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Canadian teacher tells Muslim kids who skip LGBTQ Pride events, "You aren't Canadian" and "You don't belong here".

Allah has given people freewill to make choices. People make good and righteous choices or wrong and evil ones which do not deserve respect and congratulations.

Even if it was genuine, nobody should be forced to celebrate gay pride week or be condemned and persecuted. Evil piles on evil and undignifies humans.

They can't reproduce, so they have a very strong urge to groom and indoctrinate the young and impressionable. They have crossed way over the line messing with people's children. Parents have the natural right and instinct to protect their little children from harm.
But Allah creates people in the first place right? So however they are they are created by Allah to be that way. If they are hetrosexual they are created to be that way. If intelligent they are created to be like that. If kind and compassionate same thing. So why not gay people?

As to the teacher she's partly right and partly wrong. She's right to point out the hypocrisy of wanting and expecting to be respected for their identity but not showing that to others or perhaps and more likely just using it as an excuse to skip school. She was wrong however about the belong here and to have used the tone she did. Also that's just a clip of a whole conversation/issue. What is the context of that conversation.

As to the rest of what you said indoctrinate kids because they can't reproduce what are you talking about?
The unnatural alliance of Muslim diaspora and the liberals always irked me. I hope as the US policymakers get busy with China and let their foot of the Islamophobia pedal to achieve geopolitical goals in the Middle East, discourse around Muslims changes and the western right wing and Muslims align closer to counter this shitstorm of degeneracy together. It's even reached out shores in the third world and WAY TOO FAST. You'd think they'd target adultery laws first in the name of freedom but they went straight for the kill.
The unnatural alliance of Muslim diaspora and the liberals always irked me. I hope as the US policymakers get busy with China and let their foot of the Islamophobia pedal to achieve geopolitical goals in the Middle East, discourse around Muslims changes and the western right wing and Muslims align closer to counter this shitstorm of degeneracy together. It's even reached out shores in the third world and WAY TOO FAST. You'd think they'd target adultery laws first in the name of freedom but they went straight for the kill.

“Moderate Muslim” and the era of the post 9/11 liberal are already being shed. Look at this exchange between Yasir Qadhi and a Pakistani-American Khusra activist 😂 @Sayfullah @Areesh @Dalit @AA_

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Well stupid people exist everywhere.

In my opinion the West is becoming "Anti-Religion."

Canada is supposed to be an inclusive and welcoming country.

If you ask me LGBT is stupid.

"A person chooses to be gay" and you are not born gay.
i would disagree; there are some serious wiring issues in the brain. it is a phenomena also in nature.
You should see the chimp out in the Quote Tweets. It’s like all the liberals, khusras, and gáshtïs formed a batallion and started crying.

Although the “Navigating Differences” was milquetoast it’s a victory for Orthodox Muslims. A lot of these heterodox Muslims have started panicking. Now the “muslimgirl” account on instagram has openly started to support queer “Muslims”….

The owner of the @Muslim instagram account is an effeminate in the closet man 😂
Well yes.
Drunk Muslims, Adulter Muslims, gambler Muslims. All exist. But that doesn't mean any of those actions are allowed in Islam.
Well yes.
Drunk Muslims, Adulter Muslims, gambler Muslims. All exist. But that doesn't mean any of those actions are allowed in Islam.

What someone does in their private life is between them and Allah (SWT).

However I don’t think I’ve ever seen those kinds of non-practicing Muslims ever try to justify drinking, gambling, or doing zina.

It’s the rainbow crowd that is trying to actively change Islam and the tafsir and the Ijma!
Bottom line no one should be forced to do something they don't want to and then get called out being not a Canadian or any other nationality. Its pretty hypocritical to say that if your living in a secular society so the teacher was wrong and should not have done what she did.
You should see the chimp out in the Quote Tweets. It’s like all the liberals, khusras, and gáshtïs formed a batallion and started crying.
The accents on the a and i 💀:lol:

I read it like a unique pashto way of saying the word. Like that Pashtun guy called maryam aurungzeb in their Madina trip

btw, Can you summarize what's been going on. What's "navigating Differences". I asked this before. Don't know if you replied or not.
The accents on the a and i 💀:lol:

I read it like a unique pashto way of saying the word. Like that Pashtun guy called maryam aurungzeb in their Madina trip

I do it to avoid the censors LOLL

btw, Can you summarize what's been going on. What's "navigating Differences". I asked this before. Don't know if you replied or not.

Okay time for some background:

The American daee space for some time allied with the Liberal Bourgeoise, enjoying their perks such as mainstream popularity and social media engagements as well as having a large female audience that fangirls over them. As Hamza Tsortzis explains below in the realm of an ideological context:

"In an ideological context, if you are not giving da'wah, they are giving "da'wah" to you. Unfortunately, due to relative silence and a passive strategy, they succeeded."

This led to a huge black hole in the scene leaving youth to be preyed on by soy ideologies, feminism, and LGTV. This went on until the rise of Andrew Tate. When he came on the scene last year, he essentially sapped the young male audience and was outdoing Omar Suleiman and Yasir Qadhi when it came to viewership and audience of young muslim men. These guys started panicking. Combine this with the current outrage of the injection of LGTV to young children in schools and their RELATIVE QUIETNESS about the issue for the past year and a half. Many people started to call them out.

Around 2-3 weeks ago Yasir Qadhi and some ullema endorsed a document called "Navigating Differences" which essentially called out the LGTV movement and endorsed a reaffirmation of parental rights. Yaqeen and Yasir Qadhi were seen as progressive allies until this came out. Now they are being deemed as homophobic, transphobic, and queerphobic. The chimp out in the quote tweets is what makes it funny, ironic, and a big W for Orthodox Muslims.

The full document is here

I do it to avoid the censors LOLL

Okay time for some background:

The American daee space for some time allied with the Liberal Bourgeoise, enjoying their perks such as mainstream popularity and social media engagements as well as having a large female audience that fangirls over them. As Hamza Tsortzis explains below in the realm of an ideological context:

"In an ideological context, if you are not giving da'wah, they are giving "da'wah" to you. Unfortunately, due to relative silence and a passive strategy, they succeeded."

This led to a huge black hole in the scene leaving youth to be preyed on by soy ideologies, feminism, and LGTV. This went on until the rise of Andrew Tate. When he came on the scene last year, he essentially sapped the young male audience and was outdoing Omar Suleiman and Yasir Qadhi when it came to viewership and audience of young muslim men. These guys started panicking. Combine this with the current outrage of the injection of LGTV to young children in schools and their RELATIVE QUIETNESS about the issue for the past year and a half. Many people started to call them out.

Around 2-3 weeks ago Yasir Qadhi and some ullema endorsed a document called "Navigating Differences" which essentially called out the LGTV movement and endorsed a reaffirmation of parental rights. Yaqeen and Yasir Qadhi were seen as progressive allies until this came out. Now they are being deemed as homophobic, transphobic, and queerphobic. The chimp out in the quote tweets is what makes it funny, ironic, and a big W for Orthodox Muslims.

The full document is here

Thanks. WIll give it a read up. What's the deal with Andrew Tate? I just know he's hated by the feminists.
Never followed the news about his arrest or anything.

Guy doesn't seem like your average celebrity accepting Islam. But he's still not a scholar or anything, how the hell did he eclipse people actual scholars. Is it the Engineer Mirza factor?

Not sure if you are aware of him, but he's a really outspoken scholar. former engineer. He's taking the traditional clerics to the cleaners. He blew up because of the vaccum left by the usual f*ckeries of our molvi class and an alienated youth that yearned for Islam but were tired of usual molvi fairy tales stuff. I am like that but I don't necessarily follow him nor consider him an authority. Just a commentator. I do agree with him on many things and I esp hate molvis with a passion. Been doing it since 4th grade I think :lol:
Nobody is created Gay.
Its a narrative thats been perpetuated by LGBT activists but so far no researcher has been able to find any genetic evidence for being born gay.

Probably true. We don't see pedophiles claiming pedophilia is "genetic."

Leftist pseuodoscience is dangerous because it goes on unrecognized.
Thanks. WIll give it a read up. What's the deal with Andrew Tate? I just know he's hated by the feminists.
Never followed the news about his arrest or anything.

Guy doesn't seem like your average celebrity accepting Islam. But he's still not a scholar or anything, how the hell did he eclipse people actual scholars. Is it the Engineer Mirza factor?

Not sure if you are aware of him, but he's a really outspoken scholar. former engineer. He's taking the traditional clerics to the cleaners. He blew up because of the vaccum left by the usual f*ckeries of our molvi class and an alienated youth that yearned for Islam but were tired of usual molvi fairy tales stuff. I am like that but I don't necessarily follow him nor consider him an authority. Just a commentator. I do agree with him on many things and I esp hate molvis with a passion. Been doing it since 4th grade I think :lol:
Andrew Tate is unapologetically the complete opposite of the radical left of the West hence he became so popular. I personally hate the guy but I completely understand his appeal. When you are constantly being bombarded by the propaganda of the Western radical left, then guys like Andrew become quite attractive even if you may not agree with most of his views.
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