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Can't bat, can't field - Pakistan, just accept that verdict

You are right. I am sick of Pak team losing again and again. I wish we were good at something else as well.:frown:

Exactly, I mean cricket will always be important in Pakistan but we have so much talent in other sports too but we never utilize them. No importance is given to other sports which is a big shame because people like Aism Ul Haq Qureshi and Maria Wazir don't get to use their talents in Pakistan.
Our cricket is nothing but a reflection of our political and social systems and an example of how things work in Pakistan these days. Get some stability in the country and You'll see them performing again. Personally i think it has all to do with the management and not the players. Great players come and go, nobody plays forever so its not about experience. Its about managing the fragile careers of our youngsters who feel insecure due to the poor management of PCB.
we have to play as a team first salman butt was not happy with yousuf coming but his own form is not that good to point fingers at other he is uncertain in the team for me as top 5 batsman and chairman is probleum we need sincere management
Eish..!! 7 drop catches..

" catches Win matches "
I'm one of those Pakistanis who doesn't watch or follow cricket. I only played the game as a kid to burn calories and time. I think we worship these drama queens too much. I also don't like field hockey. We should put more funding in tennis, basketball and football, true international sports. Cricket is so boring yaar, a whole day taken out of your schedule to watch two guys hit some other guys balls.
Eish..!! 7 drop catches..

" catches Win matches "

yes even with a team full of youngsters what is use of them in the team they cant bat cant field and one more thing to members who are in favour of youngsters you support them for fielding over MY but still they have dropped the catches than what difference it makes if MY drops catche but he score for sure and in firstplace MY do not drop dollies and he only has probleum that he cannot dive its ok if any one averages 50+ in test you bound to take it
This is the team who won the test asgainst aussie after 15 years it's a younge team let them make mistakes we will see some big things in up comeing years

Yonis kahan or mohammad yousuf should be left out simple. keep working with the same team you can make little changes here n there but look for the long term solution.
sir this is not long term solution but long term loosing solution if whe even have lost with 100 runs no probleum but they simply cant bat their are other format where they can be tested T 20 is good for them Test u need to have physical and mental strength which they dont have
sir this is not long term solution but long term loosing solution if whe even have lost with 100 runs no probleum but they simply cant bat their are other format where they can be tested T 20 is good for them Test u need to have physical and mental strength which they dont have

In england, australia we always strggule cuz of the bouncy pitches it's not the matter of haveing younis or MY in the team wat do u think we will gain in near future if both r in the team how long will tey be available for pakistan 1 or max 2 years then wat will we do...this team as i said is yonge n have some serious potential for very bright cricketing future for pakistan. One day international format we r among the best in the world n t20 is peace of cake for our guys

yes you right test cricket is different ball game all together but in this format in the past we had worst beats then this the reason only cuz guys never been given propar chances sachin tendulkar got out on zero in his 1st test had he be left out after that he would have never made it thro as we all know him as a little master today n wat he have achieved for his nation. Our younge guys have lords of talent to play this format but if the fail then they should be allowed to fail..keep this same team for test format for about a year or 2 INSLAAH will see very good results

Just got a joke as text messag and wanted to share with you folks.
Aslam was in his Junior School class when the teacher asked the children what their Fathers did?

All the typical answers came up:
Fireman, Policeman, Salesman, etc ...

Aslam was quiet so the teacher asked him about his Father.

"My Dad's an exotic dancer in a gay club and takes off all his clothes in front of other men. If the offer's really good, he'll go out with a man, rent a cheap room and let him shag him."

The teacher hurriedly set the other children to work on some colouring and then took Aslam aside to ask him, if that was really true?

No, my Father plays cricket for Pakistan, I was just too embarrassed to tell !

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