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Canada bashed by China, Pakistan, Russia, Iran, NK, at UN rights review

I was talking in reference to xinjiang demography mon ami, anyways I was crossing the line earlier out of emotion and start chatting this offtopic, in fact what you did was good as did was in your national interest I guess!

May be since you chine were so mean to us at UN today , may be ming you treat to me to some dim sum ;) :cheers:
FYI, xinjiang is the largest Chinese administrative division in China in term of area, about 1.6 million km square(comparable in size to Iran). Only about 4.3% of Xinjiang's land area is fit for human habitation. That is why its population is so sparse even though Han Chinese have lived in xinjiang for hundreds of years.

All the good habitable land has historically already been occupied, so when Chinese government decided to develop xinjiang, they moved in people into area sparsely occupied before. This people include army(Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia) and policy incentivized volunteer settler (some of them are like frontiersmen or ex-convict or politically-tainted undesirable). They toiled for decades and generations to turn waste land into farm, town and city.

That is why if you check the population area of Xinjiang, you would discovered that Uyghur and Han(the two largest ethnicity) are highly concentrated in different area. It is not that there isn't any friction, but by and large there aren't many because it is Chinese government policy to not encroach on area occupied previously(there could not be any other way obviously). And economically everyone in xinjiang benefited even though xinjiang is still one of the poorest region in China.

It is easy to stick a label and criticize others as the discussion topic of this thread shown. Especially if you control the forum and narrative. It would be good if all of us learn and think a little before criticizing others.
India is one of the worst human rights violators in the world. The heinous caste system is a deplorable system where by birth your status is predetermined. It's a repulsive system created by Hindu Indians and implemented on minority groups. This is why India is a very backward civilisation. This is why India has a world famous rape culture and as was shown recently that India is the most racist country in the world. That's why Indians in general are ill mannered, arrogant, indisciplined, highly corrupt people and country. It's passed down from generation to generation and ingrained in the Indian psyche. This is why Indian illiteracy is so high (the real numbers, not the cooked up numbers) which leads to things like defecation. It's a problem with the Indian education system.

The British did their best to civilise the Indian civilisation and they did to a certain extent with the education and legal systems but didn't go far enough imo. As you can see, India still practises the caste system. I think Britain needed 2 more generations to completely civilise the Indians. I think Indians would be much more civilised under British rule than Indians ruling themselves.

Just my opinion.

post reported
Oh boo hoo, in Canada I have a better chance of

- not getting shot by some crazy lunatic in the name of God
- not getting blown up by some crazy contraption in the air looking for a criminal suspect in my vicinity
- not living next to neo-nazis
- not having my relationships or beliefs judged
- not have to fork out a substantial portion of my assets just because the army gets the first priority in everything.
- getting high/drunk without the cops harassing me
- being labelled with racist taglines (I've been here 8 and a half years and i've only had 1 case of racism........from an 'Indian' or as the regular people call them...'native' prick)

And I do not believe for a second that people do not get jobs here because of their race, it is a poor excuse for their lack of skill/education/abilities to nail a basic interview.
told you that your country is no saint either.

racism is a disease to this world and honestly i am a racist too.
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It's simple score settling, Why Indian back is on fire? :partay:

Indians love to laugh at Pakistanis at every chance. The hypocrisy of Pakistanis bashing one of the most liberal countries in the world for inequality is certainly comical.

The question you should really be asking is, why did a Pakistani post this thread? Is he/she not mature enough to realize the obvious irony?
No country is perfect. Every country deserves criticism, more or less. So those who laugh at China, Cuba criticizing Canada are ignorant fools. Granted China and Russia probably are not as open and more oppressive than Canada, but that doesn't mean Canada is clean as a whistle.

And if only the "better" countries can criticize the "worse" countries, who decides which is which?

Quebec city in Quebec is the racist city in Canada. Quebec province has the most draconian language law. The frogs there refuse to give direction if you ask them in English.

Canada although is a very liberal country, but because of the influence and pressure coming from the U.S., Canada has become ,gradually, more and more harsh than before.

I am glad I am thousands of miles away from Ottawa and Quebec, I don't have to smell the stink coming from the frogs.
i think canada is peaceful nation usually...but I personally do not have much liking to it either, i mean it is just THERE and does nothing much for good or ill.

poor canada, though, haha, bashed by china/russia/pakistan/iran/nk...
“The continued subversion of the UN human rights system—whereby thugs, murderers and rapists purport to judge the human rights record of a liberal democracy—undermines the founding principles and credibility of the United Nations,” said Neuer.

ha ha ha ha ha ha ha......UN is more like an institute of imperialism.

Check out the Indians trying to defend Canadians against rest of Asia.

Oh, the nostalgia of the British Raj when all Indians lived in peace and harmony and everyone was happy.


No country is perfect. Every country deserves criticism, more or less. So those who laugh at China, Cuba criticizing Canada are ignorant fools. Granted China and Russia probably are not as open and more oppressive than Canada, but that doesn't mean Canada is clean as a whistle.

And if only the "better" countries can criticize the "worse" countries, who decides which is which?

You don't find irony in NK lecturing you to be more open, more liberty for citizens!!!

In N. Korea and those countries they certainly can do many thing to you for many reason ,but I never heard they kill you because you can't understand their language.

Robert Dzieka

One off incidence, not intentional. Still better than being sent to a labour camp for not crying on a leader's death.

Check out the Indians trying to defend Canadians against rest of Asia.

Oh, the nostalgia of the British Raj when all Indians lived in peace and harmony and everyone was happy.

Should I, while living in Canada, say 'Heil China'? Would that make you happy?
You don't find irony in NK lecturing you to be more open, more liberty for citizens!!!

One off incidence, not intentional. Still better than being sent to a labour camp for not crying on a leader's death.

Should I, while living in Canada, say 'Heil China'? Would that make you happy?

well, are you more loyal to India or to Canada??
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