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Celebrating Pakistani Victory | Kashmiri students ‘thrashed’ in Meerut University by Indians.

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Because India is a great country that I feel a connection with and have also lived and spent my formative years there.

You mean it's nothing to do with the fact your people hire yourselves out to foreign nations in return for money? oh okay.
That Kashmiri belongs to a disputed territory. Unlike a Pakistani hindu.
Disputed or not, is a matter of perception.
If he feels he is from a disputed territory and doesnt belong to the country, then he shouldn't be going to heart of India. Once he decides to go out of 'so called disputed territory', he was foolish to piss-off his hosts..
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Yes I don't get angry easily either. It's just this thread is full of Indians making fun of my fellow Kashmiris after beating him. The responses are disgusting, I bet half of these tough internet warrior can't survive a day in Kashmir.
But a strong man like you can.:rofl:
Over a cricket match...? Not like they are suicide bombers, the ignorance and the hate amazes me.
Not really..Dude, have you ever seen football matches in europe and the free for all that a lot of them end up in.. This is nothing, specially given the history between India and Pakistan
Lol. When why would I come to India? I don't want to get diarrhea. Why don't you be the democracy that you shout about and ask the kashmiris what they want. Hold a referendum.
lol..then shouting on a forum won't give u free kashmir.....not not now..not till eternity.......if u will come atleast u will try..:D:D
Ten pages devoted to a topic which no other media channel or print media is reporting? :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
Disputed or not is a matter of perception.
If he feels he is from a disputed territory and doesnt belong to the country, then he shouldn't be going to heart of India. Once he decides to go out of 'so called disputed territory', he was foolish to piss-off his hosts..

It isn't matter of perception. It is a fact. That's why the border between Pak and occupied Kashmir is called Line of Control and not international border.
Yes I don't get angry easily either. It's just this thread is full of Indians making fun of my fellow Kashmiris after beating him. The responses are disgusting, I bet half of these tough internet warrior can't survive a day in Kashmir.
I dont think if I go to kashmir and insult their people they will leave me alone... even though they are quite mild mannered.
This is very normal thing to happen in college, if people outside do it, they would be arrested.
That Kashmiri belongs to a disputed territory. Unlike a Pakistani hindu.
Being a person from disputed territory or not, doesn't give him the right to be foolish or provoke his hosts..
Don't divert the topic, this is about Kashmir.
Its about a cricket match and an incident after that.. If you want to divert the topic towards idiotic demands from some morons, then I am just reminding you that you have 10 times more morons of that variety in your country
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