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Cat Lovers Thread

The man knows a lot about tigers including the part that tiger babies can be hunted by dogs and bears.

And that black crocodile in that stream... one fall from that bridge and the croc will get them.

Also, the tiger may be friendly with the man but the man can be killed in play with the tiger. This is what Mike Tyson said about his tigers and he gave them away possibly to a zoo.
The man knows a lot about tigers including the part that tiger babies can be hunted by dogs and bears.

And that black crocodile in that stream... one fall from that bridge and the croc will get them.

Also, the tiger may be friendly with the man but the man can be killed in play with the tiger. This is what Mike Tyson said about his tigers and he gave them away possibly to a zoo.

Is there tiger in South India jungle bro ??
Is there tiger in South India jungle bro ??

This article gives names of some Tiger reserves in South India.

Additionally there are the BNP ( Bannerghatta National Park and BBP ( Bannerghatta Biological Park ) near Bangalore city. More info about them in this article

Watch this tiger fight in BBP.
I make this thread to all cat lovers in PDF community so that we can share many thing about cat here. It is not domestic cat specific thread so big cat like tigers or leopard could also be discussed here.

I want to show first Indonesian hunter who bring cat to the forest to bring the cat predator instinct back. Beside domestic cat that can be seen every where in the world, there is also different kind of cat in Indonesia who mostly live in jungle or village and this person has tamed this kind of cat and bring the cat back to the forest.

I actually had one domestic cat that act like this cat in the video where I can go out with him outside. My previous cat is also a good hunter since I get my cat when he is already a bit grown up and have had hunting skills since I met him for the first time.

@jamahir we have our own thread here :yahoo:

@Pan-Islamic-Pakistan @Falcon29 @Mad Scientist 2.0 @HRK @Moonlight

Cats are awesome,

My cat passed away before his time, a very sad crazy story involving a court case, sadly don't wish to share here, It was my first experience with a cat and second and last experience having a pet, and I feel blessed.

Religion or not, I sure hope there is a heaven for animals, or at least domestic animals.

Good thread @Indos
Cats are awesome,

My cat passed away before his time, a very sad crazy story involving a court case, sadly don't wish to share here, It was my first experience with a cat and second and last experience having a pet, and I feel blessed.

Religion or not, I sure hope there is a heaven for animals, or at least domestic animals.

Good thread @Indos


Yup, my best cat appear during my depression time in university, he just appeared and climb my shoulder when the first time I see him. I was at home at that time, postponing my study for 1 semester. I think he was sent by God to me to give me some companion during my difficult time.

According to Quran, all animals will be gathered in after life as well.

Quran, Al An'am verse 38

And there is no creature on [or within] the earth or bird that flies with its wings except [that they are] communities like you. We have not neglected in the Register a thing. Then unto their Lord they will be gathered.

Yup, my best cat appear during my depression time in university, he just appeared and climb my shoulder when the first time I see him. I was at home at that time, postponing my study for 1 semester. I think he was sent by God to me to give me some companion during my difficult time.

According to Quran, all animals will be gathered in after life as well.

Quran, Al An'am verse 38

And there is no creature on [or within] the earth or bird that flies with its wings except [that they are] communities like you. We have not neglected in the Register a thing. Then unto their Lord they will be gathered.

That's a lovely story, and thank you so much for that quotation. You have no idea how much it has touched me. May God bless you, and your country, Ameen.
@Indos, some fifteen minutes ago there was a baby cat mewing on the road near my house. I rushed down and sure enough some of India's ever present dogs came and bit the cat. By the time I reached the baby cat was lying on his side and moving his legs. I chased the dogs away and brought the cat into my compound. Some people who saw all this said the cat will die.

I have put some milk in a saucer and left it near the cat. I don't know if he will be alive by the time night comes.

Dogs should be eradicated.
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@Indos, some fifteen minutes ago there was a baby cat mewing on the road near my house. I rushed down and sure enough some of India's ever present dogs came and bit the cat. By the time I reached the baby cat was lying on his side and moving his legs. I chased the dogs away and brought the cat into my compound. Some people who saw all this said the cat will die.

I have put some milk in a saucer and left it near the cat. I don't know if he will be alive by the time night comes.

Dogs should be eradicated.

Take him to a vet, If you can bro.

Every life saved is a noble deed.

Last month Dhaka South City Corporation took the unprecedented step of capturing all the local stray dogs and relocating them elsewhere away from the dense human population center that is Dhaka.

Animal rights cry babies cried alot but alas the deed had been done, the streets are so much safer for toddlers to walk around now without those rabid animals running amok.
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