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Cat Lovers Thread

Take him to a human doctor then, atleast so they can assess the damage to the poor kitten.

Again, I can't, because of reasons I cannot disclose. :sad:

But believe me, in coming years I will act against these things. No cat will be killed by dogs.

At the moment, generally if you want to see a cat you go on the internet. Situation is that bad. Cats are almost extinct in India.
Again, I can't, because of reasons I cannot disclose. :sad:

But believe me, in coming years I will act against these things. No cat will be killed by dogs.

At the moment, generally if you want to see a cat you go on the internet. Situation is that bad. Cats are almost extinct in India.

Bloody rabid dogs, they piss me off so much, I can't put it into words.

They have a gang of 20 who roam my area in Bangladesh, blasted creatures howl throughout the night ruining people's sleep whenever they feel like.

They're always in a pack and therefore so far the locals haven't been able to chase them away and some moron keeps feeding them.
@Indos, some fifteen minutes ago there was a baby cat mewing on the road near my house. I rushed down and sure enough some of India's ever present dogs came and bit the cat. By the time I reached the baby cat was lying on his side and moving his legs. I chased the dogs away and brought the cat into my compound. Some people who saw all this said the cat will die.

I have put some milk in a saucer and left it near the cat. I don't know if he will be alive by the time night comes.

Dogs should be eradicated.

I dont know what is the story behind dog resenment over the cat, I believe dog never eat cat but loves to chase them. Any prove that cat that can be captured by dog is eaten by the dog ?
and some moron keeps feeding them.

That is the crux of the problem. There are some fools who feed them, take care of them and quarrel with anyone who protest this.

There have been so many people in India, including old people and five-year-olds, who have been bitten or torn apart by dogs. Some have died yet idiots like that vile Maneka Gandhi protect dogs. Maneka Gandhi, when she was Environment Minister in the early 2000s BJP government, declared a law that no street dog should be henceforth caught and eliminated by the city's municipal authorities. So cut to the present, there are about 35+ million stray / street dogs in India ( as of a number from two or three years ago ). And not many cats, but these so-called animals rights activists don't care. There are dog-clothing stores in India and even eateries where pet dogs can accompany their owners for a breakfast.

But you should search for people in the Southern state of Kerala who are tackling the dog menace in their own way.

As for me, some ten years ago I used to shoot at dogs with an air rifle and that kept them generally away from the four roads near my house. And I also got to do a short BBC World Service Radio interview program about the dog menace. The interview was edit to 11 minutes and air on a program called Outlook.

I dont know what is the story behind dog resenment over the cat

The banned Indian member @padamchen has a theory that since the bigger cats hunt and eat dogs the dogs kill baby cats ( even of tigers ) and also the slightly more bigger adult domestic cats to prevent these cats from growing bigger and eating the dogs. A long war basically.

But dogs cannot, cannot, be allowed to kill cats.

I believe dog never eat cat but loves to chase them.

Yes, the dogs don't mostly eat the cats AFAIK, though padamchen had posted a pic of one of his young female dogs who he said had killed one of his baby cats and later dug up that's cat body from the ground padamchen had buried it in, and the dog was found chewing on the head of the dead cat.
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@Indos, some fifteen minutes ago there was a baby cat mewing on the road near my house. I rushed down and sure enough some of India's ever present dogs came and bit the cat. By the time I reached the baby cat was lying on his side and moving his legs. I chased the dogs away and brought the cat into my compound. Some people who saw all this said the cat will die.

I have put some milk in a saucer and left it near the cat. I don't know if he will be alive by the time night comes.

Dogs should be eradicated.

I hope you meant street dogs, rather then dogs. I have been bitten twice by dogs when I was a child, once in Pakistan and once here in the UK. The first time on the right butt cheek and second on the left, loll, like it was a plan lol, and I still don't wish eradication for them. If street dogs, for sure.
I hope you meant street dogs, rather then dogs. I have been bitten twice by dogs when I was a child, once in Pakistan and once here in the UK. The first time on the right butt cheek and second on the left, loll, like it was a plan lol, and I still don't wish eradication for them. If street dogs, for sure.

Good that you too want action against street dogs but I don't understand that though you have been bitten by dogs - twice - you still don't want dogs in general to be eliminated.

One experience of mine. When I was little I was chased round and round and through a ditch by a pet Pomeranian with its owners standing around just laughing. I don't know the English word for 'Nazaakat'. Dogs imbue a non-nazaakat mentality into their owners and carers. @DalalErMaNodi mentioned the street dogs howling throughout the night, disturbing the sleep of people, while those who feed these dogs are not bothered.

To give you an example of the cruelty and evilness of dogs please read this from India :
Maharashtra: Doctors in Beed feed aborted female foetuses to dogs

The shocking revelation has been made by Varsha Deshpande of Lek Ladki Abhiyan, an NGO working against the practice.


Krishna Kumar Mumbai May 23, 2012 UPDATED: May 23, 2012 09:47 IST

Some doctors in Beed are disposing of female foetuses by feeding them to dogs in order to destroy evidence of female foeticide.

The shocking revelation was made by Varsha Deshpande of Lek Ladki Abhiyan, an NGO working against the practice.

Maharashtra's Public Health Minister Suresh Shetty also admitted he had heard of foetuses thrown to the dogs in Beed.

Deshpande's allegation is significant as Beed in Marathwada has the worst child sex ratio - 801 girls being born per 1,000 boys (2011 census) - in Maharashtra.

The low percentage of females is attributed to rampant female infanticide in the area.

Last Friday, Vijaymala Patekar (28), was admitted to Dr Sudam Munde's abortion clinic in Beed when she was six months pregnant. She had four daughters and did not want another. But while her pregnancy was being terminated, she died.

The police have arrested Munde and his wife, but Deshpande said the couple were held earlier too for the same offence and will go scot-free again because of their money power and influence.

"We don't want this case to be tried in Beed or Marathwada. Let the case be tried somewhere outside as they wield too much influence for the trial to be fair," she said.

Deshpande claimed her organisation had conducted a sting operation on the doctor in 2010, in which he openly talked about how he was aborting female foetuses and feeding them to his five dogs.
It was then that the police had arrested him, but he was released soon and continued with his activities.

"A person even saw a foetus being fed to the animals. This is known to everyone in Beed, but the police are not taking action as Munde is influential," Deshpande said.

She added that some other doctors in Beed kept dogs for the same purpose - to avoid the hassle of disposing of the bodies.

Health Minister Shetty said: "I have heard of the practice but have no evidence."

He added that since the local police seemed to be under a lot of "pressure", he had decided to ask the crime branch to investigate the latest case.

Substantiating Deshpande's account of the kind of clout enjoyed by Munde, Shetty said: "Our civil surgeon who had gone to investigate Munde's hospital was locked up in a room by some goons. They even abused her and asked her to go away."

The minister said the surgeon while trying to take action against such doctors had been facing threats for more than a year. "We have asked the home department to provide security for our staff," he said.
"Man's best friend" indeed.
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That is the crux of the problem. There are some fools who feed them, take care of them and quarrel with anyone who protest this.

There have been so many people in India, including old people and five-year-olds, who have been bitten or torn apart by dogs. Some have died yet idiots like that vile Maneka Gandhi protect dogs. Maneka Gandhi, when she was Environment Minister in the early 2000s BJP government, declared a law that no street dog should be henceforth caught and eliminated by the city's municipal authorities. So cut to the present, there are about 35+ million stray / street dogs in India ( as of a number from two or three years ago ). And not many cats, but these so-called animals rights activists don't care. There are dog-clothing stores in India and even eateries were pet dogs can accompany their owners for a breakfast.

But you should search for people in the Southern state of Kerala who are tackling the dog menace in their own way.

As for me, some ten years ago I used to shoot at dogs with an air rifle and that kept them generally away from the four roads near my house. And I also got to do a short BBC World Service Radio interview program about the dog menace. The interview was edit to 11 minutes and air on a program called Outlook.

The banned Indian member @padamchen has a theory that since the bigger cats hunt and eat dogs the dogs kill baby cats ( even of tigers ) and also the slightly more bigger adult domestic cats to prevent these cats from growing bigger and eating the dogs.

Yes, the dogs don't mostly eat the cats AFAIK, though padamchen had posted a pic of one of his young female dogs who he said had killed one of his baby cats and later dug up that's cat body from the ground padamchen had buried it in, and the dog was found chewing on the head of the dead cat.

These biased filthy stray dogs loving and cat hating 'animal welfare activists' should have rabid dogs sicced on them, maybe then they will learn.

When I was 14, I was returning home from maghrib prayers, it was winter and the sun had set a long time ago, I was in deserted car park in on a flat sandy area behind my locality, out comes this crazy looking dog out of nowhere.

School bags have two hanging straps for adjusting the fit, this vile creature was following me and chewing on one of them, I panicked and tried to remove it from his mouth, to no avail the dog wouldn't let go and at one point started growling at me.

But I gathered my wits, dropped my bag and ran to the road and had a taxi driver come out and help me, took us 15 minutes to find what car the dog was hiding under with my backpack and another 5 minutes of stone throwing, poking with a rod to get backpack loose.

The only reason it didn't attack us was because of the bright torch the man had, probably put some fear into the filthy dog.

Since then I'm very vary of Dogs, I never pet even pet dogs.
These biased filthy stray dogs loving and cat hating 'animal welfare activists' should have rabid dogs sicced on them, maybe then they will learn.


What can be done is these "activists" who even don't empathize with people who have been attacked or killed by stray dogs, such activists should be put into a stadium, the gates closed and the rabid / aggressive dogs let loose on them. With live TV cameras recording. But this is the second step. The first step should be the victim families taking these "activists" to court.

Please read this article from Bombay :
'Dog bites killed more than 2 terror attacks'

School bags have two hanging straps for adjusting the fit, this vile creature was following me and chewing on one of them

I think the chewing was practice for chewing on bone.

The only reason it didn't attack us was because of the bright torch the man had, probably put some fear into the filthy dog.

I think you are correct.
Good that you too want action against street dogs but I don't understand that though you have been bitten by dogs - twice - you still don't want dogs in general to be eliminated.

One experience of mine. When I was little I was chased round and round and through a ditch by a pet Pomeranian with its owners standing around just laughing. I don't know the English word for 'Nazaakat'. Dogs imbue a non-nazaakat mentality into their owners and carers. @DalalErMaNodi mentioned the street dogs howling throughout the night, disturbing the sleep of people, while those who feed these dogs are not bothered.

To give you an example of the cruelty and evilness of dogs please read this from India :

"Man's best friend" indeed.

I can see your point of view, especially if you only experience negative aspect of any subject, after all our experiences make us who we are.

I simply believe cruelty breeds cruelty, if we want a fair and just society then we should work towards it by finding appropriate solutions for the required problems.

That dog chasing you is more the responsibility of the owner than the dog, i find generally speaking there is always a sensible solution before an extreme step such as killing is required.

With street dogs, the only solution is to take them off the streets by organised manner. Because there is no other solution.
I can see your point of view, especially if you only experience negative aspect of any subject, after all our experiences make us who we are.

In my case it is not only my bad experience but a gradual understanding of the personality difference between dog and cat. Why were wise people like the Last Prophet and Lenin, cat people ?

I simply believe cruelty breeds cruelty, if we want a fair and just society then we should work towards it by finding appropriate solutions for the required problems.


With street dogs, the only solution is to take them off the streets by organised manner. Because there is no other solution.

But to take them off the streets it would require legal restraining and convincing of the so-called animals rights activists. That should be done. Second point is where to take these dogs away to ? To some specially-created forest reserve like there are tiger reserves and lion reserves ( in India ) ? Or some dedicated island ?
In my case it is not only my bad experience but a gradual understanding of the personality difference between dog and cat. Why were wise people like the Last Prophet and Lenin, cat people ?


But to take them off the streets it would require legal restraining and convincing of the so-called animals rights activists. That should be done. Second point is where to take these dogs away to ? To some specially-created forest reserve like there are tiger reserves and lion reserves ( in India ) ? Or some dedicated island ?

I prefer not bring religion into most topics, the prophets, like people are allowed to have preferences, it still doesn't mean they wanted all other animals dead, better to keep things in perspective.

To me it seems a good solution for street dogs is to catch them and humanely put them down where they don't suffer pain, or to make sure they can't breed again so they would die off naturally over time.

But as you guys experience this on a daily basis, i honestly do understand the frustration. I've visited few countries and it's never easy passing a street dog. All I can say is good luck, and well done on helping that kitten.
Can you get a baby feeder and feed the cat through it? Is it eating or drinking at all?

I had put him under the stairs and kept a saucer of milk. He seemed old enough to drink from it. But I don't see him. Maybe he has retreated to more inside of the space between the bags under the staircase. The place is warm enough and the milk is sufficient. I don't know if tomorrow morning I will see him alive or not.

I prefer not bring religion into most topics, the prophets, like people are allowed to have preferences, it still doesn't mean they wanted all other animals dead, better to keep things in perspective.

I am not a prayer fanatic so my mentioning of the Last Prophet was a considered thought. And I also mentioned Lenin. :)

As I said, the personalities of dog and cat are different. In India the dog, population of 35+ million, maybe 40 million now, has by its presence contributed to the continuation of socio-economic injustices and disparities in Indian society. On the other hand, imagine if Indian cities didn't have dogs but cats and the people adapted the non-noisy, gentle, nazaakati and wise ways of the cat. Wouldn't India have been different ?

To me it seems a good solution for street dogs is to catch them and humanely put them down where they don't suffer pain


or to make sure they can't breed again so they would die off naturally over time.

Well, doing that for 35+ million stray dogs is quite difficult. Secondly, them dying off will take a long time and in that duration their habit of attacking cats and humans won't have vanished.

But as you guys experience this on a daily basis, i honestly do understand the frustration. I've visited few countries and it's never easy passing a street dog.


All I can say is good luck, and well done on helping that kitten.

Thank you.
I had put him under the stairs and kept a saucer of milk. He seemed old enough to drink from it. But I don't see him. Maybe he has retreated to more inside of the space between the bags under the staircase. The place is warm enough and the milk is sufficient. I don't know if tomorrow morning I will see him alive or not.

Please leave a bowl of water as well.
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