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Capitalism is in decline

Have you watched the movie which is made based on real interview of several USA economists ? I forget the movie title, maybe Capitalism : A Love Story (Michael Moore). Based on that movie it is said that some of USA economists that run respected universities in USA has been paid largely by financial institutions. Yeah, understandable act since imposing strict regulation will result the bubble to burst, so they will not get much money anymore. So they need to bribe opinion makers first.
Liberalism Economy is just there to facilitate the financial institution to grow, that sadly just make a bad affect into the real economy by sucking their money into that gamble game. If (a liberal) financial market make one economy collapse after experiencing a burs in their bubble, they will still get helped from the government under "too big to fail scenario" that they play.
The best way to cope this problem is to reduce financial trading transaction by imposing better rule in a step by step process. But the ones who has money will not allow it to happen. USA people has to wake up !!! As I said early, Islamic Capitalism is a controlled Capitalism, and its focused is in a real sector, not the financial sector.
I know Michael MOORE but i dont watch his movie
2 years back I follow great ECONOMISTS OF world
Michael Maloney / Robertk Kiyosaki / James Turk / Jim Rogers / Donald Trump
I've 40 GB of DATA....in my Previous HDD, but now Iam not interested to explore that chapter anymore.
Michael Maloney / Kiyosaki are unanimously against current Capitalistic Approach but they dont defy it openly. Bcoz they dont have other 2nd Option. Thats why they educate Negative points of Capitalism in their Audio MP3 books (i listened them all)
They educate how to avoid Major Cuts / Taxes from your Income. their Mp3 is also based on preserving Value of your Money with respect of time they used to say "LAWS ARE MADE FOR THE RICH BY THE RICH"
private stake holding of company even in defence and railway ! the idea of EU is killing your country slowly mister !
our private railway is Italo and its far better than public railway. the trains are designed from ferrari, luxus and comfort.

Capitalism is what's destroying the West. Capitalism feeds off of the addictions/weaknesses of the masses. A example of this is the pornographic industry through which the plutocrats make billions of $$ annually from this degenerate filth. Another example is the arms/weapons industry, and so on and so forth.

destroying? how comes i feel so great? we are better than ever before.
all railways are pretty good whether public or private !

you cant compare it. national railway in italy is just...average while Italo is luxury amd simply the best. I use Italo whenever i can. better food, faster, trains are cleaner, free wlan.
you cant compare it. national railway in italy is just...average while Italo is luxury amd simply the best. I use Italo whenever i can. better food, faster, trains are cleaner, free wlan.
like a indian i would ask which one is cheap lol!
like a indian i would ask which one is cheap lol!

the national railway is cheap...I show you the comparission.

Italy national railway:




and private owned Italo:




In Italy you can chose what train you take and Italo does not operate all tracks but if i can chose between Italo and RFI i will always chose Italo.
The only system that i can think of is Autarky, a great example of which was National Socialist Germany which had achieved complete economic independence from the international financial system and had abolished interest 100% both within the country and without. Within 3 years Germany become the sole Economic Powerhouse of Europe, the world had never witnessed such a phenomena before nor since.

Funny how people think that Hitler did Germany any good with that.

Did bring the German economy back to growth? Yes.

Did he fight unemployment? Yes.

Did he build massive new infrastructure ? Yes.

But ever cared to think why Germany grew so fast?
Because there was not much of an industrialized economy left after the Treaty of Versailles came into place, so any growth had substantial numbers.

Hitler invested insane sums into infrastructure and all kinds of industries, thus creating millions of jobs. However, everything was mere preparation for his insane total war plans. Everything was funded by taking insane amounts of debts which were expected to be paid by plundering other countries.

From industrial steel giants like Krupp to small businesses which manufactured parts for optics, every one was preparing for war... a war that would bomb Germany back into the dark ages.

Capitalism is what's destroying the West.

Grow up. Capitalism made the West what it is today: First World countries. It has lifted millions out of poverty, has created immense wealth and high living standards.

Any major growing economy like those of the BRICS have come so far thanks to free market principles.

And keep your morality BS to yourself, otherwise millions of Asians, Africans and South Americans would not try to into these "immoral" countries full of "sin" and bad people :lol:
Funny how people think that Hitler did Germany any good with that.

Did bring the German economy back to growth? Yes.

Did he fight unemployment? Yes.

Did he build massive new infrastructure ? Yes.

But ever cared to think why Germany grew so fast?
Because there was not much of an industrialized economy left after the Treaty of Versailles came into place, so any growth had substantial numbers.

Hitler invested insane sums into infrastructure and all kinds of industries, thus creating millions of jobs. However, everything was mere preparation for his insane total war plans. Everything was funded by taking insane amounts of debts which were expected to be paid by plundering other countries.

From industrial steel giants like Krupp to small businesses which manufactured parts for optics, every one was preparing for war... a war that would bomb Germany back into the dark ages.

Grow up. Capitalism made the West what it is today: First World countries. It has lifted millions out of poverty, has created immense wealth and high living standards.

Any major growing economy like those of the BRICS have come so far thanks to free market principles.

And keep your morality BS to yourself, otherwise millions of Asians, Africans and South Americans would not try to into these "immoral" countries full of "sin" and bad people :lol:

Right in most parts but germany was not "bombed" back into the dark ages. Just 1955 the western part alone had a more powerful economy than france or UK. The economic wonder made it possible. I don´t think you can raise from nothing to the top dog in just 10 years.

On the rest you are right. Hitlers economics were insane and hurtful.
Right in most parts but germany was not "bombed" back into the dark ages. Just 1955 the western part alone had a more powerful economy than france or UK. The economic wonder made it possible. I don´t think you can raise from nothing to the top dog in just 10 years.

On the rest you are right. Hitlers economics were insane and hurtful.

Good point. West Germany rose so quickly thanks to free market principles, and not thanks to the national socialistic, socialist or Islamic principles.
@Desert Fox

Although American aid played a crucial role as well.
Good point. West Germany rose so quickly thanks to free market principles, and not thanks to the national socialistic, socialist or Islamic principles.
@Desert Fox

Although American aid played a crucial role as well.

I do´t think aid alone can explain this. Look at east germany. It did rise quickly to the economic power house of the warsaw pact. Sure it was not compareable with western germany but you see a system behind it. People who work hard.
I do´t think aid alone can explain this. Look at east germany. It did rise quickly to the economic power house of the warsaw pact. Sure it was not compareable with western germany but you see a system behind it. People who work hard.

Thats why I said it played a crucial role, not the lone role in this.

East Germany on the other hand was subjected to socialist policies and propaganda and results of these influences is obvious.
Maybe it was great among other socialist nations, but compared to free market economies, it lacked behind. AFAIK those parts are still less developed than the rest of Germany, which again proves that the free market theory is superior.

@Desert Fox

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