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Çay Bahçesi

That's enough for 3 people max, bigger than 18 inches in diameter? Did you really eat both pizzas?

It's food, what do mean disgusting?

Soo evil... :o::tsk:

American portions lol :D 3 people could eat it, but it would be enough for 4, or even 5. I barely ate one, I had a break before last 1-2 slices. And I'm usually a hardcore eater for my size.

I'm dreaming about lottery again, I would buy a shop with good rent income, another apartment may be, ultimate gaming equipment.
Holy... when did you marry, bro? I knew about the engagement though. Must have missed the anouncement. Congratulations and hope everything will be fine for you and your wife :)
Not married mate. :), not engaged also... sadece kız isteme oldu daha. :)
@Targon beni taglemişsin çin forumunda, baktım thread'e. ben oraya yazmam arkadaş, zeka seviyesi bayağı bayağı düşük o tayfanın :D bişey anlatacağım derken kanser olursun mazallah. şu beautiful ancient 500 million arab semitic kelimelerini kullanmadan post yazamayan arabın yazdıkları bile sanat eseri kalıyor bu beyinsizlerin yanında.

Last night I had a crazy dream. I was forced to marry :(

i also had a dream. in my dream IS nutjobs were attacking turkish jendarmerie outpost and some pöh elements. but we kicked their asses good LOL
@Targon beni taglemişsin çin forumunda, baktım thread'e. ben oraya yazmam arkadaş, zeka seviyesi bayağı bayağı düşük o tayfanın :D bişey anlatacağım derken kanser olursun mazallah. şu beautiful ancient 500 million arab semitic kelimelerini kullanmadan post yazamayan arabın yazdıkları bile sanat eseri kalıyor bu beyinsizlerin yanında.

i also had a dream. in my dream IS nutjobs were attacking turkish jendarmerie outpost and some pöh elements. but we kicked their asses good LOL

Bu Çinliler harbiden ayrı bir kafa yaşıyor, İranlılara sövüyoruz ama bunlar apayrı birşey, tartışamıyorsun laftan anlamıyorlar.
Yup :agree:

but it was funny how all 3 agreed :p:

They think of your goodness, there is a saying "Kızını dövmeyen dizini döver" , who doesn't beat their daughters, later beat their own knees later(out of frustration), this is all to discipline you :D

yea that was the point of mentioning all 3 :p:

Shut up!


Sen karadenizli miydin ? nedir bu karadenizde ki durdurulamayan yobazlık yükselişi :D yıllarca orta ve doğu anadoluya laf ettik, sosyal medyadan bakıyorumda karadenizliler liderlik koltuğuna oturmuşlar, ne zaman böyle birine denk gelsem açıyorum profili ya rize ya trabzon :D
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