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Ceasefire violations: India puts off flag meeting proposal

Indian lie and deception at its best.
India doesn't care about Kashmiris.This is proved when India killed a Muslim Kashmiri on an occasion before 2 months when the Muslim Kashmiri was celebriting the occasion as a Pakistani and Muslim.
If India cares about Kashmir then why India is not saying that Kashmir is a part of Pakistan.In Kashmir about 80% or 95% citizens are Muslims and want to get a part of Pakistan.If any Indian have answer that why they are not saying that Kashmir is a part of Pakistan then he can challenge me about this in messages with superb answers.
Kids need to be kept out of PDF. Your trolling is spectacular in scope and intent. 80% - 90% Kashmiris want to join Pakistan? Where did you get your statistics from? Did you conduct a poll there?

Stop shooting from the hip. I pity kids like you who have become part of the sheeple who are brainwashed by the shenanigans of your mullah brigade. Wake up and smell the coffee. Stop living in your delusional world of make believe.

We are not here to make you sorry lot happy, Bharat is rat $hit dot com is the place for your likes to dwell in
Guys! And this guy is PDF's 'mature' 'Think Tank: Analyst'! Just wow!

Well, I've stared wondering WTF am I doing in a site like PDF where 'TTAs' behave as kids in the third grade.
Another PDF's TTA had also called PM Modi, the Prime Minister of the largest democracy in the world, a terrorist!!

@WebMaster can you please ask your TTAs and mods to control themselves and at least respect a Prime Minister of a country and stop behaving like trolls as can be seen in the post above? Thanks.
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Pakistan Logic: Get *** kicked by BAD Taliban's + Drone by US - start killing civilians on Indian side to satisfy their burnt egos. Troll Tank. :lol:

Last time I checked, it was Taliban who were getting spanked by pak army. But who got spanked in India - China spat? We all know, don't we? :lol:
Last time I checked, it was Taliban who were getting spanked by pak army. But who got spanked in India - China spat? We all know, don't we? :lol:

The ones who you are cheer leading for ran back from the territory ... so yes we gave them a good spanking .... :wave:
Last time I checked, it was Taliban who were getting spanked by pak army. But who got spanked in India - China spat? We all know, don't we? :lol:

Your Airforce Carpet Bombing your Citizens, US Droning your Country and only terrorist getting Spanked, not civilians? Troll Tank Logic! How many Indian Citizens killed at India-China Border and compare it with Drone Attacks and Bad Taliban attacks? :cuckoo:
No use of flag meeting. They are not successful. There should be Army's 2nd in command level talks just focused on current fire exchange not Kashmir.

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