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Çay Bahçesi

So I've seen your "the earth is flat" social media idiot

And here's my response to the ignorat fvcker
Vsauce is great. :tup:
I'm reading a book on particle physics... it's fun as hell

Also I've been thinking... We could inhabit much larger and much more massive planets such as Kepler 22B if we could make a device that could incerase the rotation speed of the planet :)
I'm reading a book on particle physics... it's fun as hell

Also I've been thinking... We could inhabit much larger and much more massive planets such as Kepler 22B if we could make a device that could incerase the rotation speed of the planet :)
What did you study in school?
I'm reading a book on particle physics... it's fun as hell

Also I've been thinking... We could inhabit much larger and much more massive planets such as Kepler 22B if we could make a device that could incerase the rotation speed of the planet :)
Well, there is still one problem, the distance between Earth and these planets.
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