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Can Turkey become a "Superpower"?

Does Turkey possess the potential of becoming a "Superpower"?

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In terms of Muslim world and military might, I think Turkey is already a super power...Which other country in Muslim world has might to challenge Turkiye militarily? No one, except Pakistan and to some extent Iran...Turkiye is also pretty developed country in Muslim world...

Term Super power or any term can be confusing as it depends how do you define it...

I wish Turks best of luck for the future...
he only time you may see true Muslim union is if Iran and Saudi arabia sit down and decide together for such a thing by putting aside their differences. If you think the likes of Iran and Saudi arabia take turkey seriously enough to consider it even an initiator of such a thing then you're obviously living under a rock.

Iran is not that much important country, if Pakistan or Turkey go rough and terrorists we can carve out more proxies then Mullah or Saudi could imagine. Saudi will never say no if Pakistan, Turkey, Indonesia, Malaysia ask them.. they would love to have us allies then having their own club of fiefdoms.. are you Iranian?
Iran is not that much important country, if Pakistan or Turkey go rough and terrorists we can carve out more proxies then Mullah could imagine. Saudi will never say no if Pakistan, Turkey, Indonesia, Malaysia ask them.. they would love to have us allies then having their own club of fiefdoms.. are you Iranian?

Pakistan can barely control its own territory and you're talking about creating proxies? :lol:
And turkey tried creating proxies and in Syria and we see how good that did them.
Fantasies are cheap, lets hope to see your plans in practise.
You're not actually debunking anything I am saying and instead replying with gibberish. Once again, you're comparing your backward state to the US. The US did not partner up on the F-35 because it did not have the technology. All the technology is coming from the US. The partnership was designed to reduce cost. The likes of turkey import because they don't have the technology.

turkey has barely any "indigenous" capability that was not imported. everything from your subamrines, tanks, uav's, helicopters etc etc are all based on imported technologies.

Yawn. The US's policies in Syria were to prolong the conflict to make the Iranians bleed cash. And they've done a a great job at it. It was never the US's intention to finish the conflict.

The irony here is of course a turk is trying to mock US policy in Syria. Your state has bombs going off every few weeks due to your moronic policies of initially supporting ISIS etc.

And my comment regarding sending you to the stone age was not meant in a military sense. It was about US influence. All US has to do is just with a pen, sanction turkey and your country would end up like afghanistan. That is true influence.
All of what you just have uttered are gibberish and trash talk. Nothing worth replying. Have a good day hillbilly.
I dont think so, apart from everything else even the population and landmass are nowhere enough to become a superpower.

Turkey can still be a great power. I think the Super power label is being consigned to the 20th Century.
All of what you just have uttered are gibberish and trash talk. Nothing worth replying. Have a good day hillbilly.

Yeah sure,that's why you could not debunk a single point. Whenever you can, pass me whatever you people are smoking in turkey.
Pakistan can barely control its own territory and you're talking about creating proxies? :lol:
And turkey tried creating proxies and in Syria and we see how good that did them.

Pakistan can very much control its territory and if needed can wipe your Mullah from face of earth within minutes:sick::rofl: how can you farsi make fun of Pakistan's security situation? do you forget when PJAk and commies used to fvck you in thousands few years back?

Turkey did half hearted attempt as they dont want to be known as rough state like your Mullah theocracy.
If by super power you mean something akin to U.S of 1990's and early 2000's...then no, even China might never be able to achieve that. World is moving towards having multiple poles of power.

So in this context, can Turkey become a great power of the world? Very possibly so.

Turkey has all the right ingredients to become one of world's great power. It is situated at a very geostrategic location, it controls a vast landmass (bigger than UK+France combined), it has a large population, it is an industrialized country with very advance technological base, and it is already a high-income country ($20,000+ per capita in purchasing power). And most importantly, Turkey also possess a very powerful military that is large numerically and possesses modern weapon systems. Moreover, Turkey also posses multibillion dollar defence industry locally and produces a lot of top-notch defence systems in home.

So, as a medium power, Turkey is far ahead of states like india or Pakistan for that matter in terms of technological base, living standards, defence industry, and so on. If Turkey was a nuclear power similar to India or Pakistan--It'd be a minor 'great power' already. However, Turkey is not a nuclear power...and this significantly exposes Turkey's national power when it comes to the league of big powers of the world.

So in order to be a great power, Turkey will need to significantly expand its economy and especially military. Turkish military is not a professional military. Turkey will have to streamline the readiness of it's military and increases it's effectivness. Moreover, Turkey needs to expand its economic output much faster than Europe and catch upto France atleast in various sectors related to aviation, defence industry, high-tech products, shipping etc. This can take several decades.

So can Turkey be a great power? Most certainly. But it will be one heck of a task for Turkish nation to accomplish.

On a side note: Turkey's advantage over others in OECD (bar few) lies in its demographics (among other things). Erdogan keeps on to say "have 3 kids, have 3 kids"....he isn't randomly just saying it. Turkey needs to have positive demographics for atleast 3 more decades or so. It is absolutely necessary to push Turkey from a medium-high income country to high-high income country like Germany, United States, and Israel etc.

So Turks should not overlook the importance of demographics when it comes to their national journey towards being a major world power of 21st century.
If Turkey were having nuclear bombs, they wont have such bigger economy as they have today. US, NATO or any enemy of Turkey wont have allowed her to develop both --nuclear power and economy at the same time and they might have faced economic sanctions just like Pakistan did.
Pakistan can very much control its territory and if needed can wipe your Mullah from face of earth within minutes:sick::rofl: how can you farsi make fun of Pakistan's security situation? do you dorget when PJAk and commies used to fvck you in thousands?

Learn to destroy all those terrorists in your country "within minutes" first. You people and your fantasies. Such a shame they'll never translate to reality.
Lets check classic superpowers: USA and USA during the Cold War:

USA - #1
USSR - #2

Air Force
USA - #1
USSR - #2

USA - #1
USSR - #2

USSR - #1
USA - #2

USSR - #1
USA - #2

USA - #1
USSR - #2

Strategic Bombers
USA - #1
USSR - #2

UN Security Council
USA - Check
USSR - Check

USA - 1/2
USSR - 1/2

Aircraft Industries
USA - #1
USSR - #2


Where is Turkey here? Not even close to top 5 in any category and won't be in any near future. In many categories Turkey simply does not even exist. Currently Turkey in #18 in terms of GNP. Sorry, but that's not serious.
Are you sure USSR economy was number two ?
A regional power,and thats how it will remain not due to any poroblem with the turks themselves but just material facts.Because it lacks the massive population,mineral resource base ,geographic size of a potential superpower.Also it has serious internal problems with the kurds and is located in a region that is economically backward,and thus dependant on trade with europe.
Learn to destroy all those terrorists in your country "within minutes" first. You people and your fantasies. Such a shame they'll never translate to reality.

we have killed 4500 of those terrorists in last two years, now they dont have an inch of our territory, the few terrorist attack which happen last month all were traced back from Afghanistan.. now we have closed that border.

as for fantasies, well my fantasy atleast have some weight then you being influential.. you are just a rough terrorist theocracy..
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