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Can today's India compare to China around 15 years ago?

Yeah yeah I get it by now. India will be the only country that will transition into a 0.8 HDI country in 15 years because India is a special country. Who cares about other countries indeed. They are not on India's level not will they transform their society faster.

Simply because no other country is in the same boat as India. None have the possibility of high growth and high HDI.

You and your extrapolation again. Yeah India will hit double digit in 2 years time. Maybe India's growth rate will hit 30% per year in 5 years time if this trend continues. :lol:


You are the one extrapolating. I showed you the trend which shows that 8% growth can be achieved by 2020.

You forget that the current growth rate of 7.2% has been achieved with our dismal infrastructure and very poor social standards. What do you think will happen when all our of infrastructure projects start bearing fruit and social standards start improving?

Even if India is stuck with 8% growth, we will still be doing 8% for the next 20-30 years before the population starts declining. That's 8% growth for a large economy while transitioning from 0.64 to 0.8+. Good luck finding an equivalent.
Simply because no other country is in the same boat as India. None have the possibility of high growth and high HDI.

India has high HDI? Lol ok.

I showed you the trend which shows that 8% growth can be achieved by 2020.

And 10% by 2025, 12% by 2030, 15% by 2040...

I will believe it when I see it. Until then, your talk about double digit growth is just uninformed optimism.

You forget that the current growth rate of 7.2% has been achieved with our dismal infrastructure and very poor social standards. What do you think will happen when all our of infrastructure projects start bearing fruit and social standards start improving?

The same can be said for many other developing countries with poor infrastructures and social well-being. And 7.2% for India's current level of development is nothing spectacular.

That's 8% growth for a large economy while transitioning from 0.64 to 0.8+. Good luck finding an equivalent.

Mr Extrapolation, please continue repeating that India will transition to country with 0.8 HDI in 10-15 years, okay? It's so delusional that it's hilarious. :lol:
India should shoot their next Supa Powa movie in HK or Singapore. But having Chinese servants just does not sound as appealing as white servants as Indians are prejudice against East Asians.
Where as Indians worship white people as gods.
I'm being serious... You can troll someone elsee.Do you believe Singapore or Hong Kong are role models to learn from or not?
I'm being serious... You can troll someone elsee.Do you believe Singapore or Hong Kong are role models to learn from or not?

I’m not sure about Home Kong or Singapore. But I’m certain Dubai is a model.

India pick Dubai as a model here.

will, will, will.
These PDF RSSers of extremely low life expectancy will never see their wild delusion happen in their lifetime.

I agree with you on most point. But I disagree that PDF RSSers has low live expectancy. These are generally high caste Indians living off the labors of lower caste or Dalits. They will generally enjoy long life almost like Chinese or Westerners. But their servant caste has lower life expectancy than sub Saharan Africa
India will never catch up with China.

Average IQ of Chinese > Average IQ of Indians.

Chinese Politicians get rid of slums in their cities. Indian politicians slums in cities.

Great difference in mentalities too.
India has high HDI? Lol ok.

You failed to read.
None have the possibility of high growth and high HDI.

If you look at the list of Medium HDI countries, only India has transitioned by almost 0.01 points in just 1 year.

All other major countries in the list were 2-10 times slower. And if you go up the list, only Malaysia was faster than India, not by much, mind you.

And this is with lack of infrastructure, healthcare and education in India, which is set to change completely over the next 5 years.

The same can be said for many other developing countries with poor infrastructures and social well-being. And 7.2% for India's current level of development is nothing spectacular.

Nope. This is 7.2% while the economy is still under recovery after demonetization and GST. Private investment still hasn't come up to the levels it was a few years ago. Give it a couple months you will see a bigger number for Q4, and even high for the next Q1.

Mr Extrapolation, please continue repeating that India will transition to country with 0.8 HDI in 10-15 years, okay? It's so delusional that it's hilarious. :lol:

You will start seeing it yourself.

Even if we maintain only a 0.01 increase every year since the 2015 figure, we will still be at 0.77 in 2030. And a 0.01 growth every year is easily achievable for a country that will grow at more than 8%. And I'm saying we will increase our HDI much faster than that due to the simple reason that now the other half of India will actually have access to advanced healthcare.

Many health experts reacted positively to the plan. “This is a very proactive budget,” said Vinay Aggarwal, former president of the Indian Medical Association. “Before this, hardly 5 percent of Indians were covered by health insurance. If you take into account private health care, it’s hardly 10 percent. Now we’re addressing 45 percent,” he said
Even if we maintain only a 0.01 increase every year since the 2015 figure, we will still be at 0.77 in 2030. And a 0.01 growth every year is easily achievable for a country that will grow at more than 8%.

Yes I agree with your logic of linear extrapolation, sir. I'm confident that India will be the first country to reach a perfect HDI score of 1.00 by 2053 if we dare to dream further into the future. That will be an accomplishment no other country has achieved before.

And I'm saying we will increase our HDI much faster than that due to the simple reason that now the other half of India will actually have access to advanced healthcare.

Sweet, we have exponential extrapolation now! Maybe India can achieve the perfect HDI score by 2030 instead of 2053.
Yes I agree with your logic of linear extrapolation, sir. I'm confident that India will be the first country to reach a perfect HDI score of 1.00 by 2053 if we dare to dream further into the future. That will be an accomplishment no other country has achieved before.

Sweet, we have exponential extrapolation now! Maybe India can achieve the perfect HDI score by 2030 instead of 2053.

It's funny how your denial has resulted in silly jibes when my post should actually lead you to introspect.

I personally see CCP's one-child policy as a huge failure for China. If that didn't happen, China would have continued growing at double digits or at least more than 8% in clean growth, without the excessive debt, and China would be aiming for more than 0.9 HDI by 2030 instead of barely achieving 0.8 by 2030.

In conclusions: If you want better health and education fix economic growth. If you want faster economic growth provide better education and health service. GDP/capita appears to be as good a measure of progress of nations as are HDI.

Hans Rosling

You see? What I'm saying is not far-fetched. It's corroborated by some of the best minds around. Our GDP per capita is going to grow really fast in a short amount of time. Hence, so will HDI.
Do you deny that Hong Kong and Singapore are role models to base any city's growth on ?

Being role model is one thing but when Indians start dreaming of competing with these two cities in the future that's what i call DELUSION. The article clearly states that India is hoping it could become like HK, i was like WTF o_O
Your fellow Indians also used to say forget about Shanghai here comes Bombay, and what has become of it? :lol:
There are truck full of factors i can come up with that India cannot create something similar like HK. Anyway good luck to India whatever role models you guys like to pick be it New York, London, Dubai, Singapore. :)
India in a time can no longer piggy back on the Highly developed western nations to transform their economy to become a developed nation in a near future.

Being role model is one thing but when Indians start dreaming of competing with these two cities in the future that's what i call DELUSION. The article clearly states that India is hoping it could become like HK, i was like WTF o_O
Your fellow Indians also used to say forget about Shanghai here comes Bombay, and what has become of it? :lol:
There are truck full of factors i can come up with that India cannot create something similar like HK. Anyway good luck to India whatever role models you guys like to pick be it New York, London, Dubai, Singapore. :)
Freaking H.K highly developed economy before return to China, how can Mumbai ever compete with H.K in the past or in the future?
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