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Car bomb in Iran, University professor killed.

^^ leave that zionist garbage. soon some israeli officials will get toasted

New info as per articles I posted above is indicating that it is actually IAEA that is giving the names and designation of Iranian scientists to Israelis. IAEA regularly holds interviews with all Iranian scientists as part of NPT rules and records everything. It is alleged that these records which include every detail about the scientists are then given to Israel and they use it to kill Iranians. While NPT has not given Iran anything, it is being used to damage Iran instead. It is very plausible since it is highly unlikely that some one from within Iranian science projects or Iranian nuclear companies would sell their colleagues and cause them to be killed. So it has to be IAEA. Iran should pull out of NPT as soon as possible.
So you saved thousands of Iranians lives with a few TOW missiles?That's ridiculous.
Iranians fought the war only by themselves and didn't receive help from other countries (except some little helps),while almost the whole world was helping Iraq,from U.S to Soviet Union,Germany,France,U.K,Brazil,Belgium and others.It was the first and only time in history when U.S and USSR both helped the same country against one other country in a war.So surely it wasn't for few TOW missiles which we could resist and push Iraq back to it's country.We sacrificed about 500,000 of our people.

Dear Era, these Zionists are pathetic. They are killing your brightest brains and at the same time want to show themselves as innocent victims and as a friend of Iran using lies and propaganda. They stab from behind while pretending to be your friend by saying lies.
So you saved thousands of Iranians lives with a few TOW missiles?That's ridiculous.
Iranians fought the war only by themselves and didn't receive help from other countries (except some little helps),while almost the whole world was helping Iraq,from U.S to Soviet Union,Germany,France,U.K,Brazil,Belgium and others.It was the first and only time in history when U.S and USSR both helped the same country against one other country in a war.So surely it wasn't for few TOW missiles which we could resist and push Iraq back to it's country.We sacrificed about 500,000 of our people.
Because of lack of ant tank missiles Iran as forced to send human waves sacrificing tens of thousands, because of lack of air defence missiles Iraq was bombing free hand, both military and civilian objects. TOWs and Hawks were super necessary as well as spare parts for tanks and planes. Thousands of saved is actually very modest estimate. tens of thousands would be more correct.
These threats they write in English on their ballistic missiles during parades and on posters. Ask Iranian members.


Well we know who has a big stake in western and Israeli press aka propaganda. They are constantly reporting speculation as fact on countries that don't bend to Israeli American wishes and I would say that they may be more sophisticated than Iranian propaganda but nevertheless have same effect.
Large amount of people who actually are posting in this thread, are in denial for the fact that Iran is developing nuclear weapons because of what the Highly Censored Iran media said in that they are not developing them. Therefore, you have to accept fact that the U.S. and Israel officials are denying being involved in this assassination too because the people making the accusations is not what you take as fact, but its the denial part.

Some call American's and Israelis terrorists, but isn't Iran funding and training Hamas? Remember, this is the same government that denies the holocaust and says that there are no gays in Iran. Some food for thought.
New info as per articles I posted above is indicating that it is actually IAEA that is giving the names and designation of Iranian scientists to Israelis. IAEA regularly holds interviews with all Iranian scientists as part of NPT rules and records everything. It is alleged that these records which include every detail about the scientists are then given to Israel and they use it to kill Iranians. While NPT has not given Iran anything, it is being used to damage Iran instead. It is very plausible since it is highly unlikely that some one from within Iranian science projects or Iranian nuclear companies would sell their colleagues and cause them to be killed. So it has to be IAEA. Iran should pull out of NPT as soon as possible.

Longbrained, first of all thanks for taking time and analyzing and sharing your opinions about this. But i have already stated that that the central government in Tehran needs a serious wake up call ! when i mean serious i mean a very serious call ! Just 2,3 weeks ago i was reading Iranian newspapers and saw Iranian MPs urging the government to stay within the NPT and urged full cooperation with the agency !! This is why i am saying that the government needs to rethink its strategy regarding nuclear weapons. Khamenei himself states producing one is against Islam !!!! very illogical and sad statements
Large amount of people who actually are posting in this thread, are in denial for the fact that Iran is developing nuclear weapons because of what the Highly Censored Iran media said in that they are not developing them. Therefore, you have to accept fact that the U.S. and Israel officials are denying being involved in this assassination too because the people making the accusations is not what you take as fact, but its the denial part.

Some call American's and Israelis terrorists, but isn't Iran funding and training Hamas? Remember, this is the same government that denies the holocaust and says that there are no gays in Iran. Some food for thought.

Last I heard Hamas was the democratically elected representatives of the Palestinian people. Don't bring that crime of Europeans here. Hitler killing Jews does not mitigate what Israelis have been doing since creation of that state
dear iran an advise for you please secure your high profile persons when you use them in high profile jobs .your enemies can go more down then you thought abut them
Father of Shahid Mostafa Ahmadi Roshan mourning with the father of the driver, Shahid Reza Qashqaei.


somewhat on-topic:

Despite stringent security measures, Pakistan remains a ‘soft’ target. A key area to watch: exposing Pakistani nuclear personnel to foreigners under the garb of UN or academic interactions.

The clockwork mystery assassinations of Iran’s nuclear scientists pose an important security question for Pakistan, the next-door nuclear-armed nation whose strategic programs have been demonized in British and American media.

The latest attack occurred in Tehran on Wednesday, killing a chemistry expert linked to the country’s main nuclear agency, the Iran Atomic Energy Organization.

Pakistan must be watching this development closely. Iran accuses the United States, the UK and Israel of involvement.

Pakistan’s experiences in pursuing nuclear technology are different to Iran’s. But Islamabad has been a target no less. What helped Pakistan is its high diplomatic stature on the world stage and strong network of ties with key nations.

For example, while the possibility of threat from Israel has been real, both Islamabad and Tel Aviv managed to establish some form of communication through third countries to avoid fatal misunderstandings.

Israel has curiously refrained from talking about Pakistan’s nuclear and strategic programs [not even in the Israeli media]. But unlike Israel, the Brits and the Americans have been vocal, often through official design, in spreading fear and disinformation about the safety of Pakistani nukes.

Washington has become more hostile toward Pakistan in the past decade, with some circles in Washington spreading fear about Pakistan’s nukes where none exist. To American embarrassment, a more immediate nuclear security threat emerged in Japan, a US ally, with catastrophic consequences that continue to exist.

The key question here is this: Pakistan will probably never go assassinating individuals involved in the nuclear programs of other countries, but what would Islamabad do if someone creates a list of Pakistani nuclear experts and begins to assassinate them one by one? Or targets them for recruitment as Trojans or saboteurs?

Pakistan has been firm in protecting its nuclear personnel and installations. But even then the country is overall ‘soft’ in protecting itself. Foreign operatives from the US, India, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and former Soviet Union have breached Pakistani security at different stages.

For example, diplomats and intelligence agents from France and the United States were caught in Pakistan red handed attempting to spy on Pakistani nuclear facilities.

A new level of security breach occurred in 2007 and continues until now with the induction into power individuals with known links to foreign governments and intelligence agencies.

And Afghanistan continues to be an anti-Pakistan outpost under the control of NATO.

Islamabad is trying to normalize ties with US, which means resetting US ties from ‘high-level meddling’ to ‘normal diplomatic ties’.

Until this situation is resolved, no level of security is too much in Pakistan’s case.

A key area to watch for Pakistan is the level of access it gives the outside world to its nuclear community.

The Strategic Plans Division [SPD] of Pakistan’s National Command Authority [NCA] is the government agency monitoring this access. It is a world-class operation, designed and implemented twelve years ago.

SPD’s security blueprint is the latest in the world. Many countries interested in civil nuclear applications are studying this model.

Despite its high-level security model, SPD needs to study how the names of Iranian nuclear experts and scientists leaked through the UN and IAEA. This is not to say the two international bodies were willing instruments of spying on Iran. But the information they collected – including names, identities and designations of key Iranian nuclear officials — ultimately fell in the hands of foreign spy agents who are now assassinating them one by one.

So, until Pakistan makes the transition from a ‘soft’ to a ‘strong’ state, it needs to watch closely how Iran’s nuclear establishment is being cornered and terrorized. This sets a new model of coercive containment of a potential nuclear-armed nation. And it’s a model that those in charge of nuclear security must watch closely.

[See Iran’s official letter to UN Security Council, General Assembly and Secretary General on the latest assassination.]

Iran’s Letter to the U.N. Secretary General on Assassinations - Dispatch - WSJ
Last I heard Hamas was the democratically elected representatives of the Palestinian people. Don't bring that crime of Europeans here. Hitler killing Jews does not mitigate what Israelis have been doing since creation of that state

Its obvious that makes little sense and have not really answered anything of what I said. I'm just quoting Iran's president.
Its obvious that makes little sense and have not really answered anything of what I said. I'm just quoting Iran's president.

Clearly you can only see what you want to see you stated that Iran was supporting terrorists like Hamas. Terrorists by whose definition?? Yours?? So what you are just propagating AIPAC controlled American Governments propaganda
^^^What I dont understand is that I have posted evidence here on this thread earlier that two thirds of Israelis dont want war with Iran, a few days ago I saw an article saying Americans were war weary. I am sure the average Iranian doesn't want war.

So what the hell is all this war rhetoric. I think that political leaders of all countries are failing and present governance systems incuding western ones have failed all people of the world

Its a sad day that assassinations are being approved by governments. I feel that this one has been done with Israeli govt complicity and I am pretty sure the Iranians will respond in kind. this can not be an acceptable way to live
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