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Çay Bahçesi

Christianity is also a middle eastern religion,don't you forget it :)
Your perspective is so optimistic.
Europe still needs workers since its population is lowering and being more "elite",thats why you keep accepting pakis and why you accepted Romania,Bulgaria,Slovakia etc.
For example,accepting Slovakia to EU is nonesense,they are mostly radical christian and has no "pro" to EU.They have no economy and also EU economy is killing them day by day.But not everything is just being democratic or being something else.You need them in your side.
Now there is no country until Germany can resist Turkish armed forces.For example,if Turkey creates an allience with Russia for 20 years (which i think impossible) then EU is so vulnerable for invasion.
You think that it is impossible now but it is.
Personally,i wouldn't accept Turkey to EU because of the low conditions in east.But our conditions are way better than half of the EU in west.
You should break your prejudgements.A europe is same idiot as the one in Turkey.
Some things are so stupid that you depend democracy but some of you still have kings and queens :) And nobody minds it.
It seems you have your own way of interpretation. We have no plane against any minority's. Also, you follow a logic which we can see on many AKP politicians and followers.

Recognised religions have the same rights as Christians. Can you say that for Turkey? Why are you surprised when I say our value is based on Christian, too? As yours is on Islam.

I say, our value is based on Christian. Your interpretation; you hate non-Christian and want to kill them.

One by one;

"You follow AKP logic"
> I hate AKP's policies, i am a Kemalist

"Recognising religions have the same rights as Christians"
> By calling "Christianity" as your Union Religion

"Turkey's religion is Islam"
> Turkey has no religion, majority of the Turks are Muslim, State has no religion and there are even lots of Atheists and Deists, including me :)

"We have no plan against any minority"
> No, you just burn them, like ISIS does :)

Again, you are not "Secular", you are not "Humanist". You are just racist and against Secularism in every sense :) a Christian version of ISIS :)
Stop arguing with Euros about whether or not we want to be in their stupid Union. Just finance the far right parties and destabilise whatever internal harmony they have left. After that watch them push and slaughter each other as they did in all of its bloody and spectacular glory in WW2
Bu ltalyan arkadaş çok ukala birisi, en azından bizim Türk forumundan uzaklaştırın adamın iletilerini her gördüğüm zaman kusasım geliyor.

Irkçılık, kendini üstün görme & her şeyi biliyorum, biz mükemmeliz tavırları sinir ediyor.

Sırf şu herif yüzünden koca forumu takip etmiyorum bazen.

Bazı Türk arkadaşlar ciddi alıp tartışıyor ama siz ne derseniz farketmez herif buraya insanları provoke etmeye geliyor ve başarılı da oluyor.

Adam Batı'nın ikiyüzlülüğünün ete bürünmüş hali resmen, bu gidişle bizim dış politika iyice doğuya kayıcak ki bence iyi bir şey...Batı ile mesafe koymanın zamanı geldi de geçiyor, herifler bize iyice untermensch muamelesi yapmaya başladı.

Avrupa'da yaşayan Türklerin üstündeki baskıyı da unutmamak gerek, her yönden bizi sindirmeye çalışıyorlar.

Bak hele sen Alman'ın yazdığına bak, Hrıstiyan tanrıbilimi ne lan? Bu şahısın sözde Türk bölümünde açtığı konular ciddiye alınıyor.

Guys, what foreigners saying about our country and our people is unimportant.... i don't understand why you are giving a fvck ????

Turkey's officials literally says "Fvck off" to Euro prime minister...what do you want more. :)
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Guys, what foreigners saying about our country and our people is unimportant.... i don't understand why you are giving a fvck ????

Turkey's officials literally says "Fvck off" to Euro prime minister...what do you want more. :)

Kuzu officially says **** OFF to Euro prime minister. This made my day! Who actually cares EU in Turkey? Europe suppose Turkey the beggar of their union collapsing day by day? Don't worry, EU will beg Turkey to sit on chair for meetings again.

I suppose the million of Syrian refugees started moving towards Greece border to flow deep inside of Europe. England cut relations with EU. Greece is the money beggar and a littile arrogant country whose population is less than many of our major cities is talking about the determining future of Turkish Republic. A romanian whose country can't be the 1/4 of what Turkey achieves in terms of industry, economy, military...etc is talking as if Romania is the king. Take a look such a comedy. ☺️ Burhan KUZU officially said well, "F@ck Off".
I feel like Burhan Kuzu is nothing but an old troll
I feel like Burhan Kuzu is nothing but an old troll

He has a point:tup:
You dont understand. As a candidate Turkey gets each year several billion €. This would be cut to zero. Trade, tourism...evrything would be cut down to minimal level.

If we had a referendum here if turkey should be member of EU 90% would vote no. Europe is christian. Turkey oriental. There is simply no place for turkey in EU and its just fair to end this now with a swift cut. Its better for both.

And we are not bluffing. The visa deal is already history.

There is no way that turkey can be an ally with Erdogana s president. You go your way. We go ours.

That we have Christian roots and values is not part of any European contract. I would say the most people are atheist or not practicing Christian. Today, religion is not part of our European community.

About the membership, I don't think Turkey wants to join EU anymore. About the Visa deal, I hope it's not history, because we (Germans) are not able to take more refugees. And the other European countries don't want and are not able also. They would collapsed.
That we have Christian roots and values is not part of any European contract. I would say the most people are atheist or not practicing Christian. Today, religion is not part of our European community.

About the membership, I don't think Turkey wants to join EU anymore. About the Visa deal, I hope it's not history, because we (Germans) are not able to take more refugees. And the other European countries don't want and are not able also. They would collapsed.

you speak for germany not for others. Its a general problem from germany to believe it represents all. Thats also the reason why you always fail.

Italy is deeply rooted with catholic faith. eastern europe, spain and portugal as well.

The rest of your post shows this pathetic point of view. Stand up and protect your fucking borders like evryone else does. Spain closed down refugees to zero. Balkan is closed too and you krauts talk like its bad. Time for outsourcing to turkey is over. Do the dirty work yourself.

Also for membership...as candidate turkey gets several billions each year. This has to end now. The money can be invested in greece.

Plan B is already ready. Lock down of all borders. All illegals tranfered into remote islands. The australian model. Now grow some balls and stop being a pink pussy.

Kuzu officially says **** OFF to Euro prime minister. This made my day! Who actually cares EU in Turkey? Europe suppose Turkey the beggar of their union collapsing day by day? Don't worry, EU will beg Turkey to sit on chair for meetings again.

I suppose the million of Syrian refugees started moving towards Greece border to flow deep inside of Europe. England cut relations with EU. Greece is the money beggar and a littile arrogant country whose population is less than many of our major cities is talking about the determining future of Turkish Republic. A romanian whose country can't be the 1/4 of what Turkey achieves in terms of industry, economy, military...etc is talking as if Romania is the king. Take a look such a comedy. ☺️ Burhan KUZU officially said well, "F@ck Off".

all this doesnt change the fact that an oriental country has no place in europe.

and please spare us this refugee bullshit. As long they cant transport themself through osmosis they wont come through a fence. Looks like we cut the deal ourself and be done with this middle eastern country. Its high time to do so. I personally feel insulted that my leaders wasted time on this. Could be betetr spend on talks with angola.
@MarkusS why dont u just simply get lost from our thread ?
@MarkusS why dont u just simply get lost from our thread ?

Why dont you get lost from our news?

I´m so sick about this shit. Seriously, nobody in europe gives a shit about that coup or Gulen or whatever. Erdogan cries because no european leader spoke out against it. So what?

Erdogan this, Erdogan that. He send his son to Bologna. What has italy done to deserve this?
Why dont you get lost from our news?

I´m so sick about this shit. Seriously, nobody in europe gives a shit about that coup or Gulen or whatever. Erdogan cries because no european leader spoke out against it. So what?

Erdogan this, Erdogan that. He send his son to Bologna. What has italy done to deserve this?
first of all im not in ur news and i dont care if your news talk about my country for i dont give $hit im talking about u and u alone get lost from here
A thing Enes Kanter posted on his Facebook page. As most of you know he is a follower of the guy from Penn state. :D


ps That guy plays for my favorite team and is also a player I really like... in the last years it was not possible for him to play for the National team (for political reasons) even though he has always been the best player for Turkey no matter in which junior formation he has played... he was the best in his debut in the senior team too in 2011. A guy that was drafted at number 3 in 2011 and is probably one of the best offensive centers in NBA.
A thing Enes Kanter posted on his Facebook page. As most of you know he is a follower of the guy from Penn state. :D


ps That guy plays for my favorite team and is also a player I really like... in the last years it was not possible for him to play for the National team (for political reasons) even though he has always been the best player for Turkey no matter in which junior formation he has played... he was the best in his debut in the senior team too in 2011. A guy that was drafted at number 3 in 2011 and is probably one of the best offensive centers in NBA.

Dude this is just sad.
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