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Can Turkey become a "Superpower"?

Does Turkey possess the potential of becoming a "Superpower"?

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Pakistan can barely control its own territory and you're talking about creating proxies? :lol:
And turkey tried creating proxies and in Syria and we see how good that did them.
Fantasies are cheap, lets hope to see your plans in practise.
We did in past. First against afghan govt in 1972 then against Soviets in 80s and 90s and then against allied forces in 2000s. :sick:
we have killed 4500 of those terrorists in last two years, now they dont have an inch of our territory, the few terrorist attack which happen last month all were traced back from Afghanistan.. now we have closed that border.

as for fantasies, well my fantasy is atleast have some weight then you being influential.. you are just a rough terrorist theocracy..

It does not matter, the fact is you're still at war inside your own country. They don't have an inch but every few days they kill many of your soldiers and innocent people. Next time don't make nonsensical comments and then you would not be embarrassed like this. You people talking about creating proxies, when you yourselves are almost a proxy for the saudis.

We did in past. First against afghan govt in 1972 then against Soviets in 80s and 90s and then against allied forces in 2000s. :sick:

And what about your war with the Indians? Didn't do so well there, right? Anyway, the past is the past, where are you today?
To be a superpower It requires basically 3 things

1- Unbrindled Financial power ( Like US controlling Brenton woods institutions etc , US currency )

2 Unbrindled Military power ( Like US and earstwhile USSR)

3-Unbrindled Soft power ( US like Hollywood , Disney etc)

For all this you require technical prowess which US has.

Turkey is nowhere near that
Low financial power , Comparatively weak militarily and Soft power only in the Sunni Muslim world . Plus Turkey has less resources human and otherwise.
It does not matter, the fact is you're still at war inside your own country. They don't have an inch but every few days they kill many of your soldiers and innocent people.

Yes we have problem and never denied it, but saying we dont control our territory belong to past, Waziristan and tribal region have been cleared under Gen. Sharif's tenure. you should update yourself if you want to taunt other. but we still have 2600 Km border with hellhole.

Next time don't make nonsensical comments and then you would not be embarrassed like this. You people talking about creating proxies, when you yourselves are almost a proxy for the saudis.

as i said you are just a rough terrorist theocracy, period, we dont want to compete with you..
Iran is not that much important country, if Pakistan or Turkey go rough and terrorists we can carve out more proxies then Mullah or Saudi could imagine. Saudi will never say no if Pakistan, Turkey, Indonesia, Malaysia ask them.. they would love to have us allies then having their own club of fiefdoms.. are you Iranian?

No he is an Irani OR Indian with American flags. Read his posts and style of writing to get an idea.

@OP : I think Turkey has all the ingredients of becoming a great power. It is already a regional power. Look at the region to get an idea. I think Israel is also a regional power and has a lot of influence in almost every Western country of the world.
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Yes we have problem and never denied it, but saying we dont control our territory belong to past, Waziristan and tribal region have been cleared under Gen. Sharif's tenure. you should update yourself if you want to taunt other. but we still have 2600 Km border with hellhole.

as i said you are just a rough terrorist theocracy, period, we dont want to compete with you..

Okay, kiddo, whatever you say. pakistan is a superpower and the most stable nation in the world. Now go play with your toys and stop wasting my time.
Okay, kiddo, whatever you say. pakistan is a superpower and the most stable nation in the world. Now go play with your toys and stop wasting my time.

never said Pakistan is power let alone regional or supa powa. i was just refuting your notion of rough terrorist theocracy have any influence..

Now keep playing with smiles..
Okay, kiddo, whatever you say. pakistan is a superpower and the most stable nation in the world. Now go play with your toys and stop wasting my time.

The topic is not about Pakistan being superpower. We are not and we are not aspiring to become one.

Stay on the topic and tell us why do you think Turkey is not a regional power or could not become a great power in coming decades?
It does not matter, the fact is you're still at war inside your own country. They don't have an inch but every few days they kill many of your soldiers and innocent people. Next time don't make nonsensical comments and then you would not be embarrassed like this. You people talking about creating proxies, when you yourselves are almost a proxy for the saudis.

And what about your war with the Indians? Didn't do so well there, right? Anyway, the past is the past, where are you today?
We lost one against India lost 3.
We are doing well today. Operations are going on inside terroirty and targeting terrorists hideouts in Afghanistan. May be you dont follow news about Pakistan. Unlike you, we dont invade countries, kill millions, steal their resources and when someone resists, blame others & run, run and run without achieving required targets. LOL @super power.
We lost one against India lost 3.
We are doing well today. Operations are going on inside terroirty and targeting terrorists hideouts in Afghanistan. May be you dont follow news about Pakistan. Unlike you, we dont invade countries, kill millions, steal their resources and when someone resists, blame others & run, run and run without achieving required targets. LOL @super power.

C'mon man, stop feeding the troll.
keep playing with these article, you belong to this field, kid also play with ISI no 1 and Pakistan 3rd largest nuclear power links:omghaha:

Okay kid, pakistan is the number one power in everything. You're obviously 12 years old.
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