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Çay Bahçesi

kyrgyz, kazakh, turkmen, uzbek all celebrate nevruz. tho, the exact rituals differ :)

bishkek during nooruz:

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Hmm, interesting, i know Uzbekistan has Persian influence and Turkmenistan to some degree but Kazakhstan? Or is there another reason why Nouruz is being celebrated so widespread in CA?

I miss bakhlava and shekerbura
where do you live now?

Hmm, interesting, i know Uzbekistan has Persian influence and Turkmenistan to some degree but Kazakhstan? Or is there another reason why Nouruz is being celebrated so widespread in CA?
its not Iranian, it stays from long term... during SOviet Union, Government didnt let to celebrate it. People used to hide and knock the door and celebrate in in their apartment. my parent always used to talk about it..
Hmm, interesting, i know Uzbekistan has Persian influence and Turkmenistan to some degree but Kazakhstan? Or is there another reason why Nouruz is being celebrated so widespread in CA?

turks used to celebrate spring equinox long before they became neighbours with iranians. chinese traveller sima qian (2. century bc.) tells that turks have festivals on spring solstice. most probably we adopted persian name after we conquered eurasian steppes and maveraunnahr became turkic power projection centre (which spread iranian-influenced culture of central asia, i.e. chaghataids, timurids etc.).
i lived in Boston for 5 years.. Actually, i have many Azeri friends in Canada.. in case you plan to visit Baku, we can meet up and have a tea with pakhlava.. ;)

was in Boston couple years ago , really nice city.

just a warning , I am a pakhlava eating machine :D
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