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Can Turkey become a "Superpower"?

Does Turkey possess the potential of becoming a "Superpower"?

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Great powers aren't measured by how many cool products can they make.

They are measured on one and only one thing: Power/Influence....in other words, their ability to fundamentally shape international system through their actions and exercise of their options (whether military, economic, or via political influence----or mix of all as is the case generally).

You don't have a clue what you're talking about kid. It seems you have an obsession with Indian and can't resist mentioning them?

Even with your own measurement of influence turks are not a power. What influence do they posses?
You don't have a clue what you're talking about kid. It seems you have an obsession with Indian and can't resist mentioning them?

Even with your own measurement of influence turks are not a power. What influence do they posses?
He is a Pakistani. They are very faithful and Loyal to Chinese and Turkish.
Wow, that was some accumulated anger burst.. Phew..

Which Muslim country do you think is strongest? If you look anywhere from military personnel to navy to air force to land force Turkey will take the lead. If you look at all the ongoing indigenous military programmes, yet again, incomparably Turkey will take the lead (among Muslim countries).

I guess you are one of the people who only trolls on uasyrialive.com or something, your extreme thoughts and arguments that all Turkey did in Syria was supporting terrorists is as ignorant as an argument can get. I think you are an angry american because you have very little say in Syria, and you are the active supporters of PKK terrorists that are even in your list of terrorists.

Nobody is angry, just bursting your delusional bubble.

There is no strongest Muslim military. The powers like Saudi Arabia, Iran and Pakistan all have power in their own way and neither would be able to overpower the other side.

As for the claim turkish "indigenous" military programs. The turks rely heavily on the outside. Last I checked turkey needs to import even diesel engine for their ships. The only relevant turkish programs are only relevant thanks to the import of European technology. There is very little "indigenousness" about them.

You're comparing your influence to the US now? if the US wanted, they could send your country to the stone ages. Don't get carried away with your fantasies.

My comment still stands, there is nothing about turkey that merits it being called a regional power. Asking some British engineers to design a fighter jets for you does not make you a regional power.

He is a Pakistani. They are very faithful and Loyal to Chinese and Turkish.

It almost like a slave mentality, this is quite strange.
Great powers aren't measured by how many cool products can they make.

They are measured on one and only one thing: Power/Influence....in other words, their ability to fundamentally shape international system through their actions and exercise of their options (whether military, economic, or via political influence----or mix of all as is the case generally).
Its not "cool products" but self reliant industries. Without it u cant even dream about super power status. Industries and technologies rule the world.
He is a Pakistani. They are very faithful and Loyal to Chinese and Turkish.

No, it's just that you are indian--you have it in your blood to lick white masters' butthole to feel proud :lol:

Forget me, @500 is a retired Israeli army soldier--and he regards Turkey as a regional power (and remember, unlike you or me--Israelis are right next to Turkey).

......but but but I am the slave for stating the obvious that Turkey is regarded as a regional power by literally ALL parties involved, whether regional or international.

indians and their classic inferiority complex :lol:
Its not "cool products" but self reliant industries. Without it u cant even dream about super power status. Industries and technologies rule the world.

Just out of interest, do you consider Israel a regional power?
Its not "cool products" but self reliant industries. Without it u cant even dream about super power status. Industries and technologies rule the world.

I am not talking about superpower status here. More so a great power status.

And offcourse, technologies and industrial might in necessary to be a great power for the long periods of time..

Well frankly I guess most can agree that the world has currently officially only 1 super power. USA has full control over all of the world's oceans and seas, and is the single strongest military entity in the world. China and Russia combined would still be less of a power compared with US military capabilities. I'm not very familiar with Nuclear capabilities and shield defence systems among nuclear powers of the world, though I know both US and Russia has almost equal amount of warheads around ~3500, this surely puts a questionmark whether Russia also should be considered a Superpower. And China has its own reasons to be ranked as Superpower due to its military programmes and astonishing economical growth.

Turkey currently and for a very long time has been the second largest military in NATO after USA. Turkey has some dozens big scale frigates that are destroyer class, and has many navy programmes one of them being a light-aircraft carrier. Turkey's current airforce is in top 10 of the world's strongest airforce, and if we look in the future - Turkey has a contract of 100+ F-35 and in addition to this their very own indeginious TF-X programme which will be a 5th generation fighter jet. Turkey though has poor nuclear arsenal - Turkey (known) only has NATO nuclear defence system, though there are two things to keep in mind:
1. in Akkuyu (Turkey) there is an ongoing nuclear power plant construction with Russia.
2. A former PM (Necmeddin Erbakan) of Turkey has went to Pakistan multiple times, and returned with nuclear-scientists and engineers - this was a very hidden programme only few officials knows of this and it's not spoken of - the programme was kept on "hold" when Erbakan was removed from authority after Turkey suffered a military coup (back then in ~25 years ago) - what's interesting is, when Erdogan came for 15 years ago he resumed this secret programme (any Pakistani can confirm this?). We still don't know what extent the programme is as of yet.
In addition to all this, Turkey is developing its military capabilities with indigenous programmes in every field, especially missile and rocket systems(HISAR-A, HISAR-O), tanks (ALTAY tank, KORAL), navy (TCG Anadolu), drones (ANKA) last but not least jet fighters (TF-X). Furthermore, Turkey is also advancing in radar and satellite systems. And one must not forget the ongoing S-400 negotiations between Russia and Turkey.

All this said Turkey is surely no superpower, though it may be a regional-superpower in Middle East and somewhat in East-Europe. Though definitely Turkey is an emerging power, and possibly somewhere in the very near future it will become a great power. The discussion on whether Turkey possesses the potential of being a superpower is being asked, because personally I can come up with at least four reasons:
1. Turkey the single most developed and strongest country among all Muslim countries, and most Muslim countries looks up to Turkey today.
2. It is the country that united all of Muslim countries and ruled them for not less than 600 years, and it is the last country that ruled with a caliphate.
3. Most Muslims in the world is expecting a unition and striving for this, but many powers are not permitting this - going with Murphy's law it's inevitable for this to happen.
4. Turkey's current President Erdogan is loved among most Muslim countries, and most Muslims are actually expecting him to initiate this long awaited unition among Muslims.

I appreciate all your thoughts, opinions, suggestions and contributions to this thread. And don't forget to vote, and sorry if I have given any wrong info.
The question is pretty clear, and of course I don't mean anytime in the near 5-10 years but if we think 15-30 years ahead or more?


Turkey is no more a Muslim country.
Turkey has potential to become a great power in middle east, but not a super power.
Nobody is angry, just bursting your delusional bubble.

There is no strongest Muslim military. The powers like Saudi Arabia, Iran and Pakistan all have power in their own way and neither would be able to overpower the other side.

As for the claim turkish "indigenous" military programs. The turks rely heavily on the outside. Last I checked turkey needs to import even diesel engine for their ships. The only relevant turkish programs are only relevant thanks to the import of European technology. There is very little "indigenousness" about them.

You're comparing your influence to the US now? if the US wanted, they could send your country to the stone ages. Don't get carried away with your fantasies.

My comment still stands, there is nothing about turkey that merits it being called a regional power. Asking some British engineers to design a fighter jets for you does not make you a regional power.

It almost like a slave mentality, this is quite strange.

You're really a laughing stock right now. Your comments are false and untrue, and you utter them as if you have any single knowledge about Turkey's indigenous programmes. I mentioned Turkey's indigenous programmes in my first post, re-read them, and google it out. Surely, we do get assistance from South Korea, UK and some other countries to make some parts, it's a start, and it's a good start. Your F-35 project also have many partners, this doesn't mean USA is unable to make it on its own but with partnership there are sometimes more to gain.
I'm not saying Turkey can make it's own 5th generation jet fighter from 0, since we lack the experience, hence it's a great start with UK, additionally - all knowledge, sources will be shared in the TF-X programme.

In Syria, USA has made wrong decisions, and therefore USA has become a laughing matter for military experts.
Here's a gift to you.

About your statement that "US can bomb Turkey to stoneage", it's a very childish comment. Such event would have serious consequences and would probably be the beginning of the end of your nation. But your hillbilly mind cannot grasp why your nation would fall apart, because you can't simply grasp all the factors that would affect this war and your nation.
If you want to be considered a great power I really think you need nukes on tap with the appropriate delivery systems. Above or below board.
You're really a laughing stock right now. Your comments are false and untrue, and you utter them as if you have any single knowledge about Turkey's indigenous programmes. I mentioned Turkey's indigenous programmes in my first post, re-read them, and google it out. Surely, we do get assistance from South Korea, UK and some other countries to make some parts, it's a start, and it's a good start. Your F-35 project also have many partners, this doesn't mean USA is unable to make it on its own but with partnership there are sometimes more to gain.
I'm not saying Turkey can make it's own 5th generation jet fighter from 0, since we lack the experience, hence it's a great start with UK, additionally - all knowledge, sources will be shared in the TF-X programme.

You're not actually debunking anything I am saying and instead replying with gibberish. Once again, you're comparing your backward state to the US. The US did not partner up on the F-35 because it did not have the technology. All the technology is coming from the US. The partnership was designed to reduce cost. The likes of turkey import because they don't have the technology.

turkey has barely any "indigenous" capability that was not imported. everything from your subamrines, tanks, uav's, helicopters etc etc are all based on imported technologies.

In Syria, USA has made wrong decisions, and therefore USA has become a laughing matter for military experts.
Here's a gift to you.
About your statement that "US can bomb Turkey to stoneage", it's a very childish comment. Such even would have serious consequences and would probably be the beginning of the end of your nation. But your hillbilly mind cannot grasp why your nation would fall apart, because you can't simply grasp all the factors that would affect this war and your nation.

Yawn. The US's policies in Syria were to prolong the conflict to make the Iranians bleed cash. And they've done a a great job at it. It was never the US's intention to finish the conflict.

The irony here is of course a turk is trying to mock US policy in Syria. Your state has bombs going off every few weeks due to your moronic policies of initially supporting ISIS etc.

And my comment regarding sending you to the stone age was not meant in a military sense. It was about US influence. All US has to do is just with a pen, sanction turkey and your country would end up like afghanistan. That is true influence.
At present, yes that is true. But commeth the hour, commeth the man. When the time comes for something nothing can stop it. The Muslim world needs leadership. It will come. It always has throughout our history and it will again. Muslims have been rising and declining for 1400 years. We have experience of this kind of disunity and chaos, but we also built over 20 terrestrial empires. That is a matter of historical record as well. We must not forget that the Turks have a longer history of serving and leading Muslims than almost anyone else if not anyone else. They are our natural leaders and they did a brilliant job.
Five countries need to be on the same page to unite the Muslims. 1. and 2. are Saudi and Iran because of ideological things and also they have huge resources.
3. Turkey, second largest Muslim economy with a good military. 4. Indonesia, largest Muslim country by population and also the largest Muslim economy. 5. Pakistan, nukes and a strong military.

If they come to the same page, rest would follow. But I don't see it happening in my lifetime
Would love to see this happening but sadly, that would never happen.

Do you think the West will actually stay behind and watch Turkey build a union, league or a NATO like military and place 50+ Muslim countries (bear in mind, I remember reading Muslim countries as whole have 16x more resources than the West) under them?

Do you think Russia and their neighbors who all have not so good history with them will stay idle?

Please, Europe learned their lesson in the last 1,000 years and they will do everything to make sure this would never happen. There is a reason why those dictatorships are puppets and they made sure their countries are weak, divided and undeveloped.

Also, Turkey will never do this nor able to create their "superpower" dream as long as they are part of NATO (aka US) meaning they are under their radar forever unless they leave.

History has numerous examples of powerful nations being ground into dust and downtrodden people rise to build powerful empires. This process of history doesnt stop, it just changes form and favours different groups at different periods of history. There was time if you said that Rome would fall people would have thought you insane or possessed by evil spirits. However, Rome did fall and disappeared and their fall was catalyzed amongst other things, by barbarian disorganized Germanic tribes. Two thousand years later those backward Germanic tribes almost conquered Europe, twice. Of course it was more complex but they feature quite heavily in the fall of Rome. Anyway, my point is, one can never tell. The best and only way to predict the future is to just gaze into the past.

Five countries need to be on the same page to unite the Muslims. 1. and 2. are Saudi and Iran because of ideological things and also they have huge resources.
3. Turkey, second largest Muslim economy with a good military. 4. Indonesia, largest Muslim country by population and also the largest Muslim economy. 5. Pakistan, nukes and a strong military.

If they come to the same page, rest would follow. But I don't see it happening in my lifetime

I agree. You are right. I dont see it happening, but Allah is the best of planners. A tribe of Arabs left the Peninsula and conquered the then known world bringing down two Empires as they expanded. It happens
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