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Celebrating Pakistani Victory | Kashmiri students ‘thrashed’ in Meerut University by Indians.

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I live in Karachi. And I know more about Karachi than anybody else. It isn't in the hands of Taliban as reported but if you think it is, then there is one more reason to come to Karachi. Taliban are world famous for their hospitality. ;)
lol you may live in karachi....but there are daily news posted in PDF.....u know that......
Ok..Ok....I will come..now don't beg too much.....tell me if there is any cricket match Between India and pakistan there..;)
Being a person from disputed territory or not, doesn't give him the right to be foolish or provoke his hosts..

I agree with the later part. But disputed territory is a very major reason for all this situation.
lol you may live in karachi....but there are daily news posted in PDF.....u know that......
Ok..Ok....I will come..now don't beg too much.....tell me if there is any cricket match Between India and pakistan there..;)

I know about every news. You come here. The karachiites of Sohrab goth might love to play a match with you. ;)
It isn't matter of perception. It is a fact. That's why the border between Pak and occupied Kashmir is called Line of Control and not international border.
India doesn't accept that. Indian constitution states that J&K is an integral part of India and all people of that state are citizens of India. The LoC is there to protect any external agression and to demarcate the part of the state which is being illegally occupied by Pakistan.
Hurling abuses at each other doesn't serve any purpose - keep it civil, if you are keen on an India Pakistan slug fest then go to youtube or some place else.
After the way you guys justified this brutality, I don't think that we can keep this civil. :tdown:
Ten pages devoted to a topic which no other media channel or print media is reporting? :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

I have a feeling that this is a fake news. There is no mention of it anywhere except a few kashmir sites. I even checked twitter, there is no mention anywhere. Besides I don't think those Kashimiri students would be so stupid.
India doesn't accept that. Indian constitution states that J&K is an integral part of India and all people of that state are citizens of India. The LoC is there to protect any external agression and to demarcate the part of the state which is being illegally occupied by Pakistan.

India can hold whatever perception it likes to. It is a disputed territory. That is a fact. :)
lol..then shouting on a forum won't give u free kashmir.....not not now..not till eternity.......if u will come atleast u will try..:D:D

Okay, as long as you promise to not infect every Kashmiri with your deadly diarrhea
Ten pages devoted to a topic which no other media channel or print media is reporting? :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
Nah it's a serious news ... apparently kashmiris have been sent to delhi and gaziabad
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