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Bro how are we different from China when we try to restrict/limit and enforce a narrative on people? Gay people are a fact of life, its profoundly childish and disturbing to deny them basic representation and human rights. Usually i am the one who calls people dumbass SJW's but hey someone gotta be the devils advocate.
Your DP Omer Halisdemir right? Could you tell me more about him? He was recently featured in a mixed ode to Kashmir and 15 July Martyrs in Video by Hadiqa Kiani. Could you also tell me more about other martyrs shown in the video. All i could find was sources in turkish.

The f*cked up shit that happened to innocent conscripts on July 15 still haunts me to this day.

The "civilians" who beheaded or belittled soldiers who were just following orders need to be punished. Those soldiers were mainly new recruits who could've been me or you. With no relation to FETÖ at all.

In my opinion these "civilians" should be arrested alongside FETÖ members.
Imagine one day we woke up on this news : " Turkey successfully tested an invincible nuclear missile ". I think on this day I'll die with a smile on my face
@T-123456 You have asked before about Indonesian defense forum which uses English beside in PDF. Well you can check Defense Talk, less popular forum but the quality of the post made by Indonesian members there IMO is better than in this site. Some members there are really seniors in age and experiences.
Uh... Huawei is getting desperate in Denmark. They're on massive offensive, and they've begun threatening Denmark with economic losses.

Does anyone know to what extent they are going to be allowed to build Turkeys 5 G network ?
Uh... Huawei is getting desperate in Denmark. They're on massive offensive, and they've begun threatening Denmark with economic losses.

Does anyone know to what extent they are going to be allowed to build Turkeys 5 G network ?

Ismail Demir 5g technologies to co-operate with Huawei when it is mentioned that they want to keep control of all kinds of software to hardware in the field of any foreign company will not be allowed to dominate this issue, he stressed.

Virgin taking a knee for marriage vs the Chad Kyrgz bride kidnapper
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