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Can USA Jammed/Hacked Pakistan's F-16 ?

Turkey only gained access to the IFF and weapons integration modules. There is plenty more software in any F-16.
You think they havent dissected a F-16 to see if there is something fishy?
Btw,whats your take on this subject?
Can they?
You think they havent dissected a F-16 to see if there is something fishy?
Btw,whats your take on this subject?
Can they?

Figuring out hardware is one thing, figuring out millions of lines of code with a logic analyzer for each subsystem would take an amount of time and expertise so outrageous that the plane would be long obsolete, not to even think of how modules interact with each other. This is by design and intent.

I am of course only speaking in general terms, so please feel free to ignore any or all of it.
Figuring out hardware is one thing, figuring out millions of lines of code with a logic analyzer for each subsystem would take an amount of time and expertise so outrageous that the plane would be long obsolete, not to even think of how modules interact with each other. This is by design and intent.

I am of course only speaking in general terms, so please feel free to ignore any or all of it.
What about a built in signal jammer on all frequencies(if possible) in a war scenario,would they still be able to jam the F-16?
What about a built in signal jammer on all frequencies(if possible) in a war scenario,would they still be able to jam the F-16?

What do you mean by "jam"? Prevent it from flying? Degrading selectively the accuracy of its radar and/or weapons systems? Eavesdrop or modify its communications and information transfers? There are so many aspects to this dimension.
What do you mean by "jam"? Prevent it from flying? Degrading selectively the accuracy of its radar and/or weapons systems? Eavesdrop or modify its communications and information transfers? There are so many aspects to this dimension.
What ever is possible.
But all incoming signals are jammed,how will they do it?

I have no idea. :D

(Software execution can be made contingent on certain information being made available periodically and certain modules brought into play if all incoming information is not available in the timely expected manner, is just one technique, as an example. There are many more.)
Intellectually challenged people simply don't have the mental discipline to deal with nuanced situations.
What I do know is every war Pakistan has fought, has been primarily been with US sourced weapon platforms. On air, on land and on sea. And relying on foreign platforms is not about to change anytime soon or at least when Pakistan starts scientific education same if not more importance then religious instruction.

We of course are about to see a change from reliance on US to reliance on our epicanthic athiest friends.

Intellectually challenged people
You need to figure out what that means before you use it. Or else you come across as a parrot relying on it's muscle memory.
Is there any possibility of jamming Pakistan's F-16 by USA if it's been used against India? What would you say?

pakistanis engineer solucionado this issue ages before reason why they run away from deal to sale more jet to pakistan..so chil buddies. when time comes pak will use them where ever they want.. usa tech is easy to manipulate. it is chines teach which is difficult to manipulate because of chines language
pakistanis engineer solucionado this issue ages before reason why they run away from deal to sale more jet to pakistan..so chil buddies. when time comes pak will use them where ever they want.. usa tech is easy to manipulate. it is chines teach which is difficult to manipulate because of chines language

It is foolish to think american systems use english language and chinese systems use mandarin to function. Its a mathematical code . not english or chinese language :P

How old are you 15?
Is there any possibility of jamming Pakistan's F-16 by USA if it's been used against India? What would you say?

YES, US can do this through the backdoors and other spyware installed on both software and hardware of the F-16s. To activate this, the US would need to send a 'signal' or 'signals'. Now they can do this via their satellites and various other methods.

BUT to ensure that 'signals' do not reach the F-16s, one would need to install 'signal disrupters/blockers/jammers/distortors'. These signal disrupters would need to be most probably stand-alone, and small and installed on the each F-16. These are not that inexpensive, but need a good strategy on them to be able to disrupt.
Is there any possibility of jamming Pakistan's F-16 by USA if it's been used against India? What would you say?

If there is any truth to this then USA can hack all F16 users eg UAE, Taiwan, EU countries, etc plus Apaches used by IAF and their P8s as well. Dont know why French and Russian would lag behind and not do the same with thier equipment. After this shocking discovery on PDF all global arms trade market should collapse. I guess its time to liquidate all my LM stocks now ...
Link-16 comes to mind.

Anybody here worked on Link-16?

Next is the FBW system, controlled by a computer.

A good forum to understand F-16

FBW is not connected to any network. It is solely for the aircraft's flight control system.

If there is any truth to this then USA can hack all F16 users eg UAE, Taiwan, EU countries, etc plus Apaches used by IAF and their P8s as well. Dont know why French and Russian would lag behind and not do the same with thier equipment. After this shocking discovery on PDF all global arms trade market should collapse. I guess its time to liquidate all my LM stocks now ...
They have it there as well. But the emphasis is to finger blame someone, hence USA for now.
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