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Cat Lovers Thread

@jamahir @DalalErMaNodi @Verve @peagle

In order to solve dog violence with the innocent cats, we need to get many cats see this video so that there will be mentality changes in the cat mindset 8-)

Expected behavior when the cat meet dog :

Before watching :fie::fie::fie: After Watching :super: :super: :super:
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For those interested in the beauty of dogs, please search the name Hachiko. There is also a movie with Richard Gere, very moving.

Animals are beautiful in all their forms, we may have individual preferences, but they are Gods creatures with individual traits and beauty within.

It is we humans, who create space for their misbehaviour, after all, they mostly act on their instincts. We are the ones given the gift of reason, foresight and assessment, thus the fault must lay within us. As @Indos (thank you, again) pointed out in a previous post, Allah will call everyone on the day of judgement, even animals, all beings, there, we will also answer to each and every animal, and they will answer for us, depending on how we treat them.

I love cats beyond measure, based on my experience with Tom, I cannot call him my cat, he was a cat, not my property. But, other animals deserve our respect, if not love.
For those interested in the beauty of dogs, please search the name Hachiko. There is also a movie with Richard Gere, very moving.

Have you watched the Liam Neeson film The Grey in which he has to fight off wolves to stay alive in Alaska ?

The wolf is another variety of dog. And expected, this happened :
In response to the portrayal of wolves in the film, groups including PETA and WildEarth Guardians started drives to boycott the film
PETA doesn't speak about the almost-extinct status of cats in India.

I love cats beyond measure, based on my experience with Tom, I cannot call him my cat, he was a cat, not my property.

Yes, cats are their own beings.

@jamahir @DalalErMaNodi @Verve @peagle

In order to solve dog violence with the innocent cats, we need to get many cats see this video so that there will be mentality changes in the cat mindset 8-)

Expected behavior when the cat meet dog :

Before watching :fie::fie::fie: After Watching :super: :super: :super:

Firstly, why were some people in the vid just standing around and laughing while the cats were trying to defend themselves ? Especially the two times when there were two dogs against one cat. Those people should have been chasing the dogs away.

Secondly, the above acts of the cats may lead to the already-biased dog-loving crowd to spread the propaganda that cats are excessively violent.

Thirdly, maybe people should watch the documentary Kedi which is about the cats of Istanbul. Trailer here.

i dont like cats .

Why not ? They are wise beings.
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Have you watched the Liam Neeson film The Grey in which he has to fight off wolves to stay alive in Alaska ?

The wolf is another variety of dog. And expected, this happened :

PETA doesn't speak about the almost-extinct status of cats in India.

Yes, cats are their own beings.

Firstly, why were some people in the vid just standing around and laughing while the cats were trying to defend themselves ? Especially the two times when there were two dogs against one cat. Those people should have been chasing the dogs away.

Secondly, the above acts of the cats may lead to the already-biased dog-loving crowd to spread the propaganda that cats are excessively violent.

Thirdly, maybe people should watch the documentary Kedi which is about the cats of Istanbul. Trailer here.

Why not ? They are wise beings.

It was one of those movies that I always meant to watch but didn't, will do so, it certainly looked interesting.
Some c
This happened to my last cat, Simba - a full cream Persian Doll Face! Born in a house with a dog and then I became the new keeper (in an apartment in Islamabad). We used to do the round trip from ISB to my family home in FSD together!! When he was a little older, I moved him to my family complex with 3 gardens and lots of trees to climb. He got battered by the local bob cat for a few months so regular cream applications on his battle wounds. This definitely toughened him up somewhat.

Then he was moved to my friend's house in Bani Gala with a large wild land and 2 guard dogs. His transformation there from a round eyed cute cat to a hunter was amazing. Neck tripled in size and eyes sharpened up. Friend's rottweilers would not mess with him when he returned home in evening from his hunts and matings! I do not have his last picture but he was a big cat with a very strong built.

This was when he was with me ....

Regular cuddles after I would get back from work ...
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Bath and sleep after he would muddy himself in the gardens during FSD trip. Proper male cat who rarely wanted to be indoors. Never neutered.
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Selfie time ... :lol:
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Battered in FSD ... getting in too many territory fights!
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The last picture look like the cat that live at my house roof top for years. Not a tamed one and can be regarded as wild but I still can touch him and even grab his face. He is not afraid of me like usual wild cat and always come to me if I call him for food. He is also white but his short tail is black. He is kind of a warrior cat who can always defend his territory for years and live by hunting mices.

Actually I dont like any cat to be neutered since neutered cat will grow fatter. Sex hormone is very importance for the strength of bone and create muscle mass. Beside that, if we dont want ourselves to be neutered so why we do that to cat. So this is why I dont really understand any cat lover who do that to their cat.

aaah Tom .. we named our Burmese cat Tom ... cream body, brown paws, blue eyes .. had him in Malaysia. His thing was catching and playing with house lizards in the middle of the night ... thanks to him spotting a cobra inside one of the rooms.

Looked a lot like this one below.

Have narrowed it down to one of these two - when kids are a bit older and less hyper themselves. Both are very playful (Somalian quite talkative) but Bengal cat is very athletic and hyper active requiring a lot more attention and exercise (otherwise they can be destructive)! If Somalian, would have to get two, and if Bengal then only one. Don't like lazy couch cats.



As for dogs - I would only keep guard dog(s) if there was ever a need. Pet dogs are strictly not allowed in Islam.
aaah Tom .. we named our Burmese cat Tom ... cream body, brown paws, blue eyes .. had him in Malaysia. His thing was catching and playing with house lizards in the middle of the night ... thanks to him spotting a cobra inside one of the rooms.

Looked a lot like this one below.


My "Tom" was a keen hunter too, both my neighbours had mice problems, not I, thanks to Tom :-)
I hope he is in peace.
most important thing to remember for any Muslim ..

Allah's Apostle said, "A woman was tortured and was put in Hell because of a cat which she had kept locked till it died of hunger." Allah's Apostle further said, "(Allah knows better) Allah said (to the woman), 'You neither fed it nor watered when you locked it up, nor did you set it free to eat the insects of the earth.' " Hadith - Bukhari 3:553, Narrated 'Abdullah bin 'Umar [Also in Muslim, Narrated Abu Huraira]

I used to feel grossed about cat licks , but since i read the Hadith I now feel almost no grossed for cats to lick my hands, these are not pet cats but those stray cats who come to eat ..

Dawud ibn Salih ibn Dinar at-Tammar quoted his mother as saying that her mistress sent her with some pudding (harisah) to Aisha who was offering prayer. She made a sign to me to place it down. A cat came and ate some of it, but when Aisha finished her prayer, she ate from the place where the cat had eaten. She stated: The Messenger of Allah said: It is not unclean: it is one of those who go round among you. She added: I saw the Messenger of Allah performing ablution from the water left over by the cat.
My kittie Dommie when I was living in Muscat Oman.
He thinks he is a dog.

Dommie a rude cat who told me my driving very lousy and bad.

Dommie and Riamfada, my CAG, are very good friends.

Riamfada at home//Dommie at the beach again Ramadhan 2010 //Villa walkabout 3

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