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Çay Bahçesi

Protesting usually is the way to go in Turkey bud. We don't approve the Poorsian domination fetish which can be observed throughout its history up until this day. Some like to dominate, some like to be dominated. You guys have always managed to find someone to dominate you, I must give you that. Turks, Arabs, mullahs. I mean look at you, being a good boy and seeking every opportunity to satisfy your mullah masters :) I don't judge though, but you might just want to stop demonstrating your subconscious allergy to freedoms and rights along with those who speak up for them.

I mean, trying to make fun with the people who stood up for their rights, who died for their rights, who lost their eyes and healths for their rights, while you yourself is nothing more than an obidient little boy from mullah wonderland is really hilarious :lol:

Haha Iran is one of the most politically active peoples in the world "bud". We've had 2-3 large revolutions in the course of a century (whether it was the constitutional revolution in the early 1900s or the 1979 revolution) and we've had multiple protests as well (1999 student protest etc).
And dont you worry, we will keep pushing for civil rights. There are many civil rights groups in Iran, albeit dormant because of the current climate, but they are by no means dead.
The Islamic Republic has for example trying to silence the voices are women, but Iranian women are strong and resisting.
So you can keep referring to me as "mullah fanboy" til the cows go home or your ears go deaf.

Yeah yeah keep talking about how you dominated this and that. Its all part of this delusion of grandeur that has infested your mind. A Turk is basically a hot fudge/hybrid of Arab, Persian, Kurd, Greek, Mongol. We've dominated your Anatolia in different editions of empires in the past.
You are not anything special. :lol: Do take note I didnt bring race into this, until you did.
But what does that have to do with anything? Are you so buthurt you just grasp for any kind of ammunition you got in that so called "insult"-holster of yours? :lol:

About making fun of protestors, I can make the same argument for you toating about how Iranians dont search for their rights and that Turks are somehow special, when all evidence point to the opposite. And it was you who started down that path with this remark
And don't let them treat you like the worthless trash you are bud..

Thats when I retaliated, so you have yourself to blame. You complain about a reaction when you yourself provoked that reaction. See this goes back to what I said earlier about painting yourself as a victim, and all holier than though. :disagree:
And now you are so buthurt that you go as far as bringing racist remarks ala "poorsian fetish". Well I guess you think anything goes at this point.
I said that some uncivilized Turks like yourself could use a bit of Erdogan antidote and have your face water cannoned. Now I dont usually go over the line with personal shit, but basically you demonstrated that anything goes and there are no limits so I'll say this to you. You were in the sperm-batch that your mom should have swallowed. :)

Dont bother responding because Im not going to read it. It was fun and all, but by and large you are simply a waste of time and waste of life. ;)
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Haha Iran is one of the most politically active peoples in the world "bud". We've had 2-3 large revolutions in the course of a century (whether it was the constitutional revolution in the early 1900s or the 1979 revolution) and we've had multiple protests as well (1999 student protest etc).
And dont you worry, we will keep pushing for civil rights. There are many civil rights groups in Iran, albeit dormant because of the current climate, but they are by no means dead.
The Islamic Republic has for example trying to silence the voices are women, but Iranian women are strong and resisting.
So you can keep referring to me as "mullah fanboy" til the cows go home or your ears go deaf.

Yeah yeah keep talking about how you dominated this and that. Its all part of this delusion of grandeur that has infested your mind. A Turk is basically a hot fudge/hybrid of Arab, Persian, Kurd, Greek, Mongol. We've dominated your Anatolia in different editions of empires in the past.
You are not anything special. :lol: Do take note I didnt bring race into this, until you did.
But what does that have to do with anything? Are you so buthurt you just grasp for any kind of ammunition you got in that so called "insult"-holster of yours? :lol:

lol, its funny coming from you. Did I hurt your feelings? I'm sorry :), it was just to give a historical backround and explain why people like you are allergic to rights and freedoms. According to the likes of you, those who speak up for anyting unfair are doing nothing but spilling "ocean's worth of vagina-blood" which I assume comes from your disgusting "insult"-holster

Indeed Iranians, at least the ones in this forum except for 1 or 2 person are not only gave up from their rights as human beings, but they are also being the obidient puppets of your regime just like how you are. Doing mullah apologism on forums all day. You deserve to be treated like animals since you are asking for it. One can tell from how a freedom movement even in Turkey can bother the likes of you. So spare me from those who you claim to push for civil rights. Bring that topic in Iranian Chill Thread and let's see the reaction of the mullah fanboys, together.

About making fun of protestors, I can make the same argument for you toating about how Iranians dont search for their rights and that Turks are somehow special, when all evidence point to the opposite. So dont try to paint me in that light that I make fun of your demonstrators being killed when you go so far as bringing racist remarks ala "poorsian fetish" and such nonsense. Basically you have gone so butthurt that you bring race into this, where as I kept that nonsense out of the discussion. Well I guess you think anything goes at this point as you cant control yourself.
I said that some uncivilized Turks like yourself could use a bit of Erdogan antidote and have your face water cannoned.

It is you who are living in one of the most isolated country and it doesn't stop the likes of you from expressing content in every opportunity. Even though Turkey's current position cannot even be compared to the shithole like Iran, but you'll see Turks complain about injustices all the time. Which indeed makes us special compared to the slaves of Iran.

Now I dont usually go over the line with personal shit, but basically you demonstrated that anything goes and there are no limits so I'll say this to you. You were in the sperm-batch that your mom should have swallowed. :)

Dont bother responding because Im not going to read it. It was fun and all, but by and large you are simply a waste of time and waste of life. ;)

It is okay if it helps you to feel better :) I don't mind such insults coming from a boy whose job is to swallow mullahs waste.

Suit yourself ;)

In the quran it says that muslims are brothers. Im not talking in a politically sense at this moment.

In the Holy "Quran" it ´says too why Arabs choosed !
A Turk is basically a hot fudge/hybrid of Arab, Persian, Kurd, Greek, Mongol.
Hmm, i remember someone posting the demographics of Iran in the past where it was said that Persians are actually the biggest group but still below the 50% of population in Iran, are you sure you are pure Persian my friend? :what:

And dont forget the Turkic part of our genes which has the biggest share and also name giving for our race. :agree:

We've dominated your Anatolia in different editions of empires in the past.
That was before Turks established empires in ME, doesnt really bother us. :)
Hmm, i remember someone posting the demographics of Iran in the past where it was said that Persians are actually the biggest group but still below the 50% of population in Iran, are you sure you are pure Persian my friend? :what:

And dont forget the Turkic part of our genes which has the biggest share and also name giving for our race. :agree:

That was before Turks established empires in ME, doesnt really bother us. :)

Well actually the percentage is between 60-65 percent (http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikiped...he_general_population_of_Iran_(2012-2014).png)

And I am Persian, but that is neither here or there.
I identify myself as Iranian and I dont look down on my fellow compatriots who are not Persians. No really asks what ethnicity they belong to. For example, I have no idea what group my fellow Iranians in PDF belong to. Heck, I didnt even know @haman10 was kurd well until late 2014. lol

Thats cool it doesnt bother you. Nor does it really bother me whatever you think you dominated or not dominated several hundreds of years ago. :)
I mean heck, some of you are even in conflict with Chinese members because you claim the Uyghur people and speaking on their behalf. lol
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Well actually the percentage is between 60-65 percent (http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/5/50/Percentage_of_ethnic_groups_in_the_general_population_of_Iran_(2012-2014).png/640px-Percentage_of_ethnic_groups_in_the_general_population_of_Iran_(2012-2014).png)

And I am Persian, but that is neither here or there.
I identify myself as Iranian and I dont look down on my fellow compatriots who are not Persians. No really asks what ethnicity they belong to. For example, I have no idea what group my fellow Iranians in PDF belong to. Heck, I didnt even know @haman10 was kurd well until late 2014. lol

Thats cool it doesnt bother you. Nor does it really bother me whatever you think you dominated or not dominated several hundreds of years ago. :)
I mean heck, some of you are even in conflict with Chinese members because you claim the Uyghur people and speaking on their behalf. lol
Neither do i care about the ethnicity of others nor did i talked about dominating someone, i sense a sour undertone in your post, its better not to drag this any further, it might go in a direction i dont want.
Neither do i care about the ethnicity of others nor did i talked about dominating someone, i sense a sour undertone in your post, its better not to drag this any further, it might go in a direction i dont want.

Where is the sour undertone?
I just gave some facts very civilly, except for the little sarcastic jab about the Uyghur which was just a joke. lol
I like you as a member here. ;)
Awww, you hurt his teenage feelings by sharing an information about Turkish F4s :(
Well, i regret it already, seriously, one cant even share a small info without someone going crazy, being accused of trolling and insulted, purest kindergarten nothing more.

Off Topic Irrelevant post for flaming the thread >>> trolling
Flaming? Are you for real? If you call that a trolling then i dont know what you call your actions, you just insulted a member today without a reason...
Well, i regret it already, seriously, one cant even share a small info without someone going crazy, being accused of trolling and insulted, purest kindergarten nothing more.

Flaming? Are you for real? If you call that a trolling then i dont know what you call your actions, you just insulted a member today without a reason...

I knew you wanted to open a window to start saying your BS. Anyway, I am not interested in your BS. Go play with someone in your own level.
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