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Çay Bahçesi

Irans fighters of the futher.


:rofl: Epic post.:rofl:
BTW, are not you, Sam1980, and DestructLord working for FATA? I thought you were from Sepah. :lol: Anyway, let's not continue this discussion anymore, but, just notice that we keep eyes on Farsis from now on and are conscious about your activities and posts ;)

Are you being serious? I haven't posted a single post for more than 5 years, before today.

There wasn't even an Iranian forum when I joined this forum!
In the case that Farsi mod deletes my post in Iranian Chill Thread:


I came here just make a comment and then I will leave.

I understand your pain towards the Mullas in Iran. I understand what they have done to Iran and what they will continue to do to Iran if they remain in power. I understand how angry you are because you think they targeting the Azari population in Iran and are pro farsi.
I understand your pains...all of it.

I am saying this as a Persian Iranian (whatever that means). I know that if someone in Iran tries to change their name to some Persian name that their application is rejected. I know that at the begging of the revolution, they were close to bulldozing persepolis. I can give you so much more examples.
What I don't understand is how you're mixing Mullas and Persians. @Abii will agree with me that the Mullas are more anti-Persian than anything else. They despise what we Persian truly stand for. Persians don't give a rats bottom about Palestinians. We care for our own Iranian brothers. Whether they're Persian,Azari,Kurds or whatever.

You like to be against Mullas, but how are you any better than them? They spread their pro-arab Islami in Iran whilst you want to spread hate and separatism (Just look at your avatar). How are people like you a better substitute as long as you're filled with all this hate?

I seen you a few time defending Iran from Pakistani insults etc in this very forum, same for Abii.
Bro, don't turn you back on Iran. We are all Iranians, don't let hatred for one group (Mullas) become a much bigger hate for others (Persians or whatever). As long as Good, innocent Iranians are fighting one another, we'll always be a victim and will never be a powerhouse like we once were.

You've upset me by changing your Iranian flag. As I said, don't let you hate spread too much. We all want prosperity for Iran. As soon as we fight each other, then Iran will just be a name and nothing like it once was.

please consider what I said.

Dude, sometimes you need to be in ones place to understand how he really feels. Your statement is like saying that all genders, and all religions are oppressed in Iran, so they experience the same thing. While in fact, it is a lot different. It is a lot different from being a sunni turkmen women from Aq-qala and being a farsi rich mullah from Isfahan. BTW, There is a clear bias in favor of your language, cities, culture, ... in Iran. This apologist comments also make me sad. If you really believe in modern humanistic values and ethics, you should not being apologist for the ethnic based racism, religion intolerance, ... with the excuse that you are also experiencing 1/1000th of what other ethnicities, religions, ... are experiencing.

I am not claiming to be better than anything. what I am saying is what I want for my nation, Azerbaijan. We don't have the ambition to rule Farsis, or kurds or ... So, you should not really care for what we are. Whatever we are, is only our own business, and not yours to be concerned about it.

BTW, I have thought about the famous quote of Pishehvari in parliament a lot. He said that Azerbaijan has chosen the path of freedom, if Tehran wants to choose another path, we would not care and continue our path. This sentence is simply explaining what I agree with as well. The fact is that Farsi people have chosen a different path from us. That's your choice. But, our chosen path is different. we want to have the path that Turkey, and Northern Azerbaijan have chosen. I am not blaming you for your decision, but you need to respect our decision as well. You can love mullahs like mohsen, you can be a revisionist worshipper like serpentine, you can be a raefipoor follower like mohsenam, or some ultra pan farsist, .... that's your own choice, not ours. You need to understand this. An afshar turk, or a bayat or qajar turk from southern Azerbaijan, would feel much closer to Avshars, bayats, and kadjars of Turkey and Northern Azerbaijan than a farsi. he/she would obviously prefer their own culture, music, language, ... To be honest, I am tired of your ultra-racism, and being religious retards. I am not a religious person, but you have even defamed the shia sect which was associated with Safavid Azerbaijanis.

About border issue with pakistan, ... I tried to say what I thought. I am not a blind nationalist, or ....

Anyway, I don't care much about names. What I care about is prosperity of my nation, The nation of Azerbaijan. As long as flag is concerned, it was the qajar flag which changed a bit during mullahs, and I as a qajar, have a positive sense to it as the qajar flag. other than that, I no longer care about it. What you people did, made Iran dead for me. Why should we live in a united country and under one single flag, if we hate each other so much? That's the bottom line. from now on, what I wait for is the day that Baku takes karabagh back, and Tabriz, Urmia, Ardabil, Zanjan, Qazvin, Hamedan, Anzali and Saveh became free, and forms the united Azerbaijan, with Baku, Ganja, Nakhchivan, and Derbent.
@revojam ,anlamadi,kim diye sordu.
Istersen kendin gel soyle.

Geçen yıl Sinan'ın o foruma ilk geldiğinde kendini tanıtma konusuna attığı mesajın cevabı olduğu söyle şimdi linki vermiyim burda.

Mesajı buydu:
It will be great to have a Turkish pov. btw anyone of you know the Turk who use the name erdogan on forums? I used to love seeing his posts but have not seen him around for a while.
Millet şunlara oy verir misiniz ?... Oylama sonucuna göre maketi yapılacak...

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Nası ürün ekleniyo bilmiyorum... Ekleyebilirseniz ALTAY, MİLGEM, ANKA falan da ekleyin isterseniz... T-129 baya bi oy almış durumda... İnci sözlükten tanıdıpınız var oyları uçururlar, iyi olur...
Millet şunlara oy verir misiniz ?... Oylama sonucuna göre maketi yapılacak...

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Nası ürün ekleniyo bilmiyorum... Ekleyebilirseniz ALTAY, MİLGEM, ANKA falan da ekleyin isterseniz... T-129 baya bi oy almış durumda... İnci sözlükten tanıdıpınız var oyları uçururlar, iyi olur...
Bro open a thread in the members section so that people can vote.
Actually i was carefull about country and people i only insulted Mullahs, just to clarify that.
i am a Mullah (as in, i have a beard) imma cry now

reminds me of a story "once upon a time there was a girl, who loved to listen to songs always when she worked, she got married off to a mullah, a preacher type person, one day she was cooking and listening to songs, he came in heard the songs and turned it off......................................................................................................................................................, then he said i sing much better, can i sing for you? and she was like "WTF? Mr Mullah, pls remain and mullah

the end


damn im worried about UNI..........
i am a Mullah (as in, i have a beard) imma cry now

reminds me of a story "once upon a time there was a girl, who loved to listen to songs always when she worked, she got married off to a mullah, a preacher type person, one day she was cooking and listening to songs, he came in heard the songs and turned it off......................................................................................................................................................, then he said i sing much better, can i sing for you? and she was like "WTF? Mr Mullah, pls remain and mullah

the end


damn im worried about UNI..........
Do you really like to stalk Turks in the forum? You are weird dude. :undecided:
i am a Mullah (as in, i have a beard) imma cry now

reminds me of a story "once upon a time there was a girl, who loved to listen to songs always when she worked, she got married off to a mullah, a preacher type person, one day she was cooking and listening to songs, he came in heard the songs and turned it off......................................................................................................................................................, then he said i sing much better, can i sing for you? and she was like "WTF? Mr Mullah, pls remain and mullah

the end.
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