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Can you show me,i havent seen it?
In previous pages, some people are generalizing Pakistanis over comments in a forum.

We are trying to make mods aware about trolls getting away with trolling but good luck with people insulting Pakistanis in a forum moderated by Pakistanis, no wonder they ignore our requests...
From post 11676

Hele hele pakistan gibi fino kopegi konumuna gelmis ulke ve halkinin bu forumda adil ve bizler lehine tavir sergileyecekleri dusunmek cok yanlis.

Pakistan poodle dog position as the country and the people of this forum in a fair and very wrong attitude to think that we are in favor of their exhibits.

Pakistan is a dog, so are its people.

From post 11678

biz boşuna pakistanı desteklemişiziz açıkça çinin uydu devleti olmuş. bu pakistanlılar çok saf çin 1 veriyo 10 alıyo pakistanı açıkça kullanıyo bundan sonra hindistanı desteklyeceğim çine karşı adamlar hiç değilse tibetlilerle birlikte uygurların hakkını savunuyor hintliler mintliler diyoruz ama vlla onlar pakistanlılardan daha karakterli

arkadaşlar bundan sonra burda türkçe konuşak hiç paylaşım yapmayalım tepkimizi gösterelim

we avail tile satellite state of Pakistan is clearly desteklemişiziz been. the Pakistanis are very pure china 1 veriyo 10 call alıyo Pakistan clearly kullanıyo then man against the will destekly india china with at least the Tibetans argue the right of the Uyghur Indians mintli but vlla they more characters from Pakistani

Indians are much better than Pakistanis.

From post 11681

Bundan sonra,USA,Japonya,Guney-Kore,Vietnam,Afghanistan,Hindistan gibi ulkeleri destekleyelim.
Cinin dusmani bizim dostumuz olsun arkadaslar.

After that, the USA, Japan, South-Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan, countries such as India, let's support.
Cinema's get our friend, our hater friends.

The beginnings of India being used against Pakistan.

Don't worry guys I'll make sure no one insults Turkey and Turks. You can keep on doing what you are doing.
Hele hele pakistan gibi fino kopegi konumuna gelmis ulke ve halkinin bu forumda adil ve bizler lehine tavir sergileyecekleri dusunmek cok yanlis.
Calling them the above text is wrong =cok yanlis
He meant to say that we shouldnt call them that.
No insult!
biz boşuna pakistanı desteklemişiziz açıkça çinin uydu devleti olmuş. bu pakistanlılar çok saf çin 1 veriyo 10 alıyo pakistanı açıkça kullanıyo bundan sonra hindistanı desteklyeceğim çine karşı adamlar hiç değilse tibetlilerle birlikte uygurların hakkını savunuyor hintliler mintliler diyoruz ama vlla onlar pakistanlılardan daha karakterli

We have supported Pakistan in vain,Pakistan has become become a satelite state of China,Pakistani people are ''innocent''(they dont know nothing,easy to be fooled) China gives them 1 and takes 10 from them,China is using Pakistan.
From now on im supporting India against China,at least they support Tibet and the Uyghurs.
We say Indians,Mindians but they have more character.
No insult!
Bundan sonra,USA,Japonya,Guney-Kore,Vietnam,Afghanistan,Hindistan gibi ulkeleri destekleyelim.
Cinin dusmani bizim dostumuz olsun arkadaslar.
From now on lets support USA,Japan,South-Korea,Afghanistan,India like countries.
China's enemy is my friend.
Btw,this was my deleted post ,why did you delete it and where is the insult?

@waz ?
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@waz I apologize for that comments Turkish People will never accept and follow. Sorry bros

It's ok bro, no need to apologise you said nothing of the sort. Some people are angry, understandably but seriously abusing the entire nation and the people directly.

Anyway, if I am a dog please make sure it is a Turkish Kangal. I love that breed.

Calling them the above text is wrong =cok yanlis
He meant to say that we shouldnt call them that.
No insult!

Ok fair enough I'll take your word for that. Even though I have seen it before without the words"cok yanlis" being used.

We have supported Pakistan in vain,Pakistan has become become a satelite state of China,Pakistani people are ''innocent''(they dont know nothing,easy to be fooled) China gives them 1 and takes 10 from them,China is using Pakistan.
From now on im supporting India against China,at least they support Tibet and the Uyghurs.
We say Indians,Mindians but they have more character.
No insult!

Most Pakistanis don't feel the same, even when they see the comments written today, especially on the other thread. The rest is opinion and is valid i.e. under debate.
You're free to support India against China, but he mentioned Pakistanis as having less character, so support them over us. I haven't seen any Pakistani state they will support the Kurdish rebellion, Armenia, Greece , Russia or any of Turkey's enemies over this falling out. It's also again not the first time I have seen this and predates the whole Uighur conflict.

From now lets support USA,Japan,South-Korea,Afghanistan,India like countries.
China's enemy is my friend.
Btw,this was my deleted post ,why did you delete it and where is the insult?

That makes sense, as they wish to curtail Chinese ambitions, but why Afghanistan? How does that fit into the anti Chinese surge? It was directed at us, especially since India was mentioned afterwards.
What a ridiculous forum,they banned Sinan again,you guys still believe they are not anti Turkish here?
China rules the forum,unreal bs.!

Arkadaslar benim oldugum yere gelin orada kimse bize karsi degil!

Im not going to post on this forum anymore,let the chinamans have their forum for themselves.

This forum has an unwritten hierarchy for different nationalities.
1. Saudis, They are like the gods for Pakistanis, and also Pakistani admins and mods
2. Chinese, They are the big daddy of Pakistan
3. Turks, and other nationalities.
4. Iranians, they rank low because they are shiites. That's how the same Turkish members moaning about China, have trolled Iran section for months and no one has given a ****.
5. Indians, and rest of Pakistanis

For me, the subject that Sinan and others were protesting, Uyghurs, was non-sense, but they are right in the terms that they are not treated fairly.
That makes sense, as they wish to curtail Chinese ambitions, but why Afghanistan? How does that fit into the anti Chinese surge? It was directed at us, especially since India was mentioned afterwards.
Read the last line,
China's enemy is my friend,so nothing to do with Pakistan.
Read the last line,
China's enemy is my friend,so nothing to do with Pakistan.

That still doesn't explain why Afghanistan was mentioned. But anyway, I understand that, but they happen to be our one and only rival. But anyway. Let's just leave it.
This forum has an unwritten hierarchy for different nationalities.
1. Saudis, They are like the gods for Pakistanis, and also Pakistani admins and mods
2. Chinese, They are the big daddy of Pakistan
3. Turks, and other nationalities.
4. Iranians, they rank low because they are shiites. That's how the same Turkish members moaning about China, have trolled Iran section for months and no one has given a ****.
5. Indians, and rest of Pakistanis

For me, the subject that Sinan and others were protesting, Uyghurs, was non-sense, but they are right in the terms that they are not treated fairly.

Everyone's an expert.

Man, members really make assumptions too quickly. I guess this is why mods get fed up of their work so often, shit job of shoveling other people's shit and getting shit in return from those same members who took shits themselves all over the forum.
gezi park volume II :)
@Manticore i know someone who is not banned due to that reason. Thread is deleted, proofs vaporated , somehow member was chinese.
Everyone's an expert.

Man, members really make assumptions too quickly. I guess this is why mods get fed up of their work so often, shit job of shoveling other people's shit and getting shit in return from those same members who took shits themselves all over the forum.
benim ismimi yaz,arkasina bu devletin ismini,beni bulursun.

Do you really expect them to care or do something about it?
Actually I cared enough to start a mutual conversation with isoo even before your comments - certain aspects are not openly discussed on open forum
Actually I cared enough to start a mutual conversation with isoo even before your comments - certain aspects are not openly discussed on open forum

Everyone's an expert.

Man, members really make assumptions too quickly. I guess this is why mods get fed up of their work so often, shit job of shoveling other people's shit and getting shit in return from those same members who took shits themselves all over the forum.

Which part of my comment was wrong? BTW, I have about 9k posts in this forum, so I don't think that I I'm making assumptions too quickly after posting 9k posts ;)
Of course, I don't know about your prior private messages with other members, and I am not denying the burden of being a mod, but when you accept the moderating position, you automatically promise to be fair to different members, as well.
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