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Can't Predator drones be hit by Fighter planes or any air defense System by Pakistan.

well sir try google there is no surface to air MANPAD with more than 5Km service cieling today and sure you have regular sams that can bring down drones but the problem is niether your security establishment nor the ruling/politcial elite are willing to sanction or take such a step specially against USA or CIA as they are "resilient by choice"
there are other ways to bring down an Indian drone like this one below


In a wake of Indian Interested to acquire Predator drones from america , a very significant questions come that where these drones will be used. Along many options , use in pakistan air space is one . Keeping in mind the statement of one of pakistan minister that they lacks capability to hit american drones a question arises can't these predator drones be hit by fighter planes or any air defense system. Thread opened for knowledge sharing not for trolling or for any offence.

sure, but when the U.S has the power to see what Pakistan radar sees and can control what Pakistan radar operator sees. I doubt this would happen. not like our drones are flying over Pakistan all the time only when a high value target is passing through or living within Pakistan


question is not "can you shoot them down".. question is "will you shoot them down".. and I think everyone here knows the answer differs if the operator is USA or India

discussed many times here.. this is a chinese drone, not Indian.. please correct your facts.
Answer is yes We will shoot them down if it comes from the Eastern Border. Don't Believe us try us

So Indians Can't buy Chinese made Drones???? Also a Footage that it Flew From Indian Side

In a wake of Indian Interested to acquire Predator drones from america , a very significant questions come that where these drones will be used. Along many options , use in pakistan air space is one . Keeping in mind the statement of one of pakistan minister that they lacks capability to hit american drones a question arises can't these predator drones be hit by fighter planes or any air defense system. Thread opened for knowledge sharing not for trolling or for any offence.

"Predator is 27ft in length and has a 49ft wingspan."

easier to hit than a jingle truck, your politicians tell you an F-16 cant hit some thing bigger than this

Guess what, thier lying
Even this one :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Even a shoe will suffice to bring this one down. :rofl: But don't bother talking about this one, it was such an extravagant humiliation that all you'll get is DENIAL.

"Predator is 27ft in length and has a 49ft wingspan."

easier to hit than a jingle truck, your politicians tell you an F-16 cant hit some thing bigger than this
View attachment 309488

Guess what, thier lying
No it's ours (Pakistani) who are lying about not having the capabilities to shoot them down. There's(Indians) are only being delusional with "Super power" syndrome....Thinking that if US is not being stopped by Pakistan then they Indians wont be stopped as well :disagree:.
In a wake of Indian Interested to acquire Predator drones from america , a very significant questions come that where these drones will be used. Along many options , use in pakistan air space is one . Keeping in mind the statement of one of pakistan minister that they lacks capability to hit american drones a question arises can't these predator drones be hit by fighter planes or any air defense system. Thread opened for knowledge sharing not for trolling or for any offence.

Do you really think its true that a Predator can't be downed when back in its initial less-high-tech days, much advanced (then) Israeli UAV's were taken out by the PAF's F-16's using their block-15's? Remember, Sidewinder (IR) is a bit*ch. It takes you down.

What they are referring to here, is the inability for Pakistan to get into a conflict with the US. And I think that's a fair statement however they want to make it. Whether accepting not able to fight or confront the US, or to say that they don't have "defensive" systems. They know very well a small issue like this, will then be used by the Indian lobby to try to convert it into a bigger deal. So why get into a bigger mess? In today's world, no country has the defensive capability to deal with the US all the way conventionally. Whether the US flew into Russia, China or inside New Delhi in India. That's just a fact. Pakistan is no different.

India has SU-30's and many more things. How come none of them have been used against Pakistan? Its pretty clear, the US won't ever get a response. But in India's case with Pakistan, Pakistan will respond back. Its been a part of the history and a reason why we call both of you the "Arch Rivals"!!
there are other ways to bring down an Indian drone like this one below

subhan allah .... why not you surelly have that option but sir with deu respect as i said before why drones are not shot down when they are challenging your sovriegnity well you sir are more than adiquatilly know who takes such decissions in Pakistan and that they are "ressiliant by CHOICE not Force" :coffee:
Flight ceiling
MQ1: 25000 feet Max or 7.6KM
which is within range of Man pads within Pakistani inventory
MQ9:25000 feet Max or 7.6KM
Same story here
MQ4 Global Hawk (Only reconnaissance plane)
Flight ceiling: 60000 feet 18.8 KM
Interceptable with Medium rannged SAM

You can cross check these stats yourself

With respect, I beg to differ on your assessment of the intercept ranges of MANPADS in Pakistani inventory: we should be talking maximum intercept altitude or 'ceiling' here.

FIM-92 Stinger
(100 taken by Pakistan from US aid destined for Afghan Mujahideen in 1985, and 50 more in 1987)
Range from 0.2 km to 4.8 km, ceiling 3.8km (maximum of 8km only per 1996 RMP version)

RBS 70 :
(at least 680 and possibly 824 delivered by Sweden in 1986-1987, including 144 launchers, with assembly in Pakistan, more deliveries 1988-2015 with total up 1350, some 913 remaining in service)
range from 0.25 km to 5-6 km, ceiling 3 km for mk1 & mk2 (Bolide upgrade 8km and 5km, since 2005)

(at least 100 and possibly 230 delivered by France in 1994-1995)
Range 0.5km to 6 km, ceiling 3 km

HN-5A (Reverse engineered SA-7)
(100 delivered by China in 1987, 200 more between 1989 and 1990)
Range from 0.8 km to 4.4 km, ceiling 2.5 km

Anza Mk-I
(1000 HN-5B produced in Pakistan under license from China between 1989 and 1998)
Range from 1.2 km to 4.2 km, ceiling 2.3km

Anza Mk-II
(1650 QW-1 produced in Pakistan under license from China between 1994 and 2012)
Range from 0.5 km to 5 km, ceiling 4km

Anza Mk-III
(QW-2 produced in Pakistan under license from China between 2012 and present)
Range up to 0.4 km to 6 km, ceiling 3.5 km

(50 delivered by China in 2010)
Range from 0.5 km to 6 km, ceiling 3.5 km

As for other air defence missile systems that are (or used to be) in Pakistan's inventory:

HQ2B (China)
(Version of Russian SA-2 Guideline, at least 12 batteries procured ca. 1970s, 40 missiles and 1 system in 1983)
Range 45km, ceiling 25km

R440 Crotale (France)
(‘Pasban program’: 11 Crotale systems ordered 1974 and delivered 1977-1978, with 350 R-440 missiles. 1 more system ordered 1983, delivered in 1985. Current status: phased out?)
Effective range: 0.5 – 10 km, Effective altitude: 0.15 – 5.5 km

Spada/Aspide 2000 (Italy)
(10 Spada-2000 Plus SHORAD systems and 750 Aspide-2000 ordered 2007, 10 systems and 200 missiles delivered 2010-2013)
Range at least 20km, possibly up to 28km. Ceiling at least 5km (= value for older Aspide mk1, mk2)

HQ7/FM-90 (China)
(Improved version of French R440 Crotale, 400 missiles ordered 2013, 275 delivered 2014-2015)
Range: 0.7 km to 15 km, ceiling 6 km

HQ-16/LY-80 (China)
(Improved, wheeled version of Russian BUK 9K37M1-2, 150 ordered in 2014)
Range at least 42km and possibly 50km, ceiling at least 10km and possible 25km (depends on source)

HQ9 (China)
(medium- to long-range SAM akin to Russian S-300, under negotiation 2016)
Maximum range against aircraft target of 125km (export system, 200 km for domestic use), ceiling up to 27km. (For range and ceiling against different targets, see http://www.ausairpower.net/APA-HQ-9-FD-FT-2000.html#mozTocId527286)
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