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YOLO :D be a little loose, A guy I know in another forum calls the current islam as "Sunnism" and says its mostly interpration and regulations put by religious men :D Quran doesn't even tells about any kind of regulated praying.

Tell these to your mom and see what she says :D

Ikr.. The fun fact is that the "Quran" is not meant to be a book in the first place. The context of that book is everything Allah told to Hz. Muhammed. Literally everything. If Allah had said "you have some dirt on your nose", then even "that" would have been added to the book, as all those written holy messages were nothing but ordinary conversations coming from Allah.

Some religious-wannabe peeps say that "But Allah did not write everything he told Hz. Muhammed, into the Quran. Allah also specially told Hz. Muhammed how to pray etc, that is why we have another book called Sünnet Kitabı veya öle bişi işte".

They do not understand the fact that Hz. Muhammed did not write the Quran, and all those messages that create the book itself are literal quotes of everything Allah said to Hz. Muhammed.

People obviously made up those "praying laws" and everything else by themselves. It is not possible for Hz. Muhammed to have been able to know "some holy rules" without Allah telling those rules to him specially.

And everything Allah said to Hz. Muhammed is saved in a document of a book called "Quran".
bro, i dont wanna get in a religious argument, but isnt prostitution Haraam?

First of all, what is "prostitution"? It is having sex with someone for a return. Even ordinary sex is like that, that does not work any other way around. :-)

Secondly, please show me a source where Quran says having sex is illegal. I even highly doubt that it would have a word in it to qualify "prostitution" in the first place lawl. And I highly doubt that the Quran actually refers much regarding sexuality at all.

Thirdly and most importantly, that is still "intervening in another person's business".

Do you think that as a human-being, judging and calling others "wrong", "bad" etc is actually a good thing? If so, then I pity you, for believing that you are somewhat qualified to judge other people.

No. Only "God" has the specific requirements to be able to judge other human-beings for "bad sins". Other than that, the social laws we today have, which are based on "human-rights", are enough to keep the stability and order on the planet, which is all we need in this life.
That guy is "Cübbeli Hoca"..."Hodja with Robe". He is kind of a weird personality.
i really dont know him, i just used his meme...............

Ikr.. The fun fact is that the "Quran" is not meant to be a book in the first place. The context of that book is everything Allah told to Hz. Muhammed. Literally everything. If Allah had said "you have some dirt on your nose", then even "that" would have been added to the book, as all those written holy messages were nothing but ordinary conversations coming from Allah.

Some religious-wannabe peeps say that "But Allah did not write everything he told Hz. Muhammed, into the Quran. Allah also specially told Hz. Muhammed how to pray etc, that is why we have another book called Sünnet Kitabı veya öle bişi işte".

They do not understand the fact that Hz. Muhammed did not write the Quran, and all those messages that create the book itself are literal quotes of everything Allah said to Hz. Muhammed.

People obviously made up those "praying laws" and everything else by themselves. It is not possible for Hz. Muhammed to have been able to know "some holy rules" without Allah telling those rules to him specially.

And everything Allah said to Hz. Muhammed is saved in a document of a book called "Quran".
actually there are hadith which were quotes of Allah but were not included in the Quran, those are called hadith e Qudsi (Divine Hadith)
and as for teaching the Holy Prophet (PBUH) how to pray he was taght that by Hazrat Israfeel (A.S) (The Trumpet blowing angel)

Khala jee might be able to add something.............
actually there are hadith which were quotes of Allah but were not included in the Quran

..., which is not possible.

and as for teaching the Holy Prophet (PBUH) how to pray he was taght that by Hazrat Israfeel (A.S) (The Trumpet blowing angel)

I've never heard about this one, but oh well.. In such a case, that would be legit. But that still does not change the fact that the "Hacis book" you referred are nothing but "good acts and quotes" of Hz. Muhammed, and also that it is wrong for human-beings to call other human-beings names just because they think they are somewhat perfect and greatly qualified for that job, which can only be done by a "real perfect existence", which has only one example of its kind, Allah.
1stly, they wouldnt understand :rofl:
next they wont believe coz I am hardcore Muslim :p:

Well, there is a simplified logic to overcome the diversity of multiplicity of beliefs. In essence, there cannot be more than one "religion" in the case there is a creator.

All those "religions" would be supposed to be, the same, and all of them would have same logical bases to support their legitimacy.

Why would god send different religions in different times under different names?

This subject actually needs a wall of text in order to be able to be fully understood, which requires patience, which is sth I do not have right now :p

But as for Tl;dr-matter, I'd say that the ideologies "religion", "nationality", "race" etc, are made-up ideologies, the sole purposes of which is to control people easier in a more effective manner.
@Jf Thunder @Akheilos

Get into Atheist/Agnostic/Deist/Apatheist train, we got cookies :D

Lol how would you parents react if you told them you were Atheist ? :D

Lol, that reminded me of a memory. :D

At middle-school, i get the lowest score from Religion Class. However my Maths,Science and other classes were 5/5.

When father saw my report card..... he looked at it then raised his head and said "Allahsız mısın lan sen it !!!".... :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Wowowow, guys did i said i visited a prostitute? Calm your tits everybody. :lol:

I thought visiting a prostitue was tradition during the teen ages :D some fathers offers to take their kids to prostitute, my father's friends offered and my father allowed but I didn't go :D

@Jf Thunder

You got that tradition bro ? :D


What did you say ? :D
Lol, that reminded me of a memory. :D

At middle-school, i get the lowest score from Religion Class. However my Maths,Science and other classes were 5/5.

When father saw my report card..... he looked at it then raised his head and said "Allahsız mısın lan sen it !!!".... :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

when i said to my mother i'm not muslim, she just said "be a good man, else doesn't matter". and she's practicing (5 time prayer, fasting etc). sometimes i just wish all muslims were like her LOL my dad didn't give shit, cos he's atheist :D
Ikr.. The fun fact is that the "Quran" is not meant to be a book in the first place. The context of that book is everything Allah told to Hz. Muhammed. Literally everything. If Allah had said "you have some dirt on your nose", then even "that" would have been added to the book, as all those written holy messages were nothing but ordinary conversations coming from Allah.
Huh? Yet instances where Prophet met angel or got certain revelations such as how to pray (which he id by showing) isnt written...
Some religious-wannabe peeps say that "But Allah did not write everything he told Hz. Muhammed, into the Quran. Allah also specially told Hz. Muhammed how to pray etc, that is why we have another book called Sünnet Kitabı veya öle bişi işte".
Allah didnt write the Quran....Human did ...ALLAH only transmitted a MSG. Allah wrote in the Quran what WE NEED TO KNOW and cant be changed (stories from the past, some signs for us to ponder, some warnings for us to heed, some examples for us to know and follow)...While the prophet did maximum in his life to show how to make use of all this knowledge
They do not understand the fact that Hz. Muhammed did not write the Quran, and all those messages that create the book itself are literal quotes of everything Allah said to Hz. Muhammed.
So prophet made up how to pray?
People obviously made up those "praying laws" and everything else by themselves. It is not possible for Hz. Muhammed to have been able to know "some holy rules" without Allah telling those rules to him specially.

And everything Allah said to Hz. Muhammed is saved in a document of a book called "Quran".
Actually no! Quran is a book of signs not a spoon feeding book of everything...It is giving us sings to ponder on...Some things are "flexible" with more than 1 way to pray (hence not mentioned in the Quran coz then it would be a thicker book then it is now)and if Praying was only in the Quran and not shown how to be done then people would have left it in the Quran how they have left the Quran to the "imams" to interpret for them!
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