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Cat Lovers Thread

Once a cat killed my bird. I search for that cat. So once I saw her sitting in grass. I throw a heavy block on her head and killed her. From that day I became a cat hater.
I was 11 or 12 by then. So, yeah....

Bhai, you did a great wrong. Not only are cats necessary for a harmonious human society in general they are greatly admired among in Muslim history including the first Muslims who had cats with them. The Last Prophet had a cat and you should read a famous story about that. A companion of his was nicknamed Abu Hurairah, literally meaning "Father of the cats / kittens". Other great people in history like Lenin and Gaddafi were cat persons. You are a calm person but even you should adopt two kittens and bring them up as you would for your children. You will become more enhanced.

A cat killing your bird was unfortunate but if we consider, it was part of the natural cycle. :)
My cat would open the fridge and take out meals to eat. Once consumed an entire cheesecake but then he was a big cat around 23lbs and bigger than some dogs(which he would fight regularly)
Bhai, you did a great wrong. :)
I know. But besides all my struggle to keep peaceful environment around me, there is, always was, an animal hidden in me. Sometimes I curse myself to be so cruel, but a block hitting someone else's head can't be felt by someone else. So curse was on me was, I couldn't tame birds after that ever again. Although I love birds.
Log bhol jain, Allah nai bholta.
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