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@KhalaiMakhlooq ,

''The HDP is not a terrorist organisation. You can check here''

Let me give you some ''inside'' information about the HDP.
The HDP is the political wing of the PKK,so is the PYD in Syria.
The leadership and some high ranked members of the HDP are in jail for proven support to and allied with the PKK terrorist organisation.
Here,something to read,

Btw,Wikipedia is not a good source for information regarding disputable subjects.
@KhalaiMakhlooq ,

''The HDP is not a terrorist organisation. You can check here''

Let me give you some ''inside'' information about the HDP.
The HDP is the political wing of the PKK,so is the PYD in Syria.
The leadership and some high ranked members of the HDP are in jail for proven support to and allied with the PKK terrorist organisation.
Here,something to read,

Btw,Wikipedia is not a good source for information regarding disputable subjects.

why aren't they banned from parliament
why aren't they banned from parliament
If you mean the HDP,its not that easy,if they ban the HDP the HDP voters would vote for the oppostion which would mean the leading AKP would lose seats and probably control in the parliament.
The Turkish system is complicated,10% treshold.
So you see,its about political power.
If you mean the HDP,its not that easy,if they ban the HDP the HDP voters would vote for the oppostion which would mean the leading AKP would lose seats and probably control in the parliament.
The Turkish system is complicated,10% treshold.
So you see,its about political power.

Unless HDP has been disbanded and banned from Parliament, you cannot say "HDP is a terrorist organisation"

The rest are your personal political commentary and views.
Isveççe daha mi kolay geliyor Danimarkaca bilene? Yoksa Hollandaca mı?

Isvec, Norvec ve Danimarka bence ayni dil temmeline sahip oldugu icin bu uc ulke birbirinin dilini anlayabiliyor. Mesela Finlandiya scandinavia ulkesi olmasina ragmen dili cok degisik, hic anlayamiyoruz. Hollandaca da cok degisik, "flemish" dili hatirladigim kadariyla hic bir baska avrupa diline benzemiyor.

Almancayi anlamak ve konusmak benim icik daha kolay. Lisede fransizca ögrenmeme ragmen, cok zor ve ögrendiklerimi bile unuttum.
Are you posting for the sake of posting ??? What's your point here ?

@T-123456 tagged me here and you responded trying to push your political views about Kurds.

Don't run your mouth at me because you are in the Turkish forum. My comment is a fact. If you don't like it, ask him to untag me.
@T-123456 tagged me here and you responded trying to push your political views about Kurds.

Don't run your mouth at me because you are in the Turkish forum. My comment is a fact. If you don't like it, ask him to untag me.
Calm down,i tried to explain some things to you but you have your own agenda,no need to drag this any further.
Go do your thing.
@T-123456 tagged me here and you responded trying to push your political views about Kurds.

Don't run your mouth at me because you are in the Turkish forum. My comment is a fact. If you don't like it, ask him to untag me.
You are nothing but a joke... you are speaking no sense...and yes, we are in the Turkish section so know your place.

Calm down,i tried to explain some things to you but you have your own agenda,no need to drag this any further.
Go do your thing.
Kim la bu lavuk, kendini nimetten sanıyo.
Isvec, Norvec ve Danimarka bence ayni dil temmeline sahip oldugu icin bu uc ulke birbirinin dilini anlayabiliyor. Mesela Finlandiya scandinavia ulkesi olmasina ragmen dili cok degisik, hic anlayamiyoruz. Hollandaca da cok degisik, "flemish" dili hatirladigim kadariyla hic bir baska avrupa diline benzemiyor.

Almancayi anlamak ve konusmak benim icik daha kolay. Lisede fransizca ögrenmeme ragmen, cok zor ve ögrendiklerimi bile unuttum.
Finlandiya Iskandinav ülkesi değil. :p
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