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There is no problem ? He joined today and did send serious questions. He is inexperienced here .
Why break his motivation ?
The hell are you talking about i just posted the link for the thread that fits better, otherwise Cabatli would have to delete it, that my friend is helping not making fun of.
The hell are you talking

Kafayi bana takacaginiza olumlu islerle ugrasin. Insanlari buraya isitin ve uyum saglamalarina yardim edin.
Burasi bir siyasi görüsün degil, Türkiye'nin yurtici ve yurtdisi zenginliginin bir yansimasidir.
Kafayi bana takacaginiza olumlu islerle ugrasin. Insanlari buraya isitin ve uyum saglamalarina yardim edin.
Burasi bir siyasi görüsün degil, Türkiye'nin yurtici ve yurtdisi zenginliginin bir yansimasidir.
Arkadasim ben kafayi neden sana takayim sen geldin burda dalga gecme falan filan diye iftira attin, ve farkindaysan kimsenin politik görüsü ile alakali birsey yazmadim, niye yok yerden polemik cikariyorsun?
That was clearly short sighted... as was the nuclear power plant deal with Russia.

Hell, Erdogan was calling Bashar Assad his "brother" days before the civil war started.
AKP's short sightedness has become notorious by now.

I was expecting most of this... there were violent protests in Syria for a long time. Karabag issue was a time bomb(it still is) and Iran was working to assert itself within our sphere of influence.

I knew enough not to make any long time plans... removal of land mines from the syrian border, nuclear power plant deal with Russia and energy dependence on both Russia and Iran

all these mistakes I wouldn't have made had I been in that position.

and only an idiot would trust a tracherous little rat like Gülen

it was short because erdogan decided to interfer in syria to destroy resistant line against israel, this is iranian government redline. when AKP came in power, they were so happy that islamists are in power. in many fields and goals they are thinking same like that. so iran didnt expect turkey to show hard reaction against israel like iran does. but when erdogan in Cooperation with west and US tried to change the syrian government( which means destroying resistent line against israel) the problem has been started. iran doesnt care to asad or its regime, she just cares to being anti US and israel.(atleast be neutral) so long as they have same goal. they can be united. just notice that, after AKP came in power, they improved economic ties and solved PKK issue in borders with iran,( they had joint military operation against them).

a united among muslim countries needs they have same goals in the world. look at EU. its possible if we just be more sane and grown enough to dont let others intrigue among us. we are one people. its in quran.

dawaa, problems between iran and turkey only make happy enemies,west countries, russians and... none of them never want to see progress in our region. to see a united among us.. because it would become their nightmare.

maybe right now it seems with low possibility, but i have hope to see this united one day.
it was short because erdogan decided to interfer in syria to destroy resistant line against israel, this is iranian government redline. when AKP came in power, they were so happy that islamists are in power. in many fields and goals they are thinking same like that. so iran didnt expect turkey to show hard reaction against israel like iran does. but when erdogan in Cooperation with west and US tried to change the syrian government( which means destroying resistent line against israel) the problem has been started. iran doesnt care to asad or its regime, she just cares to being anti US and israel.(atleast be neutral) so long as they have same goal. they can be united. just notice that, after AKP came in power, they improved economic ties and solved PKK issue in borders with iran,( they had joint military operation against them).

a united among muslim countries needs they have same goals in the world. look at EU. its possible if we just be more sane and grown enough to dont let others intrigue among us. we are one people. its in quran.

dawaa, problems between iran and turkey only make happy enemies,west countries, russians and... none of them never want to see progress in our region. to see a united among us.. because it would become their nightmare.

maybe right now it seems with low possibility, but i have hope to see this united one day.
Turkey doesn't need Syria to be a buffer between itself and Israel...
We're much more dangerous to Israel the closer we are :lol:

and just please don't tell me that Iran only supports Assad because it's useful against Israel. You're much less pragmatical than that. You support Assad for the same reason you support Maliki govenment in Iraq. Assad is shia and so is Maliki. It's the age old sectarian war.

Iran wants to assert influence through it's shia allies. Be it Assad, Maliki or Hezbollah
Turkey doesn't need Syria to be a buffer between itself and Israel...
We're much more dangerous to Israel the closer we are :lol:

and just please don't tell me that Iran only supports Assad because it's useful against Israel. You're much less pragmatical than that. You support Assad for the same reason you support Maliki govenment in Iraq. Assad is shia and so is Maliki. It's the age old sectarian war.

Iran wants to assert influence through it's shia allies. Be it Assad, Maliki or Hezbollah

how you can be more dangerous?

so you dont know iran, assad is not shia, actually his regime was secular.

maleki was elected by people, actually he was chosen democratically, but some countries like saudis expected iraq to back to the 80's. a sunni rule the country. second, iran didnt support maliki when ebadi appeared in the scene. maliki wanted to stay in power but iran asked him to let ebadi come in power to dont make more tension among sunnis. only shia are not in power, sunnis and kurds are.

i already talked about it. before AKP take power in turkey, iran-turkey relationship was not very well. why? because you had a secular regim which was kind of anti islamic elements in socity. syria had the same situation. but the only reason iran had a good relationship with syria was about being anti israel. can you believe in it or not. nowadays israel many warned about iran activities in gulan high. they warned they cant stand a new front against israel in gulan high.

sudan-( iran even built many factories there to produce military equipment- if im not mistake, xenon 2 ,3 years ago opened a thread about sudan military domestic product in an exhabition which all of them were iranian in origin)
turkey- since AKP came in power until 2011( even right now but not as good as those years).

if i am iranian and are well awared about my country, im telling you, its not about being shia or sunni. its all about being anti israel. wanna be commie even! you are welcome:D
how you can be more dangerous?
They have more aircraft than us, but we've got far more powerful land forces to put it simply. If we had land contact with Israel, the balance of power would change.

so you dont know iran, assad is not shia, actually his regime was secular.
Alawite, shia same thing really...
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