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Çay Bahçesi

Lol, losers..... are you upset that you can't continue with this two-faced behaviour anymore ?

Be a man and don't hide behind that specific writing.... say it into my face... though, after exposing it's understood that you can't write anything but trash, like who you are.

continue your discussions here if there is any left

@kollang @IR1907 @asena_great

but this is my last warning ...... stop trolling .
I don't know about Balkhash radar, but, the equipment of Gabala, belonged to Russia, although its land and buildings belonged to Azerbaijan and they needed to pay rent ;)
this is BS ! did they took the equipment out of gabala ?
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No, it is going to be changed into some recreational center. I think @Azeri440 knows more about the future plans for it.
Apparently, It has been harmful for the health of the people living next to it.
so if russians kicked from somewhere they have right to take their equipment ?? can we forcefully pay them instead ?
so if russians kicked from somewhere they have right to take their equipment ?? can we forcefully pay them on instead ?

I guess we could maybe do so, but, we really did not need to do so. Green Pine is enough for us. All of our enemies are located close to us and we don't have any enemies in 3000 km away from Azerbaijan ;)
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