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What your lack of understanding and hyper attitude has done in spreading misinformation and how you took my thread wrong even when I kept saying it is not what you think....You literally broke everything!

I opened a thread to protect my brothers but you with your lack of understanding and narrow mindedness made it a complete mess!
I ruined nothing. If you knew me, my stand for Turkey over my stand for Chinese...If you knew how annoyed Chinese members are of me that they opened a thread in GHQ to remove me from being a mod all because I gave negative rating and favoured @T-123456 over Chinese members 2-3x ....But I guess you are like a snake, who you give something and he just keeps taking and never acknowledge!

You want us to bend rules for you guys but you guys even refuse to understand us!

I am not the one who ignores Muslims in East Turkestan for Chinese money; readers can see who the real snake/münafık here is.
I know the meaning of Shirk, apparently some Pakistanis do not.

You know Allah, but prefer Chinese money.
Shirk means taking another god except ALLAH...Chinese are not god. If you think like that you cant blame it on us!

We can talk about Pakistani cheering of Chinese ''Sinicization'' in East Turkestan; if you handle it and do not follow the Chinese way?
You are no one to negotiate considering you dont even comprehend English properly! What I wrote you took it the wrong way due to ego...

If we were cheering we wouldnt be saving you guys from being victims of Chinese...But I guess you are not savable!

I am not the one who ignores Muslims in East Turkestan for Chinese money; readers can see who the real snake/münafık here is.
Exactly what are you doing? Sitting on an internet in the middle of the night and how many Turks have you saved?
What your lack of understanding and hyper attitude has done in spreading misinformation and how you took my thread wrong even when I kept saying it is not what you think....You literally broke everything!

I opened a thread to protect my brothers but you with your lack of understanding and narrow mindedness made it a complete mess!

Unbeliavable, yet again you hold us responsible for your own action after Chinese retaliation and actions of China.
Unbeliavable, yet again you hold us responsible for your own action after Chinese retaliation and actions of China.
No I dont hold "US" responsible just you...ONLY YOU!

You said that in your own mouth, Now we understand better.
and do you know that the terrorists also quote out of context from the QURAN?
You said that with your own mouth, Now we understand better.
We would never ask you to choose between us and your neighbour...because we know how geopolitics plays....but I guess you are too young to understand that!
Shirk means taking another god except ALLAH...Chinese are not god. If you think like that you cant blame it on us!

You are no one to negotiate considering you dont even comprehend English properly! What I wrote you took it the wrong way due to ego...

If we were cheering we wouldnt be saving you guys from being victims of Chinese...But I guess you are not savable!

Exactly what are you doing? Sitting on an internet in the middle of the night and how many Turks have you saved?

  1. Şirk-i İstiklâlî
  2. Şirk-i Teb'iz
  3. Şirk-i Takrîb
You may find yourself in those articles.

As i said Turks have come so far without mercy or help of third parties.

What you have so far done caused a few Turks to leave, and more to go.

I am here to go after my morality, kin and faith; unlike you who advocate Chinese in any way.

I am sure no doubt in Turks here have seen true colors of some Pakistanis here are the color of Chinese money, not the ''colors'' of the Islam, Humanity and Morality...with your help and moderation of others.
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Listen Turkish bros a lot of Pakistani members respect your country and love your people at the same time this is actual forum not a legislative or government body that passes laws or proposes foreign policy changes if you want that my suggestion is get off the keyboard and help through other ways most Pakistani members are in the diaspora have little connections to the govt or foreign policy honchos also I hated when Turkish and Chinese members forces us to take sides cause our country is allied with both of you guys GROW UP

I think a good majority of Pakistani members despise both the Turkish members and Chinese members for their keyboard fights over everything @Dubious is doing a fine work here
I think a good majority of Pakistani members despise both the Turkish members and Chinese members for their keyboard fights over everything @Dubious is doing a fine work here
Nobody understands our position esp when we have to hand a ban to a Turkish member...I have had to do it twice! And I did not feel good at all!

@1nsaneTR If I leave I will not return. There is nothing that is going to chill until they understand what I am saying. If it means they leave the forum...I guess that will be better than I ever having to ban another Turk!

If protecting Turks is wrong then yes I have done that wrong. But to be honest...it hurts when you protect someone and they are hell bent on calling you an enemy and even going as far as kicking you out of Islam....all for what? For a pass to fight on an international forum with god knows who?
Nobody understands our position esp when we have to hand a ban to a Turkish member...I have had to do it twice! And I did not feel good at all!

@1nsaneTR If I leave I will not return. There is nothing that is going to chill until they understand what I am saying. If it means they leave the forum...I guess that will be better than I ever having to ban another Turk!

Its never good to see someone from a friendly country be it Turkey or China get banned but then again the keyboard fights and some of arrogant members force the Pakistani members to take sides which in a forum like this should not happen if you have something you want to help out do it through other means
Both sides need some time to relax. I think they are right in a way but terribly defending it. You are in a tough situation and I understand it. Just relax, everybody, please.
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