I think deep inside you also know how Iranians really are. You just lie to yourself to spare yourself the identity crises. I mean you already can't speak Azeri, and you are not allowed to visit Iran. What more? News outlets like PressTV and others prove what I said and no... No Turkish news paper has the shamelessness and capability to lie and deceit like PressTV and certain Iranians. If Iranians really want to grow relationship with Turks and Turkey they should stop reading PressTV and stop supporting Mullah. It is poison for your brain. I mean even you yourself who claim to be this and that have extreme racism towards Arabs and Jews.
You really are dense aren't you? WHY WOULD I SPEAK AZERI?? I am TURKISH from TURKEY and Persian from Iran. Just cause my Turkish aunts are married to Azeris doesn't mean I should speak it (though I understand most of it). But they are still family and FIVE of my cousins seak Azeri as a native language, since the men decide the language spoken at home. Didn't work for my mom though, she refused to learn Farsi as a real Turk would

And I like how you on the one hand try to put down Iran (third world, dictatorship etc), but on the other hand you try to use western standards on them (they shouldn't have propaganda channels etc). It's quite amusing. Be consistent my friend. Iran IS a dictatorship and it is NOT free. So they do have propaganda etc. All of which doesn't mean that they can't have ties with Turkey, or be on the same page with regards to many things. Economical mostly.
My hatred for subhumans is none of your concern. My hatred of subhumans doesn't validate your hatred of Iran, which is silly. Is this crap really all about Syria? Or rivalry? Rivalry is rivalry, not enmity.