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Cat Lovers Thread

Recent photo of a cat guarding the grave of her late owner

The cat has lived at the grave for a year (Image: SWNS)
My kittie Dommie when I was living in Muscat Oman.
He thinks he is a dog.

Dommie a rude cat who told me my driving very lousy and bad.

Dommie and Riamfada, my CAG, are very good friends.

Riamfada at home//Dommie at the beach again Ramadhan 2010 //Villa walkabout 3

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Were you an engineer and working in oil and gas industry ??

Nice story here and by the way how can your cat is not afraid of water ???

@jamahir @peagle here domestic cat which is not afraid of water
Were you an engineer and working in oil and gas industry ??

Nice story here and by the way how can your cat is not afraid of water ???

@jamahir @peagle here domestic cat which is not afraid of water

I clean shit :D

When shit hit the fan, I be called to clean that up and the top shots will take the glory and I get a bit of money.

I decided I best spend my money instead of working and working to make more that later be spend by my wife on her boyfriends, or to my son for him to spend on his gfs.

As I said, my Dommie thought he was a dog. I slowly introduced Dommie, first to the beach, and than slowly later into the water. First at the wadis, and then the sea

You might like to read this Taking Dommie & Katie out for walks //

and this // Sharon & kitty advice //

Nice, keep posting in this thread sir,

This is the post for @jamahir since he hates dog so much due to according to him dogs in India like to attack cat and kill it. Well, look like another cat took revenge and the even happening in Indonesia, to be precise in West Sumatra, Solok region, where tigers are spotted there and has been said to kill 5 dogs own by local people.


The artwork is beautiful. Very imaginative.

Nice, keep posting in this thread sir,

This is the post for @jamahir since he hates dog so much due to according to him dogs in India like to attack cat and kill it. Well, look like another cat took revenge and the even happening in Indonesia, to be precise in West Sumatra, Solok region, where tigers are spotted there and has been said to kill 5 dogs own by local people.


Those tigers are doing a good job. :tup:

That first tiger in your vid was so comfortable on the road with a car not very far from him.
This happened to my last cat, Simba - a full cream Persian Doll Face! Born in a house with a dog and then I became the new keeper (in an apartment in Islamabad). We used to do the round trip from ISB to my family home in FSD together!! When he was a little older, I moved him to my family complex with 3 gardens and lots of trees to climb. He got battered by the local bob cat for a few months so regular cream applications on his battle wounds. This definitely toughened him up somewhat.

Then he was moved to my friend's house in Bani Gala with a large wild land and 2 guard dogs. His transformation there from a round eyed cute cat to a hunter was amazing. Neck tripled in size and eyes sharpened up. Friend's rottweilers would not mess with him when he returned home in evening from his hunts and matings! I do not have his last picture but he was a big cat with a very strong built.

This was when he was with me ....

Regular cuddles after I would get back from work ...
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Bath and sleep after he would muddy himself in the gardens during FSD trip. Proper male cat who rarely wanted to be indoors. Never neutered.
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Selfie time ... :lol:
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Battered in FSD ... getting in too many territory fights!
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hi from my piccachu......

His whereabouts are unknown. Return to my friend's became less regular to rare over time - most likely the domestication in him had reversed - and then rare became no return.

Last time I saw him, he was no longer a lap cat and didn't like being picked up. But cats do make exceptions so I did get a farewell cuddle one last time before returning to UK.

His whereabouts are unknown. Return to my friend's became less regular to rare over time - most likely the domestication in him had reversed - and then rare became no return.

Last time I saw him, he was no longer a lap cat and didn't like being picked up. But cats do make exceptions so I did get a farewell cuddle one last time before returning to UK.
hi from my piccachu
Some cat species in Indonesia. Not a domestic cats and live mostly in jungles or plantations.

His whereabouts are unknown. Return to my friend's became less regular to rare over time - most likely the domestication in him had reversed - and then rare became no return.

Last time I saw him, he was no longer a lap cat and didn't like being picked up. But cats do make exceptions so I did get a farewell cuddle one last time before returning to UK.
hi from my piccachu

shanlungOctober 19th, 2008

Why I am in the office in flipflops today (or how my kitty tried to kill me)

(here is a letter I wrote earlier this morning at home to friends)

So here I am on a working day morning (In Muscat, Oman, Thurs/Fri are weekends) at home over this laptop instead of in the office.

All because of my malicious Kathy (photos of horrid Kathy, with equally horrid Dommie in http://www.flickr.com/photos/shimmertje/sets/72157606906937927/detail/).

Last night as I was stepping out into the patio, Kathy was wickedly weaving figure of eights about my ankle doing her best to trip me up to break my neck.

I widened my step and she rushed ahead, and my right foot was about to descend on her head to crush that to a pulp. I recognized that as a classic ploy from her to use one of her 9 lives to cause me to slip. So I widened my widen step a bit more to foil that malicious intent.

And I lost my balance that I tried to regain by swinging my left foot around to catch that by the door. Except instead of catching the door, I caught the edge of the door right against the Achilles tendon and got a cut.

Blood flowed.

It was painful. So painful that visions appeared for a while that I be in Muscat Private Hospital with two of my colleagues already in there.

And she just looked at me. Not the slightest bit of regret could I detect in her eyes. She looked so pleased.

I was going to kill her, and another of her life went down the chute.

I told my wife to withhold Kattie's dinner for that wicked malicious act she did on me.
She went on to feed her. She claimed she was feeding Dommie, but she did not prevent Katie from eating. Dommie even stood by to let Katie eat first.
She stuck a small pink plaster with cute Japanese Pokiemon faces printed on it. Not even a new plaster as she proudly told me she bought that 10 years ago.

Gone are the good old days where wife stay 10 mincing steps behind and all words from husband and lord to be taken to heart and instantly carried out.

I called the office to tell them I could come in sandals but that violate the dress code. My boss was stuck in the most humongous traffic jam and he told me to take it easy at home.

Then to add salt to injury, my wife went on to feed the catties breakfast even ahead of getting my coffee and ham sandwich to me. She vehemently denied that those were her familiars, but I have my suspicions.

This is to put on record in case strange things happen to me, you can help seek justice for me and bring woe to the perps.

(and I just got that phone back from office that dress code will be relaxed for me and that I can go there in flipflops)

(edited on 11 Jan 09 to include the subsequent retribution that fell on horrid Katie a few weeks later thats recorded here http://shanlung.livejournal.com/84195.html
(edited on 8 May 09 to include yet another retribution that fell on horrid Katie
shanlungOctober 19th, 2008

Why I am in the office in flipflops today (or how my kitty tried to kill me)

(here is a letter I wrote earlier this morning at home to friends)

So here I am on a working day morning (In Muscat, Oman, Thurs/Fri are weekends) at home over this laptop instead of in the office.

All because of my malicious Kathy (photos of horrid Kathy, with equally horrid Dommie in http://www.flickr.com/photos/shimmertje/sets/72157606906937927/detail/).

Last night as I was stepping out into the patio, Kathy was wickedly weaving figure of eights about my ankle doing her best to trip me up to break my neck.

I widened my step and she rushed ahead, and my right foot was about to descend on her head to crush that to a pulp. I recognized that as a classic ploy from her to use one of her 9 lives to cause me to slip. So I widened my widen step a bit more to foil that malicious intent.

And I lost my balance that I tried to regain by swinging my left foot around to catch that by the door. Except instead of catching the door, I caught the edge of the door right against the Achilles tendon and got a cut.

Blood flowed.

It was painful. So painful that visions appeared for a while that I be in Muscat Private Hospital with two of my colleagues already in there.

And she just looked at me. Not the slightest bit of regret could I detect in her eyes. She looked so pleased.

I was going to kill her, and another of her life went down the chute.

I told my wife to withhold Kattie's dinner for that wicked malicious act she did on me.
She went on to feed her. She claimed she was feeding Dommie, but she did not prevent Katie from eating. Dommie even stood by to let Katie eat first.
She stuck a small pink plaster with cute Japanese Pokiemon faces printed on it. Not even a new plaster as she proudly told me she bought that 10 years ago.

Gone are the good old days where wife stay 10 mincing steps behind and all words from husband and lord to be taken to heart and instantly carried out.

I called the office to tell them I could come in sandals but that violate the dress code. My boss was stuck in the most humongous traffic jam and he told me to take it easy at home.

Then to add salt to injury, my wife went on to feed the catties breakfast even ahead of getting my coffee and ham sandwich to me. She vehemently denied that those were her familiars, but I have my suspicions.

This is to put on record in case strange things happen to me, you can help seek justice for me and bring woe to the perps.

(and I just got that phone back from office that dress code will be relaxed for me and that I can go there in flipflops)

(edited on 11 Jan 09 to include the subsequent retribution that fell on horrid Katie a few weeks later thats recorded here http://shanlung.livejournal.com/84195.html
(edited on 8 May 09 to include yet another retribution that fell on horrid Katie

You sir are a fine writer. I read your blog entries.

Piccachu is saying "Hey human, I lord over you from my high point".

But he should be careful not to get his tail stuck in the fan.
Last edited:
You sir are a fine writer. I read your blog entries.

Thank you!

For those who dont know how to click URL,
the subsequent retribution that fell on horrid Katie a few weeks later thats recorded here http://shanlung.livejournal.com/84195.html
(That parrot Riamfada was a wild caught that flew into garden of a friend who knew of me and Tinkerbell of Taiwan and decided I a better person to give that parrot to. Riamfada came to me very bitey but became friends with me in a couple of days and in couple days more flew to me when I requested her to do so. In this writing I thought Riamfada was a boy until later on we determined Riamfada was a girl )

Karmic retribution on Katie and Riamfada trust

shanlungNovember 12th, 2008
Yesterday, shortly before I left office for home at day end, I got this excited call from my wife.

She just got back from a 'coffee morning' that she organised for the idle female friends she got to know in Muscat. All coffee mornings used to be in Qurum/Shatti area, but not for the Seeb/Al Hail where we lived. So she started one yesterday and apparently 10 woman folks eventually turned up in a coffee shop in that Carrefour City Center.

She told them to meet at 11 am, on 11th, Nov. I was shocked! I told her that 11 of 11 of 11 is a sacred moment, not appropriate for a start to 'coffee morning' . I subjected her to a long lecture to that moment of remembrance. Maybe I am a man, and more martial. Man are also more naturally smarter, wiser and philosophical. Most unlike that silly nursery jingle that make you think we are made of snails and puppy dog tails whereas females are made of sugar and spice and everything nice.

So she had changed that time to 1030am.

And she just got back.

She wailed "Katie is stuck on top of neighbour roof the whole day!" Words of 'starving to death' , 'dying of thirst' 'I must rescue her' were thrown at me. I wondered my thoughts aloud to her as how she knew Katie was stuck the whole day when she just got back. She ignored my thoughts and continued to wail about poor poor Katie.

And in me, I thought 'Heaven has eyes'. 'Karmic retribution on that evil one!' crossed my mind. Of course, I assumed you read of how Katie tried to kill me in http://shanlung.livejournal.com/79517.html about 3 weeks ago.

I guess that accelerate the goodwill visit we needed to pay to our poor suffering neighbours. They were from Eqypt and we had exchanged friendly words before, except we had not been into their villa yet.

So I picked up biscuits and chocalates as little gifts before I went home.

To see , and hear, with greatest of pleasure , Katie meowing her head off on the neighbour's roof. She was about 15 feet above ground. She must have climbed a tree on other side of roof, made her way towards direction of our villa, got into a cul de sac just above the entrance door and wailing out her misery. I told her not to be an idiot and just jump down. She got her front paws down the wall as much as she could, screamed and pull back on the roof.

One of the thing that endear Oman to me and my wife. Within the week of our moving in, we got to know our nice neighbour on both sides. In a year of living in Brisbane, our neighbours there did not wish to know us, did not return greetings we made to them, drew their curtains violently should they see us out of their windows.

We have so many more friends in Oman than in Brisbane. I guess the high cost of living there made the Aussies that much less friendly. Living with few friends is not meaningful to me. If I stayed on in Brisbane for a few months more, I would have my Permanent Residence cherished by so many people. But I thought since I changed my mind about retiring in Australia, the obtaining of PR mattered a lot less to me.

I went in to give mash to Riamfada , give her headrubs, switched on the lights in her room and told her I be back again.

Then we went over to see our neighbour, knocked on the door, and was welcomed in by the lady of that house, Madam Azza and her little son. I apologised for that Katie, and assured her that she would be down soon and I was so sorry for that. Azza was so nice about that. And during that chat, I heard a loud crash and I guessed Katie got tired of waiting for her rescue and decided to jump down.

Shortly after that, we left our neighbour. My wife told me she saw a flash of black and white. I did not see a black and white body broken on the ground. I did not see a kitty crawling on broken legs. When we got back, Katie was on the patio, complaining her kibble was not fresh any more and that we should throw that away or eat it ourselves. And can we bring out canned kitten gourmet food.

Katie was not even polite and continued on her old trick of trying to cripple me weaving those figure of 8s about my ankle.

(edited on 8 May 09 to include yet another retribution that fell on horrid Katie

We then drove to the sea side village of Al Seeb to buy a kilo of sunflower seeds, as well as some thin twine that we saw and I planned to whip on top of the basket handle so Riamfada can be more comfortable there.

On the way back on the coastal road, we saw a new restaurant between Al Seeb and just before the Shell petrol station. It had a Japanese like name that I just could not recall right now. Intrigued, we stopped to check that out. To find that was a Swahili/Zanzibar restaurant instead. The people there were very friendly and explained their menu to us as best as they can. We told them we might like to try that some time later, when we gathered enough adventurous friends with us.

We had a quick dinner later at a place we know near another petrol station as we did not feel that adventurous yet. We have had chicken Manchurian and beef masala a few days before. That was very simple and very good. We thought of trying new dishes even if we were not that adventurous to try Swahili dished that we could not understand despite all those explanations.
We ordered different dishes but found that those were not available. And in the end, it was chicken manchurian, beef masala yet again with a pile of soft flaky delicious Indian wheat bread roti prata washed down with pomegranate juice for my wife and orange juice for me. This feast was 4.5 OR.

The kitties were then kicked out of the villa. Riamfada was wheeled out in his cage.

He was really finding his wings notwithstanding that asymmetrical clipping inflicted on him.

He had not liked the basket perch. After great effort on my part of whipping the twine round and round the handle, I got him to step up on the stick.

His claws were sharp. I tried clipping the claw of Tinkerbell. I cut too deep and her blood flowed and flowed. That was such a traumatic experience I have had (and reported in Tinkerbell chronicles) and I became incapable of ever clipping another parrot claw again. The sharp claws digged into my skin and flesh as Riamfada happily step up on me. During that turtle watching weekend when I swam in the ocean, my hand burned when the sea water found all those scratches and scabs.

Thats why I reverted back to using stick for him to step on while I figure if I should file his claw down.

As I took him to the basket and asked him to step up, I could see his reluctance, and adversion. Ungrateful beastie! After all the hard work I did in whipping that handle.

He turned on that stick, and took off. I thought he was flying back to the bar. He did so. Then he hovered as if in thought. Then he veered and flew to the wall, changed direction , and flew back to me. He hovered and flew back to the bar doing a circuit around the living room.

I had to say I was happy with my handi work.

I had 'encourage' him to fly, voilational flying in the time he was with me. I got to know certain places he did not like to be on. So I took him there, and left him. Then in a short while, he flew off on his own accord to the bars that he liked, or to top of his cage that he liked. Or to my shoulder that he liked , but I did not like so much. His claws digged into my shoulder normally bare , or a thin singlet.

We did our usual exercises

Here are some of his photos and videos of last night.





You can see the big gap in the right wing feathers. Yet he flew so well now.

You also see the remodeled parallel bar stand with the stainless steel bar covered in cloth. The white short bars were stuck on with aquarium silicon glue to the base. That supported the newspaper better. If he did not blew them away with his flights. Back to that drawing board for me.

Then you see videos of 'touch target'. He moved up, down, crab walk on bars to left, to right, to touch the target that I requested of him.

That was why I was so happy my wife located hemp twine.

You seen that with Tinkerbell. Later on, Riamfada will be flying to places to 'touch target'. He will be pulling up beak over claw to get his target.

Shhhh... I have not told him yet. I need to think up more stuff. We cannot allow him to be bored can we?

And to show how much Riamfada trusted me now.

Those of you with parrots and greys especially, you know how it felt like when he/she sleeps on his/her back on your hands



If what I wrote help you and you like to help, give a thought
for the wildlife sharing our planet.
Do write that cheque to Gerald Durrell wildlife trust


or to any wildlife conservation body of your choice
8 May 09 to include yet another retribution that fell on horrid Katie

More Karmic retribution on Katie / directional flights / walking with Riam and Dommie

December 20th, 2008

I was wondering why the uploading of videos and photos yesterday Friday was so slow. And same this morning when I was trying to get them out for inclusion into this blog. Then I read in BBC that some cables broke and paralysed the net

Severed cable disrupts web access

So I can only tell you those videos where Riam flew to named places, and other interesting photos are in this Flickr folder

Riamfada Thurs18Nov08

On Wednesday night before I went to sleep, I had called for Katie as she would sleep next to me in bed. Dommie would sleep by my wife even if we all are in the same bed. Katie did not come at my call. In middle of night, I got out of bed to call her as it was unusual that Katie (yes, the same horrid one who tried to kill me in http://shanlung.livejournal.com/79517.html ) did not answer my call.
I thought well, we would get to see Katie cold and contrite at the door in the morning regretting that she did not get to sleep on the bed with us.

Morning gave no sign of Katie even after breakfast for us. Curses on Katie did not make her appear either. It got me worried enough to go and call for Katie in the neighbourhood. My wife joined me when I walked down the road calling 'Katie, come come come'. No sound of her as I walked on and on, getting more and more worried.

Then 5 villas later, we heard her answering cry which became louder and louder as she found she got an audience of two of us. There she was, up on another roof. Which was music to my ears. Katie crying up there on that roof. Yet another karmic visitation on her evil deeds she persistently tried on me.

I would have enjoyed her crying even more if it was not so embarassing on me.

I told her to jump. She placed her paws down the wall , and then recovered herself and wailing away that was too difficult for her. All my persuasions failed.

I remembered another box of chocolate, and I turned back to home to get it for a visit to a new neighbour. Then the maid came out of that villa, and told us our cat was on their roof. As if I did not know that from the screaming and wailing in my ears. She told me her mistress send her to get a ladder from villa number 1 so the kitty could come down. I felt no ladder was needed. But out of politeness, I could not say that as that mistress was so nice. I could not let the maid handle the heavy ladder alone. So my great embarrasement was combounded as I approached yet another villa to borrow a ladder that was not needed.

And paraded myself with that maid carrying that ladder through the whole neighbourhood with Katie yeowing and screaming her head off to all to watch the scene.

The mistress of that villa was so nice and accepted all our apologies from me and wife. I wrestled the ladder up to the roof and ungrateful Katie looking down screaming at me to go up that wobbly ladder to get her down. I asked her politely to come down the ladder because the mistress was there and I had to watch my language.

Dommie came along and with us at the bottom looking up to his crazy sister. To encourage Katie to come down, I placed Dommie on the ladder and he went up. Dommie was the smart one, opening screen door to get in and out and other things. So he was up with Katie consoling her and then I asked Dommie to get down. Dommie got back to the ladder and slowly made his way down. It was futile hope on my part that Katie could be guided down that way.

(photos here http://www.flickr.com/photos/shanlung/sets/72157611445203519/ )

Katie continued to scream her head off. I suggested we leave the ladder so she could get down herself and she might do that if we left her alone.

So we got home, and I got back to the Internet. Not five minutes later, Katie came home demanding to be fed. I got ready to go out and that maid appeared to tell me Katie jumped down. So I returned that ladder which I thought was not needed with that maid.

I got back to give Katie the evil eye. She absolutely did not care and did her insidious figure of 8s around my ankle to try to cripple me yet again. If she was not so warm in bed and love to sleep with me and gave me such wonderful massages, I would have gotten Katie mummified and turned her into a bookend or a door stop.

You read and seen that cat carrier that spooked Riamfada. At the beginning, any approach to 3-4 meters of that carrier got him flying off.

BJ gave a thoughtful reply to my problem with that carrier. I had thoughts of getting another carrier with different color. And perhaps of getting a wire cage. If that was only to be in the car, then there would be less of problem. But as that carrier might be carried, it had to be light weight.

Muscat is not like your hometown, and we got used to very basic stuff here.

Over the week, I tried to get Riam accustomed to the carrier. You would see in photos how I got Riam to like the basket perch when it started with him spooked of that basket.

I gotten to the point that Riam would tolerate myself sitting next to the carrier as long as he was on my stomach or shoulder getting head rubs. But the moment he step up and I took him nearer to the carrier, he would fly away.

I knew I would not be able to get him into that carrier as yet on Thursday.

When I took him from his room to the living room, he would do his own thing for the first few minutes. He would fly to the bar, and from there to the perch , and the ring as if in exuberance. Then a bit of preening, and then we would train together. The formal training session, with me holding clicker in hand, would last 1 1/2 to 2 minutes. Perhaps repeated 45 minutes later and again.

We did videos of him flying to the bar, flying to the perch, and flying to the ring. And of him on recalls. You see his response to my cues as on the dot. Videos of him doing touch target on the ring, and how he climbed down ring to branch to touch target. And also how he might not wish to do as qued, but that was after an un-natural long series of sequences. I did not mind at all.

You also see Riam on the ring when I spun it. You see for yourself that he enjoyed it. After all, Riam would fly on his own accord to that ring very often. He would take off from that ring in spin, and would fly back to that ring in spin. Very different from the first time he was exposed to that ring.

You see how I rigged the perches for him, and now you see photos of him in those context.

Riamfada Thurs18Nov08

That ring became his perch of choice, with the perch the 2nd, and the hanging basket the third choice. That hanging basket dangled within an arm reach when I sat to go on Internet. That basket was on table next to laptop, but he got to walking on table and being a nuisance, so I hang the basket on perch.

The comfortable stable bars would be used by him now and then. He might be with me, playing with me, getting head rubs from me, and then he would fly on his own to the bar and poop there. To acclaims from me. He did that himself without being told by me.

He would do his thing, preenings and periodic flights from one perch to another and I did my thing. Then he might fly to my shoulder for head rubs and sunflower seeds if I left him alone for 30 minutes. I then send him off to any of those named perches.

I still wanted to take him outside. He accepted his harness with a few token squawks. He could have flown out of reach if he hated the harness, but he remained nicely on the bar while I put on his harness even if he squawked away in token protests.

I knew the line I tied at base of basket handle was not enough, but I thought the line looped around the handle of basket should hold him.

He remained nicely on that basket on lap of my wife. Until I started the car and drove out of the house. He made his way down the basket and with all his might, tried to yank himself to reach me. The photos showed that very clearly the way he strained himself to reach me when I was driving. After 200 meters, I told my wife to relent and released her hold on the line. The harness was only to use for emergency and not used as a restraint. I did not want to win the battle and lose the war. I did not want Riam to develope a distaste for harness making it impossible to harness him. Riam made his way to my shoulder and I drove back to the house.

I made an experiment. I sat on the passenger side of the car with my wife in the driving seat. Riam remained nicely on the basket on my lap. Until my wife started the car, and he immediately clawed himself down the basket intent on my shoulder.

So I realised I must get Riam used to the cat carrier. It would be far too dangerous for all of us to drive with Riam on my shoulder all the time.

Still, I needed to get Riam used to the outside with harness. So you see the photos of Riam on the basket on the ground with me on a chair holding a book in hand and reading. Note that my leg is through the reel around my thigh.

Riamfada Thurs18Nov08

He would remain nicely and contented on that basket handle for that 45 minutes or so.

Other than for the driving, I did other things as if we were outside. Thats why I took Riamfada for a walk in the gated community of villas we were in.

To say hello to the lady of the house of this morning. And photos of us showing you where we lived in.

Through that Thursday, I thought I made much headway with Riam allowing me to sit nearer and nearer to the cat carrier without spooking.

But on Friday, Riam refused to allow me within 2 meters of that carrier before he flew off my shoulder. I felt my progress in this important aspect was one step forward and two step back.

After I did my formal clicker training with Riam, it was time for my wife.

He did step up very nicely. He would do touch target of the simple kind with my wife. He would bend left, and right, up and down to touch target. He would not do the contortionist touch target where he would clambered up and down with my wife.

In his way, he was getting well with my wife. I still had a shock when he did a fierce looking lunge at my wife hand to get a scolding from me. My wife stopped that telling me he did not bite and a parroty joke from Riam. That kind of joke from Riam could give me heart attack.

I then asked my wife to do a recall, with the hand perch just a foot away. Riam did that to click and lots of treats and praises from us.

I moved my wife so recall to her would be a meter away. Riam looked at her, opened his wings, and did a couple of slow flappings in parody of flight and then his head to give me a stony look.

My wife read of his parroty joke at me when he slowly flapped his wings when I gave recall. I could not but laughed together with my wife at Riamfada sense of humour and his telling me his recalls were for me but he would toss my wife a crumb or two.

We decided to continue with Riamfada acclimatising to outdoors by taking him for a walk in the wider neighbourhood. This was to let as many others in the neighbourhood know of us, and of Riamfada. Should accident happened, and Riam flew off , the others would know of us. Making it easier for them to get him back to us. If we lost Riam, and their neighbours got a new CAG, they would know and get back to us.

It was also good to be friendly with neighbours.

When we stepped out of the gate, Dommie came pounding along and meowed to be included for the walk. Katie was not around or she would have joined Dommie. Dommie liked to walk with my wife even if it was very nearby. But this time we were going for a long walk and not just to the rubbish bin.

I think we made a sight. Riamfada was periodically on my shoulder or on his hand perch. Dommie ran alongside of us, sometimes ahead, and sometimes behind. We crossed the road, and Dommie crossed the road. Dommie would run in zig zag fashion, not more than 15 meters from us at furthest as we walked on and on. When he was too far away, we called and he would return to us.

Dommie ran into open gates into other people garden, and then reappeard on top of low wall, running along side of us and jumping down to be with us.

We made a very strange sight for those who saw us. They were too flabbergasted to talk to us.

After twenty minutes or so , we turned back towards our villa.

And end of that weekend.

(photos of that walk here

editted and added on 21 Dec 08

read a rant I made that you might have missed in

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