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Canada bashed by China, Pakistan, Russia, Iran, NK, at UN rights review

Map it with number of educated folks and try . You would see . Everyone today is running for white collar jobs while there are a lot of opportunities in Blue collar jobs , even in Canada . If everybody wants to be a manager who would be at desk , sales jobs etc in a store etc ...

Almost everybody is going for blue collar jobs over here. There a action plan in place and its working swell. White collar jobs like managers positions go to college for business and get there bachelors. pretty simple. real white collar jobs are in the university not in the colleges. only two traits that are in college that i know that are considered white collar are Civil engineer and Architect.
It's simple score settling, Why Indian back is on fire? :partay:

They are on duty tonight, lol.

This is a matter for Canadian, Pakistani, Chinese, Russian, Iranian, Egyptian, and other nationals. The cheerleaders should pipe it and go address their rape epidemic.

North Korea: “We have serious concerns about continued violation of the right to peaceful assembly and freedom of expression, torture and other ill-treatment, racism and xenophobia.”


North Korea condemning Canada on 'peaceful assembly and freedom of expression, torture and other ill-treatment, racism and xenophobia'.....
Is the sun going to rise from the west tomorrow?

This is just great news seeing so many Asian and Middle Eastern countries plus Russia joining together to condemn a major western country over its human rights violations.

If only these countries had a better history with human rights.
i dont know about you but Canada got a lot of job opportunities

are you serious, our veterans coming from overseas are barely getting jobs and having tough time adjusting yet we are still giving handouts to the rest of the world for this neo-liberal project, lets work on our countrie and our interests. Lets get business immigrants like the yanks are doing until we can stabilize our economie, our people incomes are literally stagnant while the inflation is reaching nearly 2%, so why do we have to answer to these third world despot countries for their opinion while we are on our four knees. Don't worry lets work hard and in due time we will be top again and I can't wait to see the look on these backstabbing countries then, just watch monsieur!
India is one of the worst human rights violators in the world. The heinous caste system is a deplorable system where by birth your status is predetermined. It's a repulsive system created by Hindu Indians and implemented on minority groups. This is why India is a very backward civilisation. This is why India has a world famous rape culture and as was shown recently that India is the most racist country in the world. That's why Indians in general are ill mannered, arrogant, indisciplined, highly corrupt people and country. It's passed down from generation to generation and ingrained in the Indian psyche. This is why Indian illiteracy is so high (the real numbers, not the cooked up numbers) which leads to things like defecation. It's a problem with the Indian education system.

The British did their best to civilise the Indian civilisation and they did to a certain extent with the education and legal systems but didn't go far enough imo. As you can see, India still practises the caste system. I think Britain needed 2 more generations to completely civilise the Indians. I think Indians would be much more civilised under British rule than Indians ruling themselves.

Just my opinion.
You need to make up your mind. Islamic supremacist or american supremacist.

you need to stop tellin people wat to do. dont act like ur head is in ur *** all the time. think before you post your useful garbage comments.

im a muslim pakistani american, anything to do with those three things is a concern for me!! you beaver-beater

You need to make up your mind. Islamic supremacist or american supremacist.

you need to stop tellin people wat to do. dont act like ur head is in ur *** all the time. think before you post your useful garbage comments.

im a muslim pakistani american, anything to do with those three things is a concern for me!! you beaver-beater
Dude what are you talking about, police has too much power dude are you serious, in these subcontinental countries they literally have no value of human life and you can die from horrendous torture in a jail. Our police don't commit torture while they may committed excesses in the past, we can sue their ****** unlike these countries but atleast while our system is not perfect, have some pride in our people. How come your rely on embassy if our countrie and system truly sucks, yes our government looks out for our citizen, there citizens regularly die from massacres in xinjaing to drowning in pacific ocean a la miami, I do not want to be monsieur rude right now but we have to tell these countries that when they are down on their knees, our people do so much and ask for so little yet as soon as we look ahead, we get perpetually backstabber by some snakes.

I hate to mention inde since I love my forum peeps from there but you guys voted for portugal for security council seat which is fine as it suited your interest but our dumb liberal and infact some are in this forum people in this utopian world where all countries sing kumbaya. We need to look at our national interest and once again I repeat National interest should trump everything and I am sick and tired of these neo liberals and myopic world view.

from what i see your judging your comments by emotion. but in sense i know what you are saying. i do not personally like any refugees unless if they are legitimate, i do not like people who come to Canada and be a strain on the system, i do not like people that hate Canada but still live here because we are tolerant. in a nut shell i agree what you say but the main topic is a remaining problem we have to probe out
monsieur, you love to call us racist if we were really racist towards chine people then how come Vancouver is literally half Canadienne chine. Explain that to me will ya or are we Canadienne so racist that our countrie host people of over 180 diverse ethnicities living in an actual multicultural societie. You want me to talk about chine's dirty laundry ok, look at this report mon ami and tell me your opinion!

World Report 2013: China | Human Rights Watch

First page, second paragraph and go through the section about Human rights defenders, some interesting facts there!

La presse turque dénonce un "massacre" au Xinjiang | Informations sur la Chine
Translate the second link a la google translator as I do not have energy to translate entire article, I can list more massacres and aside from FLQ in 1970's, come up with something credible about Canada's dirty laundry. I can bring more article about human rights violation xinjiang and tibet but I am not the one poking my nose into your business.

First of all, which post of mine have ever called you people racist.

Secondly, I have read such article before, and I can't find a single word related to genocide.
But if you insist to use this word, then yes, the CCP does up to a plan of genocide. Not to Tibet nor those so called Turkic, but to Hans people.
What if I told you most of the minorities no need to follow the 1 Child Policy;
What if I told you the population growth rates of minorities in China including Tibetan, Mongolian, Kazakh etc are much more higher than Hans;
What if I told you most of the minorities have free education, they don't need to pay uni. school fees yet Han people have to;
What if I told you the CCP even help Tibetan to increase their educational level by building a lot of schools and uni., writing Tibetan-English-Mandarin Mathematics, physics and chemistry dictionary for them to meet the modern technology in their language, yet Lama's in India are teaching their children MPC only in English;
What if I told you there many Hans are so dissatisfied of the CCP, which always take sides with minorities even if they are criminals and ignore what Hans people need, just because of Harmony.
What if I told you Tibetan have no longer need to afraid of hands chopping and eyes digging, just because they don't act a good boy in front of those landlord and Lamas.
In fact, freeing Tibet is one of the few good things the CCP have ever done.
you need to stop tellin people wat to do. dont act like ur head is in ur *** all the time. think before you post your useful garbage comments.

im a muslim pakistani american, anything to do with those three things is a concern for me!! you beaver-beater

you need to stop tellin people wat to do. dont act like ur head is in ur *** all the time. think before you post your useful garbage comments.

im a muslim pakistani american, anything to do with those three things is a concern for me!! you beaver-beater

post reported, i have said 'backstabbing' repeatedly but I was never personally offensive or used any racial baiting to any forum member. Serious you would go below the belt mon ami and call us 'beaver beaters', this is very pathetic when you cannot even come up with a solid argument.
India is one of the worst human rights violators in the world. The heinous caste system is a deplorable system where by birth your status is predetermined. It's a repulsive system created by Hindu Indians and implemented on minority groups. This is why India is a very backward civilisation. This is why India has a world famous rape culture and as was shown recently that India is the most racist country in the world. That's why Indians in general are ill mannered, arrogant, indisciplined, highly corrupt people and country. It's passed down from generation to generation and ingrained in the Indian psyche. This is why Indian illiteracy is so high (the real numbers, not the cooked up numbers) which leads to things like defecation. It's a problem with the Indian education system.

The British did their best to civilise the Indian civilisation and they did to a certain extent with the education and legal systems but didn't go far enough imo. As you can see, India still practises the caste system. I think Britain needed 2 more generations to completely civilise the Indians. I think Indians would be much more civilised under British rule than Indians ruling themselves.

Just my opinion.

Did you even see the section, or the topic of the thread? Or you just had to post your script somewhere?
are you serious, our veterans coming from overseas are barely getting jobs and having tough time adjusting yet we are still giving handouts to the rest of the world for this neo-liberal project, lets work on our countrie and our interests. Lets get business immigrants like the yanks are doing until we can stabilize our economie, our people incomes are literally stagnant while the inflation is reaching nearly 2%, so why do we have to answer to these third world despot countries for their opinion while we are on our four knees. Don't worry lets work hard and in due time we will be top again and I can't wait to see the look on these backstabbing countries then, just watch monsieur!

our veterans have a special job plan that get them into construction work. 2% inflation is because of Conservative over spending. and you so called neo-liberalism has been our legacy as foreign policy for peace and stability where ever we are involved since Pearson days.
from what i see your judging your comments by emotion. but in sense i know what you are saying. i do not personally like any refugees unless if they are legitimate, i do not like people who come to Canada and be a strain on the system, i do not like people that hate Canada but still live here because we are tolerant. in a nut shell i agree what you say but the main topic is a remaining problem we have to probe out

i agree with you hundred percent, lets get more immigrants and hardworking people! I have met refugees from some 'countries' that openly hate our militair's guts and our system similar to the khadr familie and give a bad image to Canadienne islamique faith people(sorry to bring religion in if that offended you i will apologize) and sacrifises that we have paid in blood for our motherland. Once again I will apologize if I sounded rude at any point but I just did not expect this reaction from the world about us and the harshness and humiliation our countrie faced in the global stage, such treachery!
so why did you protest against canada for racism few years ago?

Did I say racism? I said human rights.

Do you know how Russia and China have dealt with their internal problems? What do you think of human rights in NK and Iran? Compare these countries with Canada on human rights is a joke.
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