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Cannot sit, watch and do nothing

Nov 9, 2011
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China condemns NATO strikes on Pakistani troops

China on Monday urged NATO forces to respect for Pakistan's sovereignty, saying that attack on Pakistani troops was shocking.
Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei said that China was deeply shocked by these events, and expresses strong concern for the victims and profound condolences to Pakistan.
"China believes that Pakistan's independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity should be respected and the incident should be thoroughly investigated and be handled properly," he aid in a statement on the ministry's website.
US-led NATO choppers and aircrafts attacks two Pakistani posts near Afghan border on early Saturday which left two dozen soldiers martyred and 14 other injured.

China condemns NATO strikes on Pakistani troops | Pakistan | News | Newspaper | Daily | English | Online
It turns out the Amerikkkans launched a calculated modern warfare air and ground attack against a Pakistani outpost that has before hosted them as guests and followed up with an attack on Pakistan Army reinforcements using both Apache attack helicopter and A-10 attack aircraft!

This is no mistake. It is a deliberate attempt to push Pakistan Army back so the US can start occupying the frontier region. A deliberate punitive skirmish.

The statement from the Chinese foreign ministry is not the final word from the Chinese government. They are still discussing on what to do. Remember, we are in a leadership transition with a new leadership coming in March of next year.

In my view, the Chinese government needs to immediately supply Pakistan with air defense weapons and advisors. Now that Pakistan has permanently closed the NATO supply route, the US will demonize Pakistan like it demonizes Iran, and eventually launch air strikes from the Arabian Sea or Afghanistan. I'm 100% for certain the Chinese government will do something decisive, it will not watch and do nothing.

Another question, why would this happen just a year before US presidential elections?
Selective amnesia.

Where were the Chinese Govts thoughts on Pak sovereignity after Abbotabad and on numerous strikes by Drones ?
Selective amnesia.

Where were the Chinese Govts thoughts on Pak sovereignity after Abbotabad and on numerous strikes by Drones ?
China can't possibly take a stronger position than Pakistani government on Pakistan issues. Those prior problems didn't totally rupture the US-Pakistan relationship from the Pakistani point of view. Obviously, we are not going to second guess that.

But this attack looks like the Pakistani government is really going to close the borders. That means the US is going to try to contest Pakistani airspace against PAF, probably launched by aircraft carriers in the Arabian sea.

The only option for China is clear. Get whatever hardware and people into Pakistan as needed to defend Pakistani airspace, immediately!

i thought china said that attack on pakistan will be considered as attack on china, why are they sitting and only talking now??? why not respond to the attack?///
They will respond. Old men take time to make decisions, quite frankly.
China can't possibly take a stronger position than Pakistani government on Pakistan issues. Those prior problems didn't totally rupture the US-Pakistan relationship from the Pakistani point of view. Obviously, we are not going to second guess that.

But this attack looks like the Pakistani government is really going to close the borders. That means the US is going to try to contest Pakistani airspace against PAF, probably launched by aircraft carriers in the Arabian sea.

The only option for China is clear. Get whatever hardware and people into Pakistan as needed to defend Pakistani airspace, immediately!

They will respond. Old men take time to make decisions, quite frankly.

i doubt they would have taken the same amount of time if china was really attacked.....
It turns out the Amerikkans launched a calculated modern warfare air and ground attack against a Pakistani outpost that has before hosted them as guests and followed up with an attack on Pakistan Army reinforcements using both Apache attack helicopter and A-10 attack aircraft!

This is no mistake. It is a deliberate attempt to push Pakistan Army back so the US can start occupying the frontier region. A deliberate punitive skirmish.

The statement from the Chinese foreign ministry is not the final word from the Chinese government. They are still discussing on what to do. Remember, we are in a leadership transition with a new leadership coming in March of next year.

In my view, the Chinese government needs to immediately supply Pakistan with air defense weapons and advisors. Now that Pakistan has permanently closed the NATO supply route, the US will demonize Pakistan like it demonizes Iran, and eventually launch air strikes from the Arabian Sea or Afghanistan. I'm 100% for certain the Chinese government will do something decisive, it will not watch and do nothing.

Another question, why would this happen just a year before US presidential elections?

China is a good friend and brother... but we will fight our own war with USA ..

and eventually launch air strikes from the Arabian Sea or Afghanistan.
I welcome USA to start this and see what they get in return ... there wont be a single USA person in Pakistan land or even in Afghanistan will go back to USA alive ...

trust me b4 going down we will make sure USA/india/Israel goes down with us in Afghanistan....
@slytherin exactly what am asking.... Why china waiting? America attacked pakistan yet again.... China need to take action.... Why aren't they doing something? What's your view on it?.... Do u think china is trusted friend of pakistan? in Any war they helped pakistan till now?.... i dont remember any.... All china does is 'Lip servising'.... China need to attack NATO.... China claims they most powerful nation.... Why are they just watching its brother nation bleeding?.... Thats cruel.... We all seen friendship between israel and india Plus russia and india in war.... When china will protect pakistan?.... Right time? (i hope i wont get that answer. Right time is doesnt come ever). Pakistan need china's help.... Urgently....
as far as i see it, china is the biggest beneficiary of NATO attack, now they can export more weapons to pakistan, and use pakistan to counter US......
China can't possibly take a stronger position than Pakistani government on Pakistan issues. Those prior problems didn't totally rupture the US-Pakistan relationship from the Pakistani point of view. Obviously, we are not going to second guess that.

But this attack looks like the Pakistani government is really going to close the borders. That means the US is going to try to contest Pakistani airspace against PAF, probably launched by aircraft carriers in the Arabian sea.

The only option for China is clear. Get whatever hardware and people into Pakistan as needed to defend Pakistani airspace, immediately!

They will respond. Old men take time to make decisions, quite frankly.

China is only giving condolence to Pakistan not criticizing NATO. Because China deep down in heart fears mores about Uighur insurgents getting safe heaven in Afghanistan and her warming relation with US and India.
China condemns NATO strikes on Pakistani troops

China on Monday urged NATO forces to respect for Pakistan's sovereignty, saying that attack on Pakistani troops was shocking.
Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei said that China was deeply shocked by these events, and expresses strong concern for the victims and profound condolences to Pakistan.
"China believes that Pakistan's independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity should be respected and the incident should be thoroughly investigated and be handled properly," he aid in a statement on the ministry's website.
US-led NATO choppers and aircrafts attacks two Pakistani posts near Afghan border on early Saturday which left two dozen soldiers martyred and 14 other injured.

China condemns NATO strikes on Pakistani troops | Pakistan | News | Newspaper | Daily | English | Online

Nice...another "warning" ........

Whats the score now guys? How soon can we reach a million warnings ?
I think China don't need to do any F about these...this is clearly not China business, Pakistan is an independence country that has power to protect himself, yet he got strong supports from his saintly brother Turkish??? Why China have to get involve to make more hatred coming back to you???

Just see how Pakistani members here flatter Turkey and how neglect Pakistan toward your conflicts with vietnam!? It is clearly telling the story that they, Pakistani, never treat China as an alliance but USING you as their shield to against the West!!!

Pakistan had once selling weapons to vietnam and sign billions dollar business contracts with Japan and South Korea, who know what kind of business is that!?
Look the Polituro guys in Beijing are old.... average age is like 70's. They are probably somebody's grandfather.

Give them a few days to respond, okay? Don't worry. China will definitely back up Pakistan if it gets openly hostile with the US.

Damn, india took 7 years to decide on MMRCA. A stupid purchase decision where you can just pick one. Can't China take a few days to think through a strategy?
Look the Polituro guys in Beijing are old.... average age is like 70's. They are probably somebody's grandfather.

Give them a few days to respond, okay? Don't worry. China will definitely back up Pakistan if it gets openly hostile with the US.

by backing up do u mean shouting in UN and exporting them weapons to earn huge profits?????

its very clear what china's actual intentions are, i think there is even a possibility that the current NATO attack had an involvement of China too....
by backing up do u mean shouting in UN and exporting them weapons to earn huge profits?????

its very clear what china's actual intentions are, i think there is even a possibility that the current NATO attack had an involvement of China too....
Now, now.... you are getting to the point where you make indians look bad :sick:
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