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Captured, 21 R&AW agents operated undercover as 'imams'.

The one which is presently harming the country with all its might .

We spent time , money and energy to instill a certain ideology to Muslims arriving in the F.A.T.A. from the world over to pave way for the " declared " Jihad and radicalized the nation . Somehow , the Project Treadstone went haywire and now the people running it at that time do not want to take the responsibility and would happily involve the gullible masses from the " trouble " happening from outside and not something , which has deep roots in history .

I wish it was a FATA issue and training of few Muj

REality is different.

The whole Pakistani educated elite is in Islamist / marxist fever. and I doubt any ONE agency trained them to be so.

When Pakistanis are trying to be more Saudi than Saudi themselves
When Pakistanis are trying to be more Irani than Ayatullahs themselves

Then something is wrong with our educated elite

and not some local or foreign agency training them to be so.

Hope this helps
Well there is actually , knowing a few things about it , a certain person from had the blessings of the British always - before the message and well after it .

Abeiiii don't mention any group by name ! :blink:

Sentimental cheezeiiin hotiii haiiin - Someone may be hurt by that !
Abeiiii don't mention any group by name ! :blink:

Sentimental cheezeiiin hotiii haiiin - Someone may be hurt by that !
What post are you quoting.. aisa tu koi hai hi nahin jiss mein the quote you made likha ho :what:
Well there is actually , knowing a few things about it , a certain person from Qadian had the blessings of the British always - before the message and well after it .

While I loath the guy for starting a new sect or madhab

I do not think he was the ONLY one blessed by Britis

Here is why?

Sir Syed -- A Knight in English court and thus beholden to the King and Queen
Sir Iqbal -- A knight in English court and thus beholden to the King and Queen

But mirza nut was never given a title of Sir

He was just a local guy who got popular among locals for his views.

And then those locals made him a nabi

So please no conspiracy theories. ,

Thank you
Do you fail to see the differences or have you never read about the mainstream Sufis?

Read post 86....
How about you drop in a link about the real Sufism and the spiced one....that will be a lot better than this continuous loop of replies.

Wikipedia points to three basic practices Dhikr,Visitation,Muraqaba.They are practised by all sufis irrespective of their location.
The whole Pakistani educated elite is in Islamist / marxist fever. and I doubt any ONE agency trained them to be so.

It doesn't have everything to do with a certain agency , but the message spread and its influence and the charge provided to the individual is a thing to consider . The same elite were there before but yet the effect ( after the 90's and continuing to this day ) couldn't be seen . You do not need to put gasoline to fire to make an area burn for long , the fire will consume the things coming in its way and keep burning by itself after the initial boost .
He was just a local guy who got popular among locals for his views.

And then those locals made him a nabi

Regardless, be it of any sect. If one person offers their services to further the cause of the Empire or any other entity to create dischord and subversion in a nation while parading as a saint. Would that be also dismissed as conspiracy?
Regardless, be it of any sect. If one person offers their services to further the cause of the Empire or any other entity to create dischord and subversion in a nation while parading as a saint. Would that be also dismissed as conspiracy?

I beg to disagree,.

The cause of the empire was "furthered" 1000 times more by the following (and not some made up nabi)

1. Sir Syed the knight in Imperial court
2. Nehru support in Malaya (and thus becoming life long friend of Mountbatten)
3. Gandhi who was honorary Luftain of British army durin WW-1
4. Sir Iqbal the knight in Imperial court
5. 100s and 1000s of troops who gave their lives while fighting for the empire in so many wars such as Afghan wars, defeating mutineers in 1857, WW-1, and WW-2. That the crown loaded them up with highest medals of bravery

and here you are trying to prove that some patheitic 2-bit Mullah Mirza was even close to the folks listed above?

Please think it through

Thank you
How about you drop in a link about the real Sufism and the spiced one....that will be a lot better than this continuous loop of replies.

Wikipedia points to three basic practices Dhikr,Visitation,Muraqaba.They are practised by all sufis irrespective of their location.

I believe it was her personal opinion that has not be "Wiki-ized" yet :lol:

Just remember Sufism is as Islamic as it is Jewish or Christian or even Hindu

So don't fret too much about the term just because a Pakistani wants to claim it as his/hers

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