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Ceasefire violations: India puts off flag meeting proposal

chalo a jao jhanda meeting main beta ab baat kerty hain :angel:

jhanda ukhaad ke phenk diya hai

check the news
13 died and 19 injured in pakistan in BSF retaliatory fire

now ask the rangers to beg for flag meeting to deescalate
jhanda ukhaad ke phenk diya hai

check the news
13 died and 19 injured in pakistan in BSF retaliatory fire

now ask the rangers to beg for flag meeting to deescalate
do you think its over ? rethink
That's against UNSC resolutions over Kashmir dispute, proving facts that India is trying to get out of UN eye for its human right violations in Kashmir & bulldozing freedom of expression of Kashmiri people more over Indian army aggressiveness over LOC.
UN As Party Is not Relevant Now After you signed Simla Agreement Is Zulfikar Ali Bhutto Not your President ???
Modi has not left even UN observer.. Now what will nawaz sharif do? Is there any other UNGA this year? :rofl:
India doesn't care about Kashmiris.This is proved when India killed a Muslim Kashmiri on an occasion before 2 months when the Muslim Kashmiri was celebriting the occasion as a Pakistani and Muslim.
If India cares about Kashmir then why India is not saying that Kashmir is a part of Pakistan.In Kashmir about 80% or 95% citizens are Muslims and want to get a part of Pakistan.If any Indian have answer that why they are not saying that Kashmir is a part of Pakistan then he can challenge me about this in messages with superb answers.
Do you realize that your selective boldness has been a curse in disguise?
UN As Party Is not Relevant Now After you signed Simla Agreement Is Zulfikar Ali Bhutto Not your President ???

Post the relevant shimla clause which says that ?

@HRK would you quote your post please where you bust this Shimla agreement lie

Your Army has also killed Civilians at our side of border. What's the difference remain between the Terrorist whom you export to India and Pakistan army who both kill innocents?

Preach this to your army which breaks ceasefire to send your Good Taliban in India which results in killing of Kids, female, elderly people etc..Their Aim is Pathetic. Ask them to fight with Indian Army like Men, not through Strategic Assets aka Terrorists.

Last time, your soldiers crossed the border and killed our 2 soldiers to destroy an observation (Dec 2012-Jan 2013 incidents) post and it was claimed as well that PA soldiers killed because infiltrators were crossing and exchange of fire occurred. But slowly it came to light what actually happened.

Same is the case with this particular incident, how do we know what Indian army claims is actually true ? It was you who fired indiscriminately and killed our civilians first and now you are claiming a high ground based on the lies feed to you by IA and Indian media?
Seems like I hit some nerves in the east!! :D
Black is truly an insult to our neighbours. :lol:

We are not here to make you sorry lot happy, Bharat is rat $hit dot com is the place for your likes to dwell in

Black are also humans , you might have come from Antarctic caves recently ..... Carry on baba, You truly hold the essence of TTs here in pdf ..... Dust......
Indian logic: get *** kicked by China - start killing civilians on Pakistan side to satisfy their burnt egos. :lol:
@Chak Bamu - another one, :-) ...now tell me why do you expect people like me to behave like civilians when animals are roaming around freely! ;-)
We are not here to make you sorry lot happy, Bharat is rat $hit dot com is the place for your likes to dwell in
:lol:sorry, not an insult but an abuse really :)

And that racist getting likes from other Troll Tanks Think tanks .:whistle:
dont weak animals like dogs hunt in packs ? Such traits are also picked up by people with weak mindset and weaker line of thinking.

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