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Çay Bahçesi

Hey guys, anyone have a link/source to watch Kurulus Osman & Payitaht Abdul Hamid? That has Urdu or English subtitles and is of good quality (like better than 144p lol)?

Your help will be much appreciated! :)
hm.. https://www.hurriyetdailynews.com/turkeys-2-day-curfew-begins-in-31-provinces-153763

abi bu ani bir karar mi, yoksa halk daha önceden haberdar edilmismiydi ? tweeter den görüldügü kadariyla sn cb rte cirkarmis oldugu karar galiba.

Ani bir açıklama oldu, açıklama yapılırken de nereler açık kalacak kimler muaf bir şey denmedi. Fırıncılar odası federasyonu karar açıklanmadan yarım saat önce bilgilendirilmiş sadece. Muhalif belediyelere hiç haber gitmemiş.
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@The Eagle ,why did you give me thread ban?


Those fvcking trolls can insult my people and nation but we can do nothing about it?
That idiot grey boy 2 still posting but i get a thread ban?
What kind of a slave mentality is this,where the honor and dignity?
Why not be correct?
Maybe my country should forget Pakistan and its interests?
Why should we support you at all?

Thread bans or forum bans are issued to settle down heating debate. Those who insulted are served with fractions. Don't just feed an abusive member and keep quoting inappropriate post merely to report. Such Provocation and abusive language wouldn't resolve the issue my friend. Unless, parties can't discuss with civility, it's only a choice to separate both .
Thread bans or forum bans are issued to settle down heating debate. Those who insulted are served with fractions. Don't just feed an abusive member and keep quoting inappropriate post merely to report. Such Provocation and abusive language wouldn't resolve the issue my friend. Unless, parties can't discuss with civility, it's only a choice to separate both .
That is bs,all you did is delete the post and thread banned me,so what about the insults?
What did those two trolls get?
What a joke and lame excuses.
If these trolls insult my people or my country again and you(the forum) dont take any action,WE will,you can be sure of that.
That is bs,all you did is delete the post and thread banned me,so what about the insults?
What did those two trolls get?
What a joke and lame excuses.
If these trolls insult my people or my country again and you(the forum) dont take any action,WE will,you can be sure of that.
@The Eagle @WebMaster Even though I have my differences of opinion with @T-123456 on issues like F-35, he's right in protesting lack of action against obvious trolls who blatantly insult Turks and Muslims. Defence,pk has never tolerated racism and islamophobia and shouldn't start now.

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Lol, don't argue with these Chinese fetishists. Once mods of this site forbid us to create any content regarding Uyghur Turks.

Also don’t argue with the chinese it’s waste of time, my prophecy is in the near future the economic sanctions and godly safety measures to anything that comes from China is going to do the talking.

You could just post this https://www.dailysabah.com/world/china-tries-pushing-germany-for-coronavirus-praise-report/news and ask them how much the chinese media praises prc ignoring the fact that they tried to cover it up until late january
^The chinese virus is a pr disaster which they are not in a position to get rid of, they can try it via the official way but social media is extremly sinophobic and as such every single demography globally has a bad view on these people.
We came to Anatolia all the way from the steppes of Mongolia just to get rid of the Chinese, can you blame the people for sinophobia? :lol:
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