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Captured, 21 R&AW agents operated undercover as 'imams'.

Please support your assertion by direct observation or comparative studies.

I provided 5 examples.

Thank you

I would rather choose not to , it was just to answer a question from a member , nothing more . There's stuff I read and there's stuff which makes sense , whilst being cross referenced with history and happenings of that era and the conditions back then and some evidence of support to the person . Any person who could have been of any help would have been " blessed " by the British and it includes a lot of other people too .

But for some reason your theory targets one particular minority in Pakistan.

Target seriously ? :what: I was answering a question about a certain religious leader .

I didn't say that the others didn't harm the country or weren't blessed .
No it is not conspiracy theories.... it is stated by 2 ISI chiefs from different times.

Why their list is Khufiayh?

Where are those 20 nutjobs

Where were they born

names, age

even a direct interview like Indians did with "Mujahid-Gdhazi-Shheed" Ajmal Kassab

Thank you

I would rather choose not to , it was just to answer a question from a member , nothing more . There's stuff I read and there's stuff which makes sense , whilst being cross referenced with history and happenings of that era and the conditions back then and some evidence of support to the person . Any person who could have been of any help would have been " blessed " by the British and it includes a lot of other people too .

As I said

Gandhi and Nehru did 100,000s time more to help the crown than any 2-bit Qadiani Mullah

let's give the credit where it is due

Thank you
Didn't the Brits befriend Abdul Wahab who eventually founded his movement with the help of a British spy Mr Hempher. The curse which the Muslims all over the world are facing?

Is this not a conspiracy theory? @FaujHistorian

@Jaanbaz Mr. there is already a thread opened inviting to define the late Mr. Muhammad bin Wahab, so go there and spill your hate and disappointment over there.
This is about hindus being appointed as Imams in Pakistani mosques, by Iranian loyalist Baynazir Bhutto.
why not you learn to do some homework to instead of people feeding you stuff...

That which is shared by everyone is obviously not the difference ....that which is not shared is the difference! Simple!
Homework ??? You claimed something hence the ounce is yours.
@Secur & @FaujHistorian - Two Biharis fighting, yes....yes....yeeeeesss....my evil plan has finally worked ! :yahoo:

Now I shall rule with complete impunity from Lahore without anyone to challenge me ! :smokin:
And Khomeni was supported by and lived in France before he brought the Islamist hell to Iran,.

That is true my friend. How long will it take for the rest of Muslims to realise that some Western countries have always supported extremists to cause mayhem in Muslims countries. Of course the blame goes onto Muslims for listening to those fools. After all the west only cares about its interests. And the worst part is some Muslims governments fund terrorists in each others countries.
Come out of this cave mentality and join the rest of the world. Read the news, The World is going to Mars and investing in scientific projects to help defeat diseases while Muslims are still fighting about who is true Muslims or not.
Is this not a conspiracy theory? @FaujHistorian

@Jaanbaz Mr. there is already a thread opened inviting to define the late Mr. Muhammad bin Wahab, so go there and spill your hate and disappointment over there.
This is about hindus being appointed as Imams in Pakistani mosques, by Iranian loyalist Baynazir Bhutto.

Please list the names of HINDUS appointed to mosques

Otherwise it will be the start of yet another constipated conspiracy theories.

Thank you
That is true my friend. How long will it take for the rest of Muslims to realise that some Western countries have always supported extremists to cause mayhem in Muslims countries. Of course the blame goes onto Muslims for listening to those fools. After all the west only cares about its interests. And the worst part is some Muslims governments fund terrorists in each others countries.
Come out of this cave mentality and join the rest of the world. Read the news, The World is going to Mars and investing in scientific projects to help defeat diseases while Muslims are still fighting about who is true Muslims or not.

You know that Turkish Islamist extremeist Mullah Gillian lives in USA as we speak?

And so does that Mullah who says he is Khalifa of all Ahmadis. He enjoys his stay in UK
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Homework ??? You claimed something hence the ounce is yours.
I said something you didnt get it...were you seriously curious you would have gone and researched like how people bring in God knows what sort of references to nonesense on this forum...

That is not what i asked. What i enquired from @Icarus was a simple question, as if the Indian intel agencies use Indian muslims as agents in Pakistan, since they would easily mix with us and would be hard to track down.

it still is a conspiracy theory IMHO

Let's not promote it

Your Avatar is asking from his grave that we get serious about Islamo-fascism.

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