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Cat Lovers Thread


Jul 25, 2013
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I make this thread to all cat lovers in PDF community so that we can share many thing about cat here. It is not domestic cat specific thread so big cat like tigers or leopard could also be discussed here.

I want to show first Indonesian hunter who bring cat to the forest to bring the cat predator instinct back. Beside domestic cat that can be seen every where in the world, there is also different kind of cat in Indonesia who mostly live in jungle or village and this person has tamed this kind of cat and bring the cat back to the forest.

I actually had one domestic cat that act like this cat in the video where I can go out with him outside. My previous cat is also a good hunter since I get my cat when he is already a bit grown up and have had hunting skills since I met him for the first time.

@jamahir we have our own thread here :yahoo:

@Pan-Islamic-Pakistan @Falcon29 @Mad Scientist 2.0 @HRK @Moonlight
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@jamahir we have our own thread here :yahoo:

Good !

Let us help Chairman Meow in his becoming the World President :


The cat looks so happy and playful.

But I think he is not a bobcat but a fishing cat. They are also found in Bangladesh and India. @Bilal9 @DalalErMaNodi

I like how the man gives water from his own can.

And I must tag another cat person who has been missing from the forum for a long time. Our Bangladeshi friend @BDforever.
Good !

Let us help Chairman Meow in his becoming the World President :


The cat looks so happy and playful.

But I think he is not a bobcat but a fishing cat. They are also found in Bangladesh and India. @Bilal9 @DalalErMaNodi

I like how the man gives water from his own can.

And I must tag another cat person who has been missing from the forum for a long time. Our Bangladeshi friend @BDforever.

This cats cannot be found in cities like Jakarta any more. It is mostly live in villages where there are still forest and plantations. Here people living in villages in Indonesia also has that kind of cat.


I think the cat is different bro..................

There is bigger wild cat in Kalimantan island, Indonesia. It is called in Indonesia as red cat (kucing merah). The cat is called as kucing emas (golden cat) in Sumatra island. The size is two times normal cat.


The cat is spread though South East Asia and it is called Asian Golden Cat, here the cat get captured on video.

Minute: 1.37

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Of the few nouns I know in Bahasa Indonesia, one is kucing (cat) and the other is anjing (dog), and the rest are names of body parts to use for cussing.
I make this thread to all cat lovers in PDF community so that we can share many thing about cat here. It is not domestic cat specific thread so big cat like tigers or leopard could also be discussed here.

I want to show first Indonesian hunter who bring cat to the forest to bring the cat predator instinct back. Beside domestic cat that can be seen every where in the world, there is also different kind of cat in Indonesia who mostly live in jungle or village and this person has tamed this kind of cat and bring the cat back to the forest.

I actually had one domestic cat that act like this cat in the video where I can go out with him outside. My previous cat is also a good hunter since I get my cat when he is already a bit grown up and have had hunting skills since I met him for the first time.

@jamahir we have our own thread here :yahoo:

@Pan-Islamic-Pakistan @Falcon29 @Mad Scientist 2.0 @HRK @Moonlight

Thanks for tag brother. I admire and respect cats (big and small,) I think they should be left in the wild.

As for animals, I am more of a bird person.
bring cat to the forest to bring the cat predator instinct back

This happened to my last cat, Simba - a full cream Persian Doll Face! Born in a house with a dog and then I became the new keeper (in an apartment in Islamabad). We used to do the round trip from ISB to my family home in FSD together!! When he was a little older, I moved him to my family complex with 3 gardens and lots of trees to climb. He got battered by the local bob cat for a few months so regular cream applications on his battle wounds. This definitely toughened him up somewhat.

Then he was moved to my friend's house in Bani Gala with a large wild land and 2 guard dogs. His transformation there from a round eyed cute cat to a hunter was amazing. Neck tripled in size and eyes sharpened up. Friend's rottweilers would not mess with him when he returned home in evening from his hunts and matings! I do not have his last picture but he was a big cat with a very strong built.

This was when he was with me ....

Regular cuddles after I would get back from work ...

Bath and sleep after he would muddy himself in the gardens during FSD trip. Proper male cat who rarely wanted to be indoors. Never neutered.

Selfie time ... :lol:

Battered in FSD ... getting in too many territory fights!
Why do you use past tense ?

His whereabouts are unknown. Return to my friend's became less regular to rare over time - most likely the domestication in him had reversed - and then rare became no return.

Last time I saw him, he was no longer a lap cat and didn't like being picked up. But cats do make exceptions so I did get a farewell cuddle one last time before returning to UK.
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