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Can USA Jammed/Hacked Pakistan's F-16 ?

Leave aside this talk of "kill switches" and what not. I will say this undeniable fact, that anyone is welcome to confirm for themselves through any source they trust:

Every flight mission profile on a PAF F-16 will execute properly only if the proper validated encryption keys are present, which are renewed periodically.

Anybody who tells any different is either incompetent or lying.
True that. However would the encryption keys be stopped in an Indo Pak scenario where US avaition industry will showcase the AIM120C5 and tell the world how good their wares actually are. I think NOT!!.
Did it ever occur to the knumbnuts here that if this is true then we have bigger problems then 'jammed F-16s'. This would mean Pakistan Airforce, it's top brass, it's technical expertise, it's combined capability is so poor and incompetent that they failed to figure this problem out and address it. If so god help Pakistan .....

We don't need to worry about the F-16s. But we need to worry big time about the oafs we have that make up PAF.


And that is the truth---nothing but the truth---.
But not sure it will be activated if used against India. However, US/Israel/Japan/UK/Oz/NZ/Canada...for sure.

And for that matter, why only F-16..... if they turn -off their GPS ...your guided missiles/ other aircraft, satellite phones etc will become useless....even maneuvering of your naval ships will be a problem.

you are assuming USA cannot modify Indian air force aircraft to appear as NATO aircraft
you are assuming USA cannot modify Indian air force aircraft to appear as NATO aircraft

Why would they do that? Even if they could, it would just likely bring about a nuclear exchange quicker, which is insanity.
Guys, US is OEM of F-16. they should be able to do whatever they can. if some of you are so concern build your own or live with it. and that is no different than French or russian. or even chinese.
What is hilarious is people with no technical background, no history of sharing deep insights on complex technical matters, are opinionating on a technical matter. What is even more hilarious is competent people are egging them on just for the kicks. Because in the end, it really doesn't matter whether an internet forum reaches the right conclusions on the matter of PAF's F-16s.

What a waste of time.
Leave aside this talk of "kill switches" and what not. I will say this undeniable fact, that anyone is welcome to confirm for themselves through any source they trust:

Every flight mission profile on a PAF F-16 will execute properly only if the proper validated encryption keys are present, which are renewed periodically.

Anybody who tells any different is either incompetent or lying.
Are you implying encryption keys are handed by USA to foreign users? Or each user has the ability to generate encryption keys to prevent unauthorized use ... if such a mechanism even exist. If its the former than it is a very centralized approach that I don’t understand how it can fit in the operations of any customers airforce or who would even agree to this?
@gambit @Oscar Any thoughts on what our esteemed member is claiming here. If true then PAF cannot be the first.
Honestly, why harp on the F-16s only. Last time I checked, PAF Mirages, F-7s, C-130s, CN-235s, all use US or European radars and avionics. So if they can disable the F-16s, they can disable all the other aircraft as well using that logic.
Honestly, why harp on the F-16s only. Last time I checked, PAF Mirages, F-7s, C-130s, CN-235s, all use US or European radars and avionics. So if they can disable the F-16s, they can disable all the other aircraft as well using that logic.

Yes they can.
I was on the F-16 for five yrs -- MacDill AFB. Tampa, Florida.

No internal jammers, kill switches, back doors, self destruct, or any such nonsense on foreign sales F-16s.

There is nothing I or General Dynamics or Boeing can say that will convince you otherwise -- if you are already inclined to believe that there are such things installed. No reason or logic will suffice.
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