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@mangekyo ..... there are deeply unfair realms in this forum for certain topics....trust me as an Indian veteran of this forum... I know a good deal about it.

It would be pity if you leave forum over this....I would say whenever you need to take some time off etc and interact selectively and wisely as possible....

.....but I understand totally if its intolerable for you....it depends how much you care to compartmentalise some of the huge bias of this forum on certain topics. If you can't (it just depends on your nature/interest as person in the end) then it just become totally negative experience and yes you must then find something more pleasant to do instead...after all its your time.

I wish you the best whatever you decide buddy. Know that it was heartening for me to see you fight as much as you did...and as you did.... on that thread.
Turkish brothers. I want to ask you a sincere question. I am disgusted by the support PDF members gives to the Chinese over ethnic cleansing and genocide of Uighurs. Even the mod I have been discussing with for hours now. How can you tolerate it and still be on this forum? I am very close to leaving the forum for good, I am really disgusted by this.
before you leave I want you get some background on this

Couple of years ago Chinese presence on this forum was massive, with many Chinese mods, TTAs and members
This meant any negative Uyghur news thread would get deleted, posting Turkish member banned, abuses and racial insults of Turkish members was causal among Chinese members

Despite all of this Turkish members persisted in bringing out truth about Uyghurs on this forum

Result was this was website got banned in China and subsequently we saw a mass exodus of Chinese TTAs and Mods(Possibly posting here on behalf of CCP) and many Chinese members.

Now regarding Pakistan mods, on this issue, they are between a rock and hard place.

Pakistan Govt is extremely sensitive anything negative about China, below is example of this


Hence if this forum gets attention for something Chinese Govt is uncomfortable , this forum can face a ban in Pakistan or even worse face DDOS attempts from Chinese cyber militia

Mods here are walking on thin ice on this issue

From my observation, average Pakistani being religious is sympathetic to Uighur cause, but its urban elite (majority of Pak members here) are not

My suggestion is not to give up now, persistence pays
@mangekyo ..... there are deeply unfair realms in this forum for certain topics....trust me as an Indian veteran of this forum... I know a good deal about it.

It would be pity if you leave forum over this....I would say whenever you need to take some time off etc and interact selectively and wisely as possible....

.....but I understand totally if its intolerable for you....it depends how much you care to compartmentalise some of the huge bias of this forum on certain topics. If you can't (it just depends on your nature/interest as person in the end) then it just become totally negative experience and yes you must then find something more pleasant to do instead...after all its your time.

I wish you the best whatever you decide buddy. Know that it was heartening for me to see you fight as much as you did...and as you did.... on that thread.

I find it troubling to associate myself with a forum that supports ethnic cleansing and genocide, last time I had to discuss with someone who wanted us to kill all "jews and crusaders". The forum is taking a very dark turn.

Someone has actually created a database of missing (or killed) Uighurs


So far, the list has almost 10 000 missing/dead :(

Guys the site is pretty solid, it even has a list of testimonies

This is the most detailed database of missing people I have ever seen.

Please check it out guys
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I find it troubling to associate myself with a forum that supports ethnic cleansing and genocide, last time I had to discuss with someone who wanted us to kill all "jews and crusaders". The forum is taking a very dark turn.

Someone has actually created a database of missing (or killed) Uighurs


So far, the list has almost 10 000 missing/dead :(

You are speaking to one that has been banned a great deal for bringing up uncomfortable questions on certain psychology of named-country for this forum regarding why there exists a new country called Bangladesh today....which used to be its Eastern wing. Now I simply avoid topic as much as possible.

Once you understand that underlying psyche is simply now extended immensely to one other (huge) country today due to very crystallized geopolitical, security and economic reliance...you understand everything in broader way....and yes including such things as genocide as that was part of that ex-wing final chapter story too.

Yes its off-putting, but there are also interactions here of worth to help counter and forget about that stuff for long enough periods. But if you cannot find it, then you are completely right its not worth the time.
I don't venture much out from our own subforum. Mostly because I am aware of the mentioned problems.

Also as forummers we can only share news and sources of these cases, but who is to say that the Chinese aren't copying the content of these posts and filing them according to some guidelines from PLA. If Huawei gets to build 5G network for many countries, along with the apps ppl download the amount of data they can collect are huge. Just think of the e-mail address you used to register to this site. Maybe you've used on several other places as well.

It's good to have a place to surf, and chat, share opinions and gain knowledge. I'm here for defense news and developments in our region.
Can I have a live link for first Aya Sophia Jumah prayer ???? I want to share it to my FB friends
@Nilgiri @mangekyo
You are talking about people who literally banned any thread about the Uyghur after the last major confrontation between Turkish and Chinese members on that issue. The claims are portrayed immediately as lies only because the issue is a part of the Western propaganda against China and the most hurtful thing is that people who claim to be like your "Muslim brothers" are closing their eyes for the true of the anti-Muslim politic of China.

After they see about the Uyghurs one of the first sentences I see is "And what about Kashmir? Why don't we talk about Kashmir?" while Turks have always been loud about the issue including on State officials level. To compare that kind of issues where both Muslim communities are involved based on favoring your sponsor and pose as a "Muslim brother" is disgusting.
@Nilgiri @mangekyo
You are talking about people who literally banned any thread about the Uyghur after the last major confrontation between Turkish and Chinese members on that issue. The claims are portrayed immediately as lies only because the issue is a part of the Western propaganda against China and the most hurtful thing is that people who claim to be like your "Muslim brothers" are closing their eyes for the true of the anti-Muslim politic of China.

After they see about the Uyghurs one of the first sentences I see is "And what about Kashmir? Why don't we talk about Kashmir?" while Turks have always been loud about the issue including on State officials level. To compare that kind of issues where both Muslim communities are involved based on favoring your sponsor and pose as a "Muslim brother" is disgusting.

That is literally what happened.

"Western media, its fake news" "
Why are you not talking about Kashmir?"
"US is Chinas enemy, we must not believe them"
"They are ISIS terrorists"
"Nobody died"
"Indians are worse"

One of the mods actually had the audacity to say that China treats Muslims better than Norway, Norway that frikkin literally gives Muslims money to build 100s of Mosques in every single corner and even makes sure Muslim inmates only receive Halal food.

Cant believe the lengths they are willing to go to justify and ignore their own Muslim brethren being slaughtered
before you leave I want you get some background on this

Couple of years ago Chinese presence on this forum was massive, with many Chinese mods, TTAs and members
This meant any negative Uyghur news thread would get deleted, posting Turkish member banned, abuses and racial insults of Turkish members was causal among Chinese members

Despite all of this Turkish members persisted in bringing out truth about Uyghurs on this forum

Result was this was website got banned in China and subsequently we saw a mass exodus of Chinese TTAs and Mods(Possibly posting here on behalf of CCP) and many Chinese members.

Now regarding Pakistan mods, on this issue, they are between a rock and hard place.

Pakistan Govt is extremely sensitive anything negative about China, below is example of this


Hence if this forum gets attention for something Chinese Govt is uncomfortable , this forum can face a ban in Pakistan or even worse face DDOS attempts from Chinese cyber militia

Mods here are walking on thin ice on this issue

From my observation, average Pakistani being religious is sympathetic to Uighur cause, but its urban elite (majority of Pak members here) are not

My suggestion is not to give up now, persistence pays
thank you for that...so that's why so many Turkish members left in the last yrs...

chill, watch/listen to Ayasofya-i kebir camii-i serif.
inshaallah god is satisfied with all of us because of this decision and our support for it
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