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Canada bashed by China, Pakistan, Russia, Iran, NK, at UN rights review


Oct 20, 2008
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United States

Canadian FM Lawrence Cannon at UN

UN Rights Watch: April 26, 2013

GENEVA, April 26, 2013 – Today’s UN quadrennial review of Canada’s human rights record quickly turned into a spectacle of hypocrisy and farce when the North Korean regime of Kim Jong-un took the floor to accuse the country of “torture and other ill-treatment,” China, Cuba and Pakistan bewailed Canada’s “racism,” and Russia deplored “torture and cruelty against peaceful protestors.” (See full quotes below).

Human rights groups said the outbursts harmed the credibility of the UN. :lol:

“The UN squandered a golden opportunity to contribute to the promotion and protection of human rights in Canada,” said Hillel Neuer, a Canadian-born lawyer who directs the non-governmental human rights organization UN Watch.

“The continued subversion of the UN human rights system—whereby thugs, murderers and rapists purport to judge the human rights record of a liberal democracy—undermines the founding principles and credibility of the United Nations,” said Neuer.

“It’s the foxes guarding the chickens, with the world’s worst tyrannies abusing a legitimate process to satisfy narrow-minded political agendas, and to attack a leading Western democracy in order to deflect attention from their own sordid practices.”

Neuer commended the minority of democracies who engaged constructively by making genuine recommendations for concrete improvements.

Quotes from today’s UN Human Rights Council Review of Canada
Iran: We are “concerned on violations of human rights by Canadian government… particularly with regard to child sexual exploitation and trafficking, the right to food, discriminatory law and regulation against indigenous people and minority groups including Muslim and African communities.”

China: “We are concerned by the wide-spread racial discrimination in Canada.”

Cuba: There is “racism and xenophobia” in Canada.

North Korea: “We have serious concerns about continued violation of the right to peaceful assembly and freedom of expression, torture and other ill-treatment, racism and xenophobia.”

Egypt: “We are alarmed by several instances of racial profiling in law-enforcement action and racial discrimination in employment.”

Pakistan: “The increased poverty and unemployment rate among immigrant communities is a manifestation of racial discrimination.”

Russia: “Human rights defenders are alarmed by police actions of torture and cruelty against peaceful demonstrators.”

UN Watch is a Geneva-based human rights organization founded in 1993 to monitor UN compliance with the principles of its Charter. It is accredited as a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) in Special Consultative Status to the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) and as an Associate NGO to the UN Department of Public Information (DPI).

Source: Canada indicted by China, Russia, Iran at UN rights review

This is just great news seeing so many Asian and Middle Eastern countries plus Russia joining together to condemn a major western country over its human rights violations.
This is nothing but farcical. Such petty behaviour sure does appeal to a certain intellect but only shows the scant disregard some people have for the whole issue of rights.

These are the same people who queue up outside canadian embassies for emigration.

yep, even indian faced racism in canada :)
Here come the cheerleaders with wet lips kissing Canada's backside in hopes of getting residency there, pathetic. Maybe if you guys try bending over infront of Canada more they'll love you better that way.
wow ahahah no offence to my pakistan brother but kindly tell your government to shut up please. The chine(turkic and tibet genocide) and cuba(refugee scam) should not even talk about our human right in the same sentence. The yanks were right long along about this pathetic UN piece of no good, we give donations out of our hard earned pocket, send our soldiers and even in times of recession try to donate on best principle and avoid string alltogether, we should just join chine and deal with these pathetic countries on business. I have never been angry at Pakistan before but right now I just feel betrayed how quickly they turn from friends to backstabbing and up to no good. Glad we are still in NATO, atleast we know who are real friend truly are.

I know I am sound a tad bit rash but this UN assembly literally has no credibility what so ever, after all the realist were right. Can't believe we followed neo liberalism for the past few years even our Conservative government now finds out how true these friend really are. When they have floods, earth quake, sending massive influx of refugees, our people are suppose to open our arms and simply accept them but when it comes to give us some moral support, these lieing backstabbing countries show their true color. I do not care if monsieur moderator bans me over this because I am telling the true face of these countries.
its true. i find in Canada educated people from overseas get no job. police here are pigs they profile you right away.
wow ahahah no offence to my pakistan brother but kindly tell your government to shut up please. The chine(turkic and tibet genocide) and cuba(refugee scam) should not even talk about our human right in the same sentence. The yanks were right long along about this pathetic UN piece of no good, we give donations out of our hard earned pocket, send our soldiers and even in times of recession try to donate on best principle and avoid string alltogether, we should just join chine and deal with these pathetic countries on business. I have never been angry at Pakistan before but right now I just feel betrayed how quickly they turn from friends to backstabbing and up to no good. Glad we are still in NATO, atleast we know who are real friend truly are.

I know I am sound a tad bit rash but this UN assembly literally has no credibility what so ever, after all the realist were right. Can't believe we followed neo liberalism for the past few years even our Conservative government now finds out how true these friend really are. When they have floods, earth quake, sending massive influx of refugees, our people are suppose to open our arms and simply accept them but when it comes to give us some moral support, these lieing backstabbing countries show their true color. I do not care if monsieur moderator bans me over this because I am telling the true face of these countries.

Are you from the quebec region mate ?? I see a bit of french in your English .And it sounds cool too :D

its true. i find in Canada educated people from overseas get no job. police here are pigs they profile you right away.

That is more of less case with every country .Too many educated people , too few jobs until u are in a niche .
Just last year the UN criticized Canada on a new crime bill and Child rights record

UN Criticizes Canada On Crime Bill And Youth

yank, stop poking your nose in our business!

Want me to list somethings in your pathetic system

lets start:

-racism against latinos a la Arizona
-Prison for profits
-Most inmate per capita population in the world
-Crap health care system
-Failed war on drug
-Racist Tea Party
-Camdon, New orlean and other crime stricken Cities that put south africanne in competition for homecides!
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