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Çay Bahçesi

Politics involve everywhere man, my aunt is working in a school as a kind of helper, they tried to dismiss her and take someone else because she was related to a local AKP authority, my aunt also had to call someone to protect her job, I don't appreciate it but she at least wasn't stealing someone else's job.

Political influences and defraud involved as deep as the bottom of society.
Of Course we are brothers I asked Turkish citizenship because it is close to us and I study Turkish Language in Iraq
And we always proud with our brother country PAKISTAN

Iraqis & Iraqi Turkmen are our Brothers too ! :)

I hope that the internal troubles of Iraq are over soon & Iraqis can live in peace & prosperity once more - Inshallah !

Bu resim neredendi ? Göktürkler deniyor ama

Abilerin saçlar uzun, sanki Avrasya Kıpçaklarınında saçları uzundu diye hatırlıyorum bi bilgin var mı ? ben hala ısrarcıyım, bence kazıyıp tutam bırakma geleneği sonradan yaygınlaşmış birşey(belki Moğollarda ortaya çıkıp yayılmıştır ?), ki zaten Selçuklular uzun saçlıyken, Osmanlı zamanında da kazınmış saç ve bazen bi tutam at kuyruğu makbul.

resim 6-8 yy.dan kalma. moğolistan'daki munget hisaa bölgesinden. kıpçak saçları da uzun. avrupa'daki kıpçak balballarının çoğunda uzun saçlı olarak betimlenmişler. şimdi, moğol dediklerin dünkü çocuklar :D yani ilk başta kamag moğol olan, günümüzde halha moğolları olarak bilinenlerin etnogenezi türkleri bu şekilde etkileyecek kadar eski değil. benim bahsettiğim taştık m.ö.2 yüzyıla kadar gidiyor.


yukarıdaki gömüt maskesi 3. yy taştık kültürüne ait. görüldüğü gibi saçlar yukarıda bir tutam gerisi komple kazınmış. taştık'ın öncüsü olan tagar kültürünün zamandaşı durumundaki pazırık kültüründeki mumyaların bazılarında da yine ya tepede ya da ensede saç bırakma görülüyor.

noin ula'daki hun aristokrasisine ait duvar resmi ve gömütlerdeki tiplerin saçları hep uzun. dediğim gibi ikisinin etki alanları farklı. biri kuzeydeki halkları etkilerken,diğeri çin sınırındaki halkları etkilemiş.

Eski pc'sim de soguk toprakda kaldıgı için yüz hatları bozulmamıs eski bir kırgız kafatası vardı sarısın kızıla yakın ve uzun örülmüş bir tutam sacı vardı. Yüz hatlarında mongolidlik yoktu

sanırım targon'un mesajına yazdığım cevaptaki kafatasını kastediyorsun. günümüzden bir kırgız:


adamın gözleri masmavi amk :D
@Charon 2 I don't know why you bash Turks in favor of Iranians.
Anyway, the Farsi mod has chickened out and banned me in the other thread that you have quoted me.
About Qajars, you have said a lot of non-sense stuff, and you have questioned them about economy. FYI, in contrast to Pahlavis or mullahs who enjoyed pumping of 100 billion dollars of oil money each year into their economy, they did not have such money. Also, their empire had even below 10 million population and they could not collect much tax either. Also, they needed to pay fines as a result of war with Russians, and GB and Russia were constantly invade them and they needed to spend a lot of money in each war. Yet, they could promote production in such way that the first industrial factories of the history of Iran was built, and also the agricultural production increased a lot in such a way that its production in many agricultural products such as tobacco, fruits, ... was close to Ottoman empire which was many times bigger and more populace than Qajar empire. You can compare it with Pahlavis who destroyed the agricultural products exporting Iran to a country that had food only for 90 days of a year and needed to import for the rest of the year. Still, after a century, Iran is not self-sufficient in agricultural section, and needs to import a lot of main agricultural products.
About the constitution it was and still is the most modern declaration of civil rights, and governing a country, which is not even in the same league with military dictatorship of pahlavis or the north korean pre-medieval era laws of mullahs. Yet, people were much more happy since they were treated like human beings and not like bunch of crap who their women are harassed daily by religious police for showing one inch of their hair, or are killed in tens of thousands as political prisoners or ...
If you cannot distinguish the difference, I cannot help you much. since haters gonna hate, no matter of what you say.
@Charon 2 I don't know why you bash Turks in favor of Iranians.
Anyway, the Farsi mod has chickened out and banned me in the other thread that you have quoted me.
About Qajars, you have said a lot of non-sense stuff, and you have questioned them about economy. FYI, in contrast to Pahlavis or mullahs who enjoyed pumping of 100 billion dollars of oil money each year into their economy, they did not have such money. Also, their empire had even below 10 million population and they could not collect much tax either. Also, they needed to pay fines as a result of war with Russians, and GB and Russia were constantly invade them and they needed to spend a lot of money in each war. Yet, they could promote production in such way that the first industrial factories of the history of Iran was built, and also the agricultural production increased a lot. You can compare it with Pahlavis who destroyed the agricultural products exporting Iran to a country that had food only for 90 days of a year and needed to import for the rest of the year. Still, after a century, Iran is not self-sufficient in agricultural section, and needs to import a lot of main agricultural products.
About the constitution it was and still is the most modern declaration of civil rights, and governing a country, which is not even in the same league with military dictatorship of pahlavis or the north korean pre-medieval era laws of mullahs. Yet, people were much more happy since they were treated like human beings and not like bunch of crap who their women are harassed daily by religious police for showing one each of their hair, or are killed in tens of thousands as political prisoners or ...
If you cannot distinguish the difference, I cannot help you much. since haters gonna hate, no matter of what you say.

İran tarihini okumamış biri, Kaçarların önemini anlayamaz.

Nadir Şah öldürülmeseydi, Kürt sorunu belki olmayacaktı. Onun bıraktığı boşluğu Etnik Lur olan Zendler doldurdu. Zendleri kökünü kazıyan Kaçarlar, Türkler açısından makbuldur.
Beyler yeni Başbakan Davutoğlu savunma sanayine nerdeyse her konuşmasında vurgu yapıyor. Öneminden bahsediyor. Yani genel olarak yapılan projelerden çok bahsetmiyor da hükümet olarak en öncelikli konulardan olacağı kolaylıkla anlaşılıyor.
@Alienoz_TR @xxxKULxxx

Yapmayin beyler. Boyle kucuk seylerin yuzunden kizmayin.

Küçük müçük değil. Akpliler yüzünden cumhuriyetin tüm birikimleri satıldı, ülkenin doğusu elden gitti. Ahlak bozuldu, işyerleri borca girdi. İnsanlar intihar ediyor.

Artık tepkisiz kalma zamanı çoktan geçti.
@Charon 2 there are lot of propaganda against qajars u need to see it from both side not blindly accept words of pahlavi worshipers

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