: Prof. Zhang falls to his death from a building in the US, allegedly a suicide. Said to be suffering from depression, he was 55.

Dec. 1, 2018: A nighttime fire breaks out at a factory of Holland’s ASML, the world’s leading manufacturer of extreme ultraviolet (EUV) lithography technology. EUV is crucial to the production of the next generation of semi-conductors, which US and Chinese tech firms as well as Korea’s Samsung are competing to be first to bring to market. Leading Chinese semiconductor producer SMIC is known to have ordered EUV technology worth US$120 million from ASML, for scheduled delivery early in 2019. After the fire, ASML announced that it expected delays in shipments of its products, notably early 2019.
looks like CIA had quite a busy day

Wow, I think that is very very dirty.

It' just a matter of time before China and USA in all out war.
CIA can do anything you can't think of

Burma aircraft drops bomb on Chinese territory
Beijing summons Burmese ambassador after bomb kills four Chinese citizens near border
Sat, Mar 14, 2015, 12:23

Liu Zhenmin, vice-foreign minister of China, has summoned the Burmese ambassador to Beijing after a Burmese aircraft dropped a bomb on Chinese territory. Photograph: Chung Sung-Jun/EPA

China has summoned the Burmese ambassador for a meeting in Beijing after a bomb from a Burmese aircraft fell in Chinese territory and killed four Chinese people, China’s foreign ministry has said.

Burma government forces have been battling rebels on the border with China since last month. China had previously urged Burma to “lower the temperature”.

However, Burma denied that any bomb from its forces had fallen in China and said the rebels might have fired into China to create “misunderstanding”.

China said the bomb from the Burmese aircraft fell on Friday in a sugar cane field near the city of Lincang, in the southwestern Chinese province of Yunnan. Chinese state media reported nine people were wounded.

The incident came days after a stray shell from Burma flattened a house in Chinese territory, prompting condemnation from Beijing.

Back to sniffing your Agent Orange, fish eye boy :sarcastic:
The latest rankings of 5G development progress in the world
ultimata 2018-12-08 08:47:01
The US Wireless Communications and Internet Association (CTIA) recently released a report saying that China's 5G commercial progress is now ranked first in the world. "The United States lags behind China in terms of overall 5G preparation."

CTIA and leading telecom consulting firm Analysys Mason conducted a comprehensive study of the 5G status quo in countries around the world, focusing on spectrum availability, licenses and deployment plans.

Focus on two key areas: spectrum availability, licensing and deployment plans; and recommendations to streamline the 5G infrastructure planning process, including favorable mobile siting and licensing policies.


Global 5G overall development progress ranking

Recently, Xiaomi Mobile officially issued a document saying that Xiaomi's mobile phone 5G is ready, and Xiaomi's mix3 mobile phone test version has begun to use 5G.


Xiaomi mobile phone official micro

On December 7, China Unicom announced that the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology has agreed that China Unicom will use the 3500MHz-3600MHz frequency from the date of notification to June 30, 2020. China Unicom will conduct 5G system experiments in mainland China. In addition, China Unicom will gradually stop using the 2555MHz-2575MHz frequency nationwide before March 31, 2019. This part of the frequency will be recovered by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology.


Therefore, the development speed of China's 5G is ahead of the rest of the world. The 5G big cake has attracted many companies and even countries. Therefore, the 5G dispute is getting more and more intense.
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