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Canada residential school abuses: Indigenous group finds 93 unmarked graves


Jun 22, 2016
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Canada residential school abuses: Indigenous group finds 93 unmarked graves

Wednesday, 26 January 2022 6:31 AM [ Last Update: Wednesday, 26 January 2022 6:44 AM ]


A family walks through the site of a former residential school on Cowessess First Nation, Saskatchewan, Canada, on June 26, 2021, where human remains were discovered in unmarked graves. (Photo via AFP)

An Indigenous community in Canada has announced the discovery of 93 potential unmarked graves on the site of a former residential school, in the latest possible discovery of remains of scores of indigenous children over the past year.

Williams Lake First Nation announced the discovery at the site of a residential school in Canada’s western province of British Columbia on Tuesday.

“To date, 93 reflections have been recorded at the St Joseph’s Mission,” said archaeologist Whitney Spearing, head of the investigative team at the school site.

“All of them display varying characteristics indicative of potential human burials,” she added.

Spearing went on to say that “excavation is the only technology that will provide answers as to whether human remains are present.”

Research has uncovered stories of murder, systemic torture, starvation, rape, and sexual assault at the residential school, said Willie Sellars, chief of Williams Lake First Nation.

Children suffered rotten food, fire hazards, overcrowding, pests, and illness, and there were reports of students trying take their own lives, Sellars said, adding that authorities often chose not to investigate the atrocities as the “child was only an Indian.”

Canada was shocked in May 2021 after an indigenous community unmarked a mass grave containing the remains of 215 children at the Kamloops Indian Residential School in British Columbia.

The incident prompted calls for justice and accountability for the victims and survivors of the residential school system, which forcibly separated indigenous children from their families between the late 1800s and 1990s.

Canada forced more than 150,000 Indigenous children to attend institutions run by various churches, most notably the Roman Catholic Church.

The children, who were stripped of their languages and culture, were also subjected to abuse, rape, and malnutrition. Thousands are believed to have died while attending those schools.

The Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC), which is a federal commission of inquiry into the institutions, concluded in 2015 that abuses in Canada’s residential school system amounted to “cultural genocide.”


The so called "Canada" and "USA" are graveyards. English terrorists comited genocide there. The sooner English terrorists go back to England the better.
So Anglo-Saxon were black? ??brown yellow.

As I said Indians are dumb and you have proved me correct yet again

Most "whites" have nothing to do with crimes commited by Anglosaxons. In fact Anglosaxon terrorist organisation the Ku Klux Klan is against not only people of African decent but also against the Slavs and the Irish.
Most "whites" have nothing to do with crimes commited by Anglosaxons. In fact Anglosaxon terrorist organisation the Ku Klux Klan is against not only people of African decent but also against the Slavs and the Irish.
Who were angles saxons you Indian twat.

They were from Europe and white. Don't Indians have a brain cell between them.

Show me a non white Anglo saxon. There is more brains in cow shit than Indians combined on this forum
There’s already threads on this back in June

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Go back to Africa!
Go back to Asia!
No no no,
Why is no one shouting:
Go back to Europe?
The vast responsibility of crimes since the Mongol Barbarians has been from these celtic barbarians from Britain. And British these had relatives in China 40000+ years ago. So don't blame white privilege. These Brits are far more Chinese than Caucasians. Georgians and Azeris are as Caucasians as you can get and they have near zero relation to the British. Celtic barbarians never made their way through the Caucasus.

If the whole world could isolate UK/US British, there could be peace on earth.

This is what the celts did to Europe 4500 years ago:

No famine, disease in the world can do something like this, these diseased celtic barbarians were deliberate in their taking the native women into the genepool and killing the native men:

This study found the ancestry of the native women remained to be raped and the native men were genocided:

These celts are not Caucasian whites, please do not associate the barbarian celts with Middle Easterners.

What the Brits do is bomb some country, the neo-liberal media says "whites" did it, "whites are to blame". Aren't you angry with "whites"? To never have their own be blamed. To never have the hatred pointed at the UK and US warmongering. It becomes something that a white did and Europeans did.

The cia does this with the 9/11 false flag attack. The cia staged the whole thing with Mossad help, yet cia trolls online to get racist trump support blame only the jews and get the trump base to believe if the jews were gone, there would be no false flags and wars, that UK and US would be paradise and the cia would behave like the boy scouts. These racist trump supporters do exactly what the UK/US does - deflection and "blame humanity". That "HUMANS" planned to bomb Iraq, not simply the USA planned the Iraq invasion. Barbarian Uk and barbarian US do some crime and then the deflection would be "white privilege" or "human condition of war waging", etc. Because the UK and US want to wage the next war and the next war and the next war. If the whole world now goes against UK and US warmongering, the US could not do false flagging and warmongering, these barbarians would be severely depressed that there is no next genocidal Iraq War.

For instance, Canada tried to blame this on the Vatican and Pope and have the pope apologize. If Canada can "blame whites" collectively for this then Canada is not to blame and it was white Greeks and white Iranians who did this in the schools. This is how the diabolical system operates, blame the collective or some megagroup, so these Oligarchs are not blamed and the Oligarchs continue to genocide decade after decade.

Another instance is the medical pharmaceutical industry does profit over health, and want Bill Gates to be blamed and Fauci to be blamed, when these are front men. Kissinger and Rockefeller and other Oligarchs run the pill pushing medical industry, and don't want to ever be named.

These videos are not medical advice, these are historical documentaries:

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