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Cay Bahcesi

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Its just god dammit Uzbeks, others are fine with each other :D

Many scholars puts Japanese and Korean in Altaic family but its still disputed, @trajanus how is it perceived in Japan ? what do they teach about the language family Japanese belongs to ?

I have read the first chapter of that manga btw, looks interesting.

yeah everyone seems to have issue or anger towards the Ozbeks but you cant ignore them...they are an important part of Central Asia culturally, geographically, falan filan

Lol i recieved my first ban ever in PDF. :D

its okay....before I joined PDF I was on Iran Defence forum and I got banned about 7 times and got about 50 infractions/warnings

been banned on here about 3 times, though #3 doesnt count because I requested the ban :lol:

@Targon @Sinan @xenon54

You guys know me good enough, so no reason to explain myself. I thread banned those who contributed to derailing of thread, especially in last few posts which had turned in to personal insults. So, thank me for lifting a burden off your shoulders. :)

I love and HATE it when Iranians and Turks fight

its a bit entertaining but sometimes the nationalism on both sides causes confusions and negative energy
Guys im really busy today and will only be on to check for any reports I get so dont get offended if I dont respond to anyone.

Also please report any trolling immediately.
If rmi5 is reading here; refrain arguing with those trolls.

And please, ask @Serpentine to keep an eye on their own section. It's not difficult, you just delete off-topic. This is a military forum, not a racial one.
Mate, does the situation between Azeris and Persians here on pdf, resemble a same situation in İran itself as well?
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Yes he did, yes he did :)

Mate, does the situation between Azeris and Persians here on pdf, resemble a same situation in İran itself as well?

Somehow most of ultraracist seems to be living abroad, or at least thats the impression I got here.
They have released a new dev blog for M&B Bannerlord, facial expressions

Rmi5's message for you.

"Thank you brother for your efforts today, Anyway, I don't want you to be banned by those racists. I will come back on May fourteenth and deal with them in a way that they remember it for their rest of life. ;) I know their buttons and exactly know how to push them ;) :) "
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